
Usages of sebelum

Dia suka dengar muzik cepat sebelum kerja.
He/She likes to listen to fast music before work.
Dia sedang membaca buku sejarah sebelum tidur malam ini.
He/She is reading a history book before sleeping tonight.
Selepas perjalanan panjang di bandar, kita berehat sebentar sebelum makan malam.
After a long trip in the city, we rest for a while before dinner.
Saya perlu tulis tarikh penting itu sebelum saya hantar laporan.
I need to write that important date before I send the report.
Dia akan tutup laptop sebelum dia pergi berjalan dengan keluarganya.
He/She will close the laptop before going for a walk with his/her family.
Saya suka baca surat khabar sebelum bangun sepenuhnya dari katil.
I like to read the newspaper before fully getting up from bed.
Kita boleh hantar semua dokumen ke pejabat sebelum pintu tutup malam ini.
We can send all documents to the office before the door closes tonight.
Saya baca dokumen penting sebelum kerja.
I read the important document before work.
Dia sudah menyiapkan semua tugasan sebelum pukul enam.
He/She has already finished all tasks before six o’clock.
Namun, jika saya sudah keluar awal, saya mungkin tiba di pejabat sebelum orang lain.
However, if I have already left early, I might arrive at the office before everyone else.
Anak saya pandai bermain bola di taman sebelum waktu senja.
My child is clever at playing ball in the park before dusk.
Sebelum bersenam, adik saya meletakkan fail penting di atas bangku dekat pejabat.
Before exercising, my younger sibling places an important file on the bench near the office.
Cawan kopi dan pinggan bersih disusun rapi sebelum makan tengahari bermula.
Coffee cups and clean plates are arranged neatly before lunch begins.
Jika adik saya bermain terlalu lama, dia akan kekurangan tenaga untuk membaca nota sebelum tidur.
If my younger sibling plays too long, he/she will lack energy to read notes before sleeping.
Tolong sapa ibu awak sebelum keluar rumah.
Please greet your mother before leaving the house.
Sila jangan lupa telefon awak di atas meja sebelum kita keluar.
Please do not forget your phone on the table before we go out.
Tolong pastikan kasut awak bersih sebelum masuk ke rumah.
Please make sure your shoes are clean before entering the house.
Saya perlu mencuba basikal itu dahulu sebelum membelinya.
I need to try that bicycle first before buying it.
Abang saya mencuba seluar baru di kedai, kemudian dia pulang untuk menukar kasut sebelum mesyuarat.
My older brother tried on new pants at the store, then he returned home to change his shoes before the meeting.
Saya pinjam buku itu semalam, tetapi saya harus pulangkannya sebelum kelas tamat.
I borrowed that book yesterday, but I must return it before class ends.
Saya sampai ke rumah sebelum makan malam.
I arrive home before dinner. is an online learning platform
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