Usages of buku
Saya bawa buku penting kepada teman saya supaya dia boleh belajar tentang sejarah.
I bring an important book to my friend so that he/she can learn about history.
Dia sedang membaca buku sejarah sebelum tidur malam ini.
He/She is reading a history book before sleeping tonight.
Saya beli sebuah buku penting.
I buy an important book.
Awak tanya soalan kepada guru tentang buku itu.
You ask the teacher a question about the book.
Awak pilih buku yang sedap dibaca.
You choose a book that is enjoyable to read.
Awak lupa bawa buku penting itu.
You forgot to bring that important book.
Bolehkah awak tulis tarikh hari ini di buku itu?
Can you write today's date in that book?
Saya sedang baca buku yang menarik sambil menunggu kedai buka.
I am reading an interesting book while waiting for the shop to open.
Buku ini seperti majalah.
This book is like a magazine.
Saya tulis nota pada buku.
I write a note on the book.
Semua buku penting.
All books are important.
Buku itu menarik.
That book is interesting.
Saya beli buku agar saya boleh belajar sejarah.
I buy a book so that I can study history.
Saya perlukan buku penting.
I need an important book.
Saya simpan buku penting di meja.
I keep the important book on the table.
Saya meletakkan buku di atas meja.
I place the book on the table.
Saya simpan buku di rak.
I keep a book on the shelf.
Buku saya berlainan.
My book is different.
Saya beli buku resepi.
I buy a recipe book.
Saya baca buku pada waktu lapang.
I read a book during free time.
Kakak saya gemar membaca buku dekat dinding bilik yang penuh dengan gambar keluarga.
My older sister loves reading books near the wall of the room that is full of family photos.
Pastikan awak bawa buku penting untuk belajar sejarah.
Make sure you bring an important book to study history.
Saya suka buku lama.
I like old books.
Saya hampir lupa bawa buku penting.
I almost forgot to bring the important book.
Saya tersalah ambil buku.
I took the wrong book.
Adakah awak sudah meminjam buku penting kepada guru, atau awak belum sempat?
Have you already borrowed the important book from the teacher, or have you not had the chance yet?
Saya pinjam buku itu semalam, tetapi saya harus pulangkannya sebelum kelas tamat.
I borrowed that book yesterday, but I must return it before class ends.
Siapa ada buku penting?
Who has the important book?
Buku kegemaran saya menarik.
My favorite book is interesting.
Saya baca buku tebal ketika belajar sejarah.
I read a thick book when studying history.
Saya pulangkan buku kepada guru.
I return the book to the teacher.
Buku ini menjadikan saya pandai.
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