Question | Answer |
to | a |
at what time | a qué hora |
sometimes | a veces |
openly | abiertamente |
open | abierto |
to open | abrir |
bored | aburrido |
to approach | acercarse |
to go to bed | acostarse |
to adopt | adoptar |
pleasant | agradable |
now | ahora |
right now | ahora mismo |
to save | ahorrar |
upon | al |
something | algo |
to have lunch | almorzar |
to rent | alquilar |
kind | amable |
last night | anoche |
before | antes |
before | antes de |
the apartment | apartamento |
to appreciate | apreciar |
to learn | aprender |
here | aquí |
to fix | arreglar |
to ensure | asegurar |
to secure | asegurar |
to make sure | asegurar |
to attend | asistir |
so | así que |
although, even though | aunque |
although | aunque |
even though | aunque |
yesterday | ayer |
to help | ayudar |
blue | azul |
still | aún |
to dance | bailar |
cheap | barato |
quite | bastante |
well | bien |
pretty | bonito |
brief | breve |
good | buen |
good | bueno |
to look for | buscar |
to fit | caber |
every | cada |
each, every | cada |
calm | calma |
to change | cambiar |
Walk | Camina |
to walk | caminar |
tired | cansado |
to sing | cantar |
affectionate | cariñoso |
expensive | caro |
to celebrate | celebrar |
to have dinner | cenar |
near | cerca |
near | cerca de |
closed | cerrado |
to close | cerrar |
classical | clásica |
classical | clásico |
to cook | cocinar |
Eat | Come |
to eat | comer |
as | como |
to share | compartir |
complicated | complicado |
to buy | comprar |
to understand | comprender |
community | comunitario |
with | con |
to meet | conocer |
to know | conocer |
to tell | contar |
happy | contento |
to run | correr |
to believe | creer |
to raise | criar |
when | cuando |
to take care | cuidarse |
to turn | cumplir |
how | cómo |
comfortable | cómodo |
to give | dar |
to realize | darse cuenta |
of | de |
from | de |
that | de que |
must | deber |
to say | decir |
to dedicate | dedicar |
to let | dejar |
of | del |
of the | del |
delicious | delicioso |
too | demasiado |
to have breakfast | desayunar |
to rest | descansar |
to break | descomponerse |
to discover | descubrir |
since | desde |
to wish | desear |
to desire, to want | desear |
to wake up | despertar |
to wake up | despertarse |
then | después |
after | después |
after | después de |
to stop | detener |
different | diferente |
difficult | difícil |
to discuss | discutir |
to enjoy | disfrutar |
fun | divertido |
funny | divertido |
to have fun | divertirse |
to sleep | dormir |
the owner | dueño |
sweet | dulce |
during | durante |
hard | duro |
where | dónde |
the | el |
the grandfather | el abuelo |
the water | el agua |
the lunch | el almuerzo |
the apartment | el apartamento |
the closet | el armario |
the art | el arte |
the article | el artículo |
the seat | el asiento |
the bus | el autobús |
the plane | el avión |
the year | el año |
the forest | el bosque |
the puppy | el cachorro |
the coffee | el café |
the car | el carro |
the downtown area | el centro |
the pig | el cerdo |
the joke | el chiste |
the cinema | el cine |
the weather | el clima |
the color | el color |
the compartment | el compartimiento |
the classmate | el compañero |
the conflict | el conflicto |
the tip | el consejo |
the advice | el consejo |
the contract | el contrato |
the painting | el cuadro |
the birthday | el cumpleaños |
the right | el derecho |
the breakfast | el desayuno |
the discount | el descuento |
the detail | el detalle |
the dictionary | el diccionario |
the money | el dinero |
the owner | el dueño |
the sweet | el dulce |
the day | el día |
the exercise | el ejercicio |
the luggage | el equipaje |
the effort | el esfuerzo |
the parking lot | el estacionamiento |
the state | el estado |
the student | el estudiante |
the study | el estudio |
the holiday | el feriado |
the festival | el festival |
the bottom | el fondo |
