Question | Answer |
a bit | kidogo |
a little | kidogo |
a lot | nyingi |
a lot | sana |
a lot | mengi |
about | kuhusu |
above | juu |
after | baada ya |
again | tena |
all | sote |
all | zote |
all | wote |
all | vyote |
alone | pekee |
already | tayari |
also | pia |
alternative | mbadala |
although | ingawa |
always | daima |
among | kati ya |
among | kwa |
and | na |
are | je |
as before | kama kabla |
Asha | Asha |
at | kwenye |
at | kwa |
at home | nyumbani |
at night | usiku |
attentive | makini |
back | nyuma |
bad | mbaya |
beautiful | mzuri |
beautiful | nzuri |
because | kwa sababu |
because | kwa kuwa |
because of | kwa sababu ya |
before | kabla ya |
before | kabla |
better | bora |
between | kati ya |
big | kubwa |
big | mkubwa |
blue | samawati |
brief | mfupi |
but | lakini |
by | kwa |
by | na |
by | kando ya |
captivating | vutia |
careful | makini |
careful | mwangalifu |
carefully | kwa uangalifu |
clean | safi |
clear | eleweka |
close | karibu |
closed | fungwa |
cold | baridi |
completely | kabisa |
dangerous | hatari |
dear | kipenzi |
decent | nadhifu |
deeply | sana |
delicious | kitamu |
delicious | tamu |
despite | licha ya |
different | tofauti |
different | mbalimbali |
difficult | mgumu |
difficult | ngumu |
dinner | chakula cha jioni |
do | je |
does | je |
early | mapema |
easily | kwa urahisi |
easy | rahisi |
elegant | maridadi |
especially | hasa |
even | hata |
even if | hata kama |
every | kila |
expensive | ghali |
far | mbali |
far away | mbali |
fast | haraka |
few | chache |
fifth | tano |
final | mwisho |
finally | hatimaye |
first | kwanza |
for | kwa |
for | kwa ajili ya |
forward | mbele |
from | kutoka |
from | kutoka kwa |
further | zaidi |
good | mzuri |
good | kizuri |
good | nzuri |
good | vizuri |
good | bora |
good | vyema |
good | kzuri |
good | njema |
good | zuri |
good | mema |
great | kubwa |
great | mkubwa |
greatly | mno |
green | kijani |
happy | furahi |
happy | mwenye furaha |
happy | wenye furaha |
hard | ngumu |
he/she | yeye |
heavy | mzito |
heavy | nzito |
her | yeye |
her | zake |
him | yeye |
him/her | naye |
his | zake |
his | yake |
his | wake |
his/her | yake |
his/her | wake |
holiday | likizo |
hot | moto |
how | jinsi ya |
how | jinsi gani |
I | mimi |
if | kama |
if | ikiwa |
if | iwapo |
important | muhimu |
in | katika |
in | kwenye |
in | kati |
in | kwa |
in | ndani ya |
in front of | mbele ya |
in order to | ili |
in the morning | asubuhi |
inside | ndani |
inside | ndani ya |
inside | huko ndani |
instead | badala yake |
investigative | vya uchunguzi |
it | hiyo |
its | yake |
its | vyake |
Juma | Juma |
Kiswahili | Kiswahili |
large | kubwa |
large | mkubwa |
last | mwisho |
last night | jana usiku |
later | baadaye |
little | kidogo |
long | ndefu |
long | mrefu |
love | upendo |
lovely | pendeza |
loving | yenye upendo |
main | kuu |
many | wengi |
many | nyingi |
many | vingi |
many | mengi |
many | mingi |
math | hesabu |
me | ni |
me | mimi |
mine | changu |
minor | mdogo |
modern | kisasa |
more | zaidi |
Mr. Khalid | Bwana Khalid |
must | lazima |
my | yangu |
my | wangu |
my | zangu |
my | changu |
my | langu |
near | karibu na |
near | karibu |
near the beach | karibu na ufukwe |
near the ocean | karibu na bahari |
neat | nadhifu |
necessary | lazima |
neighboring | jirani |
new | mpya |
new | kipya |
nice | mzuri |
nice | nzuri |
nice | zuri |
now | sasa |
of | wa |
of | ya |
of | za |
of | la |
of | cha |
of | vya |
often | mara nyingi |
on | kwenye |
on | juu ya |
on top | juu |
one | moja |
or | au |
orphan | yatima |
other | wingine |
other | kingine |
others | wengine |
