Usages of wa
Sisi tunavaa mavazi mazuri wakati wa sherehe.
We wear beautiful clothes during celebrations.
Wimbo wa mtoto ni mzuri.
The child's song is nice.
Je, unajua kuogelea baharini wakati wa mchana, au unaogopa maji mengi?
Do you know how to swim in the ocean during the afternoon, or are you afraid of a lot of water?
Mwisho wa wiki hii, baba ataingia shamba, ambako mboga nyingi zinakuzwa.
At the end of this week, father will enter the farm, where many vegetables are grown.
Baba atakuja mwisho wa wiki.
Father will come at the end of the week.
Mimi ninasikia wimbo wa mtoto asubuhi.
I hear the child's song in the morning.
Mtihani huu unategemea sana uelewa wetu wa masomo ya awali.
This exam depends heavily on our understanding of previous subjects.
Mama ameamua kualika jirani zetu ili kuzungumza juu ya mpango wa usafi.
Mother has decided to invite our neighbors to talk about the cleaning plan.
Chura wale wanaweza kuwa rafiki wa bustani, kwa sababu wanakula wadudu wabaya.
Those frogs can be friends of the garden, because they eat harmful insects.
Usafiri wa umma husadia kupunguza gharama za safari yetu.
Public transportation helps reduce the cost of our trip.
Tuwe makini tusije tukaanguka, maana mlima huu unakuwa hatari wakati wa mvua.
Let us be careful so that we do not fall, because this mountain becomes dangerous during the rain.
Mgongo wa baba uliumia jana, kwa hiyo anatakiwa kupumzika nyumbani leo.
Father’s back was hurt yesterday, so he is required to rest at home today.
Mama anataka kununua jembe jipya kabla ya msimu wa kilimo, ili aweze kulima shamba vizuri.
Mother wants to buy a new hoe before the farming season, so that she can cultivate the farm well.
Mimi napenda msimu wa mvua.
I like the rainy season.
Baada ya semina, tutakuwa na kongamano la walimu na wazazi kujadili mustakabali wa elimu.
After the seminar, we will have a conference of teachers and parents to discuss the future of education.
Dereva wa basi atatusafirisha hadi sinema leo usiku, tukimaliza kazi zetu.
The bus driver will transport us to the cinema tonight, after we finish our work.
Tunatumia unga huu wa ngano kutengeneza chapati.
We use this wheat flour to make chapati.
Mimi ninahitaji muda kamili wa mkutano wetu ili niweze kupanga ratiba.
I need the exact time of our meeting so that I can plan the schedule.
Mama ana mkono imara anapokanda unga wa chapati.
Mother has a strong arm when kneading chapati dough.
Niambie ukweli, je, umepata muda wa kujifunza leo?
Tell me the truth, have you found time to study today?
Wateja hupenda bidhaa bora sokoni, hasa pale wanapohitaji usalama wa afya.
Customers like quality goods at the market, especially when they need health safety.
Vifaa hivi vimeharibika, hivyo tunapaswa kugeuza mpango wetu wa kuwasilisha ripoti leo.
These tools are broken, so we must change our plan to present the report today.
Usisahau kugeuza upande wa karatasi hiyo, ili usome maelekezo yaliyoandikwa nyuma.
Do not forget to turn over that paper so that you read the instructions written on the back.
Mimi na Juma tunatembea upande wa barabara.
Juma and I are walking on the side of the road.
Serikali imetoa uwezekano wa kupanua shule zetu kwa kasi kubwa.
The government has provided the possibility to expand our schools rapidly.
Serikali pia inatengeneza uwezekano wa kuongeza vituo vya afya karibu na mpaka wetu.
The government is also creating the possibility of adding health centers near our border.
Nimeomba ushauri wa kiongozi juu ya jinsi ya kuanzisha biashara ndogo.
I have asked the leader for advice on how to start a small business.
Wakati wa mazungumzo yetu, niliona kioo kikubwa ninachokiabudu kwa urembo wake.
During our conversation, I saw a large mirror that I admire for its beauty.
Mimi ninashangaa na ukubwa wa nyumba yangu.
I am amazed by the size of my house.
Ukubwa wa nyumba yangu ni muhimu.
The size of my house is important.
Asha anaugua ugonjwa wa homa, lakini anatarajia kupona haraka.
Asha is suffering from a fever disease, but she expects to recover quickly.
Mwanzo wa kitabu hiki ni mgumu, lakini hadithi inavutia zaidi baadaye.
The beginning of this book is difficult, but the story becomes more interesting later.
Katika mchakato wa kujifunza Kiswahili, kila siku unahitaji kufanya mazoezi.
In the process of learning Swahili, you need to practice every day.
Serikali imeahidi kuleta miradi mipya kwa ustawi wa wananchi.
The government has promised to bring new projects for the prosperity of the citizens.
Uaminifu ni msingi mzuri wa urafiki na familia.
Honesty is a good foundation for friendship and family.
Utamaduni wa shule ni muhimu.
The culture of the school is important.
Nitaenda kufua nguo zote kesho asubuhi ili ziwe safi wakati wa mchana.
I will wash all the clothes tomorrow morning so that they are clean by midday.
Nafikiri kuna pendekezo zuri la kuongeza muda wa kujifunza kabla ya mtihani.
I think there is a good suggestion to add study time before the exam.
Baba aliunga mkono pendekezo hilo kwa sababu anaona uhitaji mkubwa wa muda wa mazoezi.
Father supported that suggestion because he sees a big need for practice time.
Chumba chenye madirisha makubwa kinapendeza zaidi kwa mwanga wa asubuhi.
A room that has large windows looks more attractive in the morning light.
Mimi ninaona uhitaji wa kuandika orodha ya mahitaji kabla ya kwenda dukani.
I see the need to write a list of requirements before going to the shop.
Bustani yenye maua mekundu hupendeza sana wakati wa jioni.
A garden that has red flowers is very appealing in the evening.
Mimi nina uhitaji wa kupumzika.
I have a need to rest.
Tafadhali usitusukume kuondoka mapema, tunahitaji muda wa kuandaa pakiti za zawadi.
Please do not push us to leave early—we need time to prepare the gift packets.
Mama anapenda kuonyesha ukarimu kwa kujitolea kupika chakula kwa marafiki wakati wa sherehe.
Mother likes to show generosity by volunteering to cook food for friends during celebrations.
Tulipofika ghorofani, tuliangalia namna utawala wa shule unavyosimamia mpangilio wa vyumba.
When we reached the upper floor, we looked at how the school administration manages the arrangement of rooms.
Mara nyingi, kusoma chuo kikuu huongeza akili na uwezo wa kudhibiti changamoto za kimaisha.
Often, attending university increases the mind’s capacity and the ability to control life’s challenges.
Mpangilio wa darasa ni mzuri.
The classroom arrangement is good. is an online learning platform
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