the bottom/back | el fondo |
the formal one | el formal |
the front | el frente |
the cat | el gato |
the gym | el gimnasio |
the guard | el guardia |
the brother | el hermano |
the schedule | el horario |
the hotel | el hotel |
the language | el idioma |
the imperative | el imperativo |
the instant | el instante |
the winter | el invierno |
the garden | el jardín |
the book | el libro |
the Monday | el lunes |
the command | el mandato |
the map | el mapa |
the sea | el mar |
the material | el material |
the message | el mensaje |
the month | el mes |
the minute | el minuto |
the moment | el momento |
the museum | el museo |
the child | el niño |
the landscape | el paisaje |
the dad | el papá |
the park | el parque |
the cake | el pastel |
the yard | el patio |
the country | el país |
the pedestrian | el peatón |
the dog | el perro |
the board | el pizarrón |
plan | el plan |
the dish | el plato |
the police officer | el policía |
the dessert | el postre |
the cousin | el primo |
the problem | el problema |
the teacher | el profesor |
the show | el programa |
the project | el proyecto |
the next | el próximo |
the recognition | el reconocimiento |
the tour | el recorrido |
the memory | el recuerdo |
the gift | el regalo |
the present | el regalo |
the cold | el resfriado |
the restaurant | el restaurante |
the noise | el ruido |
the meaning | el significado |
the sofa | el sofá |
the Saturday | el sábado |
the earplug | el tapón de oído |
the bowl | el tazón |
the theater | el teatro |
the TV | el televisor |
the topic | el tema |
the time | el tiempo |
the weather | el tiempo |
the tone | el tono |
the work | el trabajo |
the train | el tren |
the traffic | el tráfico |
the trip | el viaje |
the traveler | el viajero |
the wind | el viento |
the Friday | el viernes |
the shoe | el zapato |
the doctor | el doctor |
the place | el lugar |
the doctor | el médico |
the place | el sitio |
the mood | el ánimo |
she | ella |
it | ello |
they | ellos |
them | ellos |
on | en |
in, at | en |
by | en |
at | en |
at, in | en |
in, on | en |
in, into | en |
to love | encantar |
to find | encontrar |
sick | enfermo |
in front of | enfrente de |
enormous | enorme |
immediately | enseguida |
right away | enseguida |
to teach | enseñar |
to understand | entender |
to enter | entrar |
to train | entrenar |
to make a mistake | equivocarse |
to write | escribir |
to listen | escuchar |
Spanish | español |
special | especial |
especially | especialmente |
to hope | esperar |
to expect | esperar |
to be | estar |
to study | estudiar |
this | esta |
these | estas |
this | este |
these | estos |
to avoid | evitar |
to explain | explicar |
to fascinate | fascinar |
favorite | favorito |
happy | feliz |
flexible | flexible |
formal | formal |
fresh | fresco |
cold | frío |
strong | fuerte |
easy | fácil |
funny | gracioso |
big | gran |
big | grande |
large | grande |
to store | guardar |
to like | gustar |
there was | haber |
to be (existential) | haber |
there is | haber |
to have cried | haber llorado |
to have seemed | haber parecido |
to have thought | haber pensado |
to have tried | haber probado |
to have been | haber sido |
to have visited | haber visitado |
Speak | Habla |
to speak | hablar |
to talk | hablar |
to do | hacer |
to do, to make | hacer |
to make | hacer |
to find | hallar |
there is | hay |
beautiful | hermoso |
today | hoy |
important | importante |
unexpected | inesperado |
informal | informal |
English | inglés |
to start | iniciar |
unforgettable | inolvidable |
to insist | insistir |
to try | intentar |
to exchange | intercambiar |
interesting | interesante |
to invite | invitar |
to go | ir |
to be going to | ir a |
to play | jugar |
together | juntos |
fair | justo |
the | la |
the attitude | la actitud |
the attention | la atención |
the adventure | la aventura |
the help | la ayuda |