our | yetu |
our | wetu |
our | vyetu |
our | chetu |
our | kwetu |
outdoor | nje |
outside | nje |
over | juu ya |
perhaps | pengine |
pleasant | nzuri |
pleasant | tamu |
please | tafadhali |
possessing | mwenye |
primary | msingi |
proper | sahihi |
quickly | haraka |
Rahma | Rahma |
rather than | badala ya |
really | kweli |
received | kupokea |
red | nyekundu |
registration | usajili |
respectfully | heshima |
rich | tajiri |
right now | sasa |
roasted | kuchoma |
safe | salama |
second | pili |
secondary | sekondari |
severe | mkali |
she | yeye |
short | fupi |
should | paswa |
should | kupaswa |
sick | mgonjwa |
simple | rahisi |
since | tangu |
sixth | sita |
slowly | taratibu |
small | ndogo |
small | kidogo |
small | dogo |
small | mdogo |
so | kwa hiyo |
so | hivyo |
so that | ili |
some | baadhi |
sometimes | wakati mwingine |
sorry | samahani |
special | maalum |
speed | kasi |
stable | imara |
still | bado |
strong | mwenye nguvu |
strong | nguvu |
strong | imara |
strong | mkali |
such as | kama |
sudden | ghafla |
suddenly | ghafla |
Swahili | Kiswahili |
sweet | tamu |
tall | kirefu |
tasty | mtamu |
tasty | tamu |
ten | kumi |
than | kuliko |
that | huyo |
that | hicho |
that | kwamba |
that | hilo |
that | kile |
that | hiyo |
that | yule |
that | ambacho |
that has | yenye |
that has | chenye |
the ability | uwezo |
the accident | ajali |
the activity | shughuli |
the administration | utawala |
the advice | ushauri |
the afternoon | mchana |
the airport | uwanja wa ndege |
the anger | hasira |
the animal | mnyama |
the answer | jibu |
the appearance | mwonekano |
the area | eneo |
the arm | mkono |
the aroma | harufu |
the arrangement | mpangilio |
the attempt | jaribio |
the attentiveness | usikivu |
the avocado | parachichi |
the back | mgongo |
the bag | mfuko |
the ball | mpira |
the basket | kikapu |
the beauty | urembo |
the bed | kitanda |
the bedroom | chumba cha kulala |
the beginning | mwanzo |
the behavior | tabia |
the beloved one | kipenzi |
the bicycle | baiskeli |
the bird | ndege |
the book | kitabu |
the border | mpaka |
the bread | mkate |
the bridge | daraja |
the brother | kaka |
the bucket | ndoo |
the budget | bajeti |
the bus | basi |
the business | biashara |
the butterfly | kipepeo |
the button | kitufe |
the buyer | mnunuzi |
the cake | keki |
the calmness | utulivu |
the camera | kamera |
the car | gari |
the carrot | karoti |
the cat | paka |
the celebration | sherehe |
the center | kituo |
the chair | kiti |
the challenge | changamoto |
the change | badiliko |
the chapati | chapati |
the chest | kifua |
the chicken | kuku |
the child | mtoto |
the childhood | utoto |
the chili pepper | pilipili |
the cinema | sinema |
the circus show | onyesho la sarakasi |
the citizen | mwananchi |
the class | darasa |
the classroom | darasa |
the cleaning | usafi |
the cloth | kitambaa |
the clothes | nguo |
the clothing | vazi |
the clothing | nguo |
the cloud | wingu |
the coffee | kahawa |
the color | rangi |
the communication | mawasiliano |
the community | jamii |
the competition | shindano |
the computer | kompyuta |
the conference | kongamano |
the conflict | mgogoro |
the confusion | mkanganyiko |
the construction | ujenzi |
the container | chombo |
the conversation | zungumzo |
the conversation | mazungumzo |
the cook | mpishi |
the cooking | mapishi |
the cooking pot | sufuria |
the cooperation | ushirikiano |
the cost | gharama |
the country | nchi |
the cry | kilio |
the culture | utamaduni |
the cup | kikombe |
the cupboard | kabati |
the customer | mteja |
the danger | hatari |
the day | siku |
the desire | hamu |
