
Usages of wees

Jy is mooi.
You are beautiful.
Jy is my vriend.
You are my friend.
Dankie, jy is goed.
Thank you, you are good.
Hy is ook hier.
He is also here.
Hierdie boek is nuut.
This book is new.
Ons huis is skoon.
Our house is clean.
Die kamers is ook skoon.
The rooms are also clean.
Hierdie tafel is lank.
This table is long.
Daardie stoel is kort.
That chair is short.
Ek is nie negatief nie.
I am not negative.
Daardie huis is groot en mooi.
That house is big and beautiful.
Ons huis is nuut.
Our house is new.
Hul huis is skoon.
Their house is clean.
Ek is klaar met my werk.
I am finished with my work.
Hulle sal ook suiker en melk koop as dit nodig is.
They will also buy sugar and milk if it is needed.
Die smaak is lekker.
The taste is nice.
Die kind se hond is hier.
The child's dog is here.
Ek sien 'n klein huis, maar die kamers is groot.
I see a small house, but the rooms are big.
Hy maak die venster onmiddellik oop, want dit is warm.
He immediately opens the window, because it is warm.
Ek sien dat jy besig is, want jy het baie werk.
I see that you are busy, because you have a lot of work.
Die kind wat nou praat, is my suster.
The child who is speaking now is my sister.
My suster sê dat ons huis mooi is.
My sister says that our house is beautiful.
Is jy gereed om saam met my dorp toe te gaan?
Are you ready to go to town with me?
Ons dorp is klein, maar mense besoek dit graag.
Our town is small, but people like to visit it.
Sodra jy gereed is, besoek ons asseblief weer.
As soon as you are ready, please visit us again.
Is dit moontlik om nou te vertrek?
Is it possible to leave now?
Hy dink dat dit nie moontlik is om onmiddellik klaar te wees nie.
He thinks that it is not possible to be finished immediately.
Ek wou daardie kos proe, maar ek was te haastig.
I wanted to taste that food, but I was too much in a hurry.
Hy wou my hond sien, al was hy besig met werk.
He wanted to see my dog, even though he was busy with work.
Sy sal daarna gaan slaap, want sy is moeg.
She will go to sleep afterwards, because she is tired.
Ek is moeg, maar ek sal tog in die tuin loop.
I am tired, but I will still walk in the garden.
Die vraag wat jy vra, is belangrik.
The question you ask is important.
Die mense is in die kamer.
The people are in the room.
Sodra ons klaar is, gaan ons huis toe.
As soon as we are finished, we go home.
Ek is nog besig met die werk.
I am still busy with the work.
Hy is haastig, want hy wil nou klaar wees.
He is in a hurry, because he wants to be finished now.
Ons moet nou gaan slaap, want dit is laat.
We must now go to sleep, because it is late.
Die lug is warm.
The air is warm.
Ons huis is belangrik vir ons.
Our house is important to us.
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