the beverage | la bebida |
the drink | la bebida |
the library | la biblioteca |
the bicycle | la bicicleta |
the quality | la calidad |
the street | la calle |
the calm | la calma |
the bed | la cama |
the song | la canción |
the face | la cara |
the house | la casa |
the home | la casa |
the house, home | la casa |
the celebration | la celebración |
the dinner | la cena |
the date | la cita |
the appointment | la cita |
the city | la ciudad |
the class | la clase |
the key | la clave |
the clinic | la clínica |
the kitchen | la cocina |
the tail | la cola |
the collection | la colección |
the food | la comida |
the meal | la comida |
the computer | la computadora |
the thing | la cosa |
the habit | la costumbre |
the spoon | la cuchara |
the culture | la cultura |
the discipline | la disciplina |
the emotion | la emoción |
the energy | la energía |
the ticket | la entrada |
the school | la escuela |
the station | la estación |
the experience | la experiencia |
the family | la familia |
the date | la fecha |
the party | la fiesta |
the flower | la flor |
the photograph | la fotografía |
the frequency | la frecuencia |
the fruit | la fruta |
the formula | la fórmula |
the people | la gente |
the farm | la granja |
the guide | la guía |
the skill | la habilidad |
the room | la habitación |
the sister | la hermana |
the story | la historia |
the history | la historia |
the hour | la hora |
the idea | la idea |
the childhood | la infancia |
the lesson | la lección |
the milk | la leche |
the reading | la lectura |
the bookstore | la librería |
the teacher | la maestra |
the suitcase | la maleta |
the mom | la mamá |
the way | la manera |
the hand | la mano |
the pet | la mascota |
the morning | la mañana |
the best | la mejor |
the best route | la mejor ruta |
the mind | la mente |
the table | la mesa |
the goal | la meta |
the backpack | la mochila |
the mountain | la montaña |
the music | la música |
the classical music | la música clásica |
the night | la noche |
the news | la noticia |
the new residence | la nueva residencia |
the work | la obra |
the office | la oficina |
the patience | la paciencia |
the word | la palabra |
the part | la parte |
the peace | la paz |
the movie | la película |
the person | la persona |
the skin | la piel |
the spring | la primavera |
the rush | la prisa |
the door | la puerta |
which | la que |
the recipe | la receta |
the residence | la residencia |
the meeting | la reunión |
the magazine | la revista |
the clothes | la ropa |
the clothing | la ropa |
the route | la ruta |
the living room | la sala |
the exit | la salida |
the departure | la salida |
the health | la salud |
the week | la semana |
the chair | la silla |
the situation | la situación |
the solution | la solución |
the soup | la sopa |
the homework | la tarea |
the task | la tarea |
the store | la tienda |
the aunt | la tía |
the cow | la vaca |
the window | la ventana |
the time | la vez |
the life | la vida |
the visit | la visita |
the view | la vista |
the voice | la voz |
unfortunately | lamentablemente |
long | largo |
the five | las cinco |
the flowers | las flores |
the mathematics | las matemáticas |
the seven | las siete |
to wash | lavar |
to him | le |
to read | leer |
slowly | lentamente |
to get up | levantarse |
to wake up | levantarse |
free | libre |
light | ligero |
to clean | limpiar |
clean | limpio |
ready | listo |
to call | llamar |
to arrive | llegar |
to carry | llevar |
to take | llevar |
to cry | llorar |
to rain | llover |
it | lo |
local | local |
to achieve | lograr |
them | los |
the parents | los padres |
the | las |
the | los |
Madrid | Madrid |
to drive | manejar |
to keep | mantener |
wonderful | maravilloso |
the morning | maañana |
tomorrow | mañana |
to me | me |
to meditate | meditar |
better | mejor |
to improve | mejorar |
to get better | mejorar |
less | menos |