the development | maendeleo |
the dictionary | kamusi |
the dinner | chakula cha jioni |
the dirt | uchafu |
the discussion | mjadala |
the disease | ugonjwa |
the dish | sahani |
the doctor | daktari |
the document | nyaraka |
the dog | mbwa |
the door | mlango |
the drawing | mchoro |
the dream | ndoto |
the driver | dereva |
the dust | vumbi |
the effort | jitihada |
the effort | bidii |
the effort | juhudi |
the elder | mkuu |
the elephant | tembo |
the email | barua pepe |
the end | mwisho |
the entertainment | burudani |
the environment | mazingira |
the equipment | kifaa |
the ethics | maadili |
the evening | jioni |
the evidence | ushahidi |
the exam | mtihani |
the example | mfano |
the exercise | zoezi |
the explanation | maelezo |
the fabric | kitambaa |
the face | uso |
the family | familia |
the farm | shamba |
the farmer | mkulima |
the farming | kilimo |
the fat | mafuta |
the father | baba |
the fee | ada |
the fee expense | gharama za ada |
the feeling | hisia |
the fever | homa |
the field | uwanja |
the file | faili |
the firewood | kuni |
the fish | samaki |
the flag | bendera |
the flavor | ladha |
the floor | sakafu |
the flour | unga |
the flower | ua |
the focus | umakini |
the food | chakula |
the foot | mguu |
the forest | msitu |
the form | fomu |
the foundation | msingi |
the friend | rafiki |
the friendship | urafiki |
the frog | chura |
the fruit | tunda |
the future | mustakabali |
the game | mchezo |
the garden | bustani |
the garlic | kitunguu saumu |
the garment | nguo |
the generosity | ukarimu |
the gentleman | bwana |
the gift | zawadi |
the ginger | tangawizi |
the goal | lengo |
the goat | mbuzi |
the government | serikali |
the grammar | sarufi |
the grandmother | bibi |
the gratitude | shukrani |
the group | kikundi |
the guest | mgeni |
the habit | tabia |
the hair | nywele |
the hand | mkono |
the happiness | furaha |
the hard work | bidii |
the hat | kofia |
the health | afya |
the help | msaada |
the hill | kilima |
the hoe | jembe |
the home | nyumba |
the homework | kazi |
the hope | tumaini |
the hospital | hospitali |
the hotel | hoteli |
the house | nyumba |
the hug | kumbatio |
the hunger | njaa |
the hunting | uwindaji |
the ice | barafu |
the idea | wazo |
the illness | ugonjwa |
the instructions | maelekezo |
the internet | mtandao |
the internet connection | mtandao |
the investigation | uchunguzi |
the job | kazi |
the journey | safari |
the key | ufunguo |
the kiosk | kibanda |
the kitchen | jiko |
the lake | ziwa |
the laptop | laptopu |
the laughter | kicheko |
the laziness | uvivu |
the leader | kiongozi |
the leaf | jani |
the leg | mguu |
the lesson | somo |
the letter | barua |
the library | maktaba |
the life | maisha |
the light | taa |
the light | mwanga |
the light | nuru |
the lion | simba |
the list | orodha |
the living room | sebule |
the loan | mkopo |
the love | upendo |
the luggage | mzigo |
the lunch | chakula cha mchana |
the machine | mashine |
the magazine | jarida |
the maize | mahindi |
the manner | jinsi |
the map | ramani |
the market | soko |
the match | mechi |
the math | hesabu |
the math | somo la hesabu |
the matter | suala |
the meal | chakula |
the meal | mlo |
the meat | nyama |
the meeting | mkutano |
the meeting | kikao |
the memory | kumbukumbu |
the middle | katikati |
the milk | maziwa |
the mind | akili |
the minibus | daladala |
the minute | dakika |
the mirror | kioo |
the mistake | kosa |
the money | pesa |
the month | mwezi |
the morning | asubuhi |
the mosquito | mbu |
the mother | mama |
the motorcycle | pikipiki |
the mountain | mlima |
the movie | filamu |