least | menos |
mental | mental |
to deserve | merecer |
to mix | mezclar |
my | mi |
while | mientras |
while | mientras que |
my | mis |
modern | moderno |
wet | mojado |
to move | mover |
many | muchas |
a lot | mucho |
much, a lot of | mucho |
much | mucho |
a lot of | mucha |
a lot of | mucho |
a lot | muchísimo |
very | muy |
me | me |
me | mí |
more | más |
to swim | nadar |
swimming | nadar |
necessary | necesario |
to need | necesitar |
no | no |
not | no |
ourselves | nos |
us | nos |
we | nosotros |
to have noticed | notar |
our | nuestras |
our | nuestra |
our | nuestro |
new | nuevo |
never | nunca |
or | o |
official | oficial |
I hope | ojalá |
to forget | olvidar |
organized | ordenado |
other | otro |
another | otro |
for | para |
to | para |
for, to | para |
in order to | para |
so | para que |
to participate | participar |
past | pasado |
to pass | pasar |
to spend | pasar |
the country | país |
to think | pensar |
worse | peor |
small | pequeño |
to allow | permitir |
but | pero |
heavy | pesado |
to paint | pintar |
little by little | poco a poco |
can | poder |
to be able | poder |
to set | poner |
to put | poner |
by | por |
through | por |
because of | por |
for | por |
please | por favor |
because | porque |
positive | positivo |
to practice | practicar |
to prefer | preferir |
to ask | preguntar |
to worry | preocupar |
to worry | preocuparse |
to prepare | preparar |
to lend | prestar |
first | primer |
to try | probar |
deep | profundo |
to promise | prometer |
soon | pronto |
next | próximo |
to stay | quedar |
to remain | quedarse |
to stay | quedarse |
to receive | recibir |
to pick up | recoger |
to remember | recordar |
to give (as a gift) | regalar |
to give | regalar |
to relax | relajarse |
relevant | relevante |
to reserve | reservar |
sturdy | resistente |
to result | resultar |
to gather | reunir |
to have gathered | reunirse |
check | revisa |
to check | revisar |
to review | revisar |
to laugh | reír |
to laugh | reírse |
delicious | rico |
to break | romper |
noisy | ruidoso |
quickly | rápidamente |
fast | rápido |
quick | rápido |
to know | saber |
to leave | salir |
to go out | salir |
healthy | saludable |
themselves | se |
itself, oneself | se |
itself | se |
to dry | secar |
sure | seguro |
according to | según |
simple | sencillo |
to feel | sentir |
to feel | sentirse |
to be | ser |
serious | serio |
to serve | servir |
if | si |
always | siempre |
simple | simple |
without | sin |
leftover | sobrante |
about | sobre |
alone | solo |
to solve | solucionar |
his | su |
their | su |
its | su |
to climb | subir |
to happen | suceder |
dirty | sucio |
too | también |
as well | también |
so | tan |
so | tanto |
as much as | tanto como |
late | tarde |
early | temprano |
to have to | tener que |
to finish | terminar |
to end | terminar |
sweet | tierno |
every | todos |
everyone | todos |
all, every | todos |
all | todas |
all | todos |
to take | tomar |
to work | trabajar |
to bring | traer |
quiet | tranquilo |
calm | tranquilo |
three | tres |
sad | triste |
your | tu |
your | tus |
you | ti |
you | tú |
technical | técnico |
an, a | un |
a, an | un |
a | un |
an | un |
a break | un descanso |
a bit | un poco |
a summary | un resumen |
a | una |
a few | unos |
a, an | una |
to use | usar |
usually | usualmente |
to be worth | valer |
to value | valorar |
to see | ver |
to watch | ver |
green | verde |
to travel | viajar |
to watch | vigilar |
to visit | visitar |
to live | vivir |
to return | volver |
and | y |
I | yo |
to drink | beber |
in | de |
to want | desear |
to return | devolver |
in | en |
that | esa |
that | ese |
to have | haber |
the friend | la amiga |
to want | querer |
to return | regresar |
to drink | tomar |
that | que |
to have | tener |
the friend | el amigo |
can you | ¿puedes |
have you | ¿has |
he | él |
useful | útil |