the movie | sinema |
the music | muziki |
the name | jina |
the need | uhitaji |
the neighbor | jirani |
the news | habari |
the newspaper | gazeti |
the night | usiku |
the notebook | daftari |
the number | idadi |
the ocean | bahari |
the officer | afisa |
the oil | mafuta |
the onion | kitunguu |
the opinion | maoni |
the opportunity | fursa |
the order | utaratibu |
the other | mwingine |
the packet | pakiti |
the page | ukurasa |
the paper | karatasi |
the parent | mzazi |
the party | sherehe |
the passenger | abiria |
the payment | malipo |
the peace | amani |
the pen | kalamu |
the permission | ruhusa |
the perseverance | uvumilivu |
the person | mtu |
the perspective | mtazamo |
the philosophy | falsafa |
the phone | simu |
the photo | picha |
the picture | picha |
the piece | kipande |
the place | mahali |
the plan | mpango |
the plate | sahani |
the player | mchezaji |
the poor | maskini |
the possibility | uwezekano |
the pot | sufuria |
the practice | zoezi |
the price | bei |
the problem | tatizo |
the problem | shida |
the process | mchakato |
the produce | zao |
the product | bidhaa |
the progress | maendeleo |
the project | mradi |
the promise | ahadi |
the prosperity | ustawi |
the quality | ubora |
the question | swali |
the rain | mvua |
the rainbow | upinde wa mvua |
the recipe | mapishi |
the relaxation | starehe |
the report | ripoti |
the requirement | hitaji |
the reserve | hifadhi |
the respect | heshima |
the restaurant | mgahawa |
the result | matokeo |
the rice | wali |
the river | mto |
the road | barabara |
the roof | paa |
the room | chumba |
the sadness | huzuni |
the salt | chumvi |
the savings | akiba |
the scent | harufu |
the schedule | ratiba |
the school | shule |
the screen | skrini |
the sea | bahari |
the season | msimu |
the second | sekunde |
the service | huduma |
the shade | kivuli |
the shirt | shati |
the shoe | kiatu |
the shop | duka |
the side | upande |
the sister | dada |
the size | ukubwa |
the skill | ujuzi |
the sleep | usingizi |
the sleepiness | usingizi |
the smell | harufu |
the smile | tabasamu |
the soap | sabuni |
the solution | suluhisho |
the song | wimbo |
the sound | sauti |
the soup | supu |
the spoon | kijiko |
the sport | mchezo |
the step | hatua |
the story | hadithi |
the stove | jiko |
the strength | nguvu |
the student | mwanafunzi |
the study | somo |
the subject | somo |
the success | mafanikio |
the sugar | sukari |
the suggestion | pendekezo |
the suit | suti |
the sun | jua |
the surgery | upasuaji |
the table | meza |
the taste | ladha |
the tea | chai |
the teacher | mwalimu |
the teaching | ufundishaji |
the tear | chozi |
the technology | teknolojia |
the test | mtihani |
the test | jaribio |
the text | maandishi |
the thing | kitu |
the thought | wazo |
the time | wakati |
the time | muda |
the tiredness | uchovu |
the tomato | nyanya |
the tool | zana |
the tool | kifaa |
the topic | mada |
the town | mji |
the traffic | trafiki |
the transportation | usafiri |
the trash | takataka |
the tree | mti |
the trip | safari |
the truth | ukweli |
the ugali | ugali |
the umbrella | mwavuli |
the understanding | uelewa |
the understanding | ufahamu |
the unity | umoja |
the university | chuo |
the university | chuo kikuu |
the use | matumizi |
the utensil | chombo |
the vegetable | mboga |
the victory | ushindi |
the video | video |
the view | mandhari |
the village | kijiji |
the villager | mwanakijiji |
the visitor | mgeni |
the vocabulary | msamiati |
the wait | usubiri |
the waiter | mhudumu |
the wall | ukuta |
the water | maji |
the way | njia |
the way | jinsi |
the weather | hali ya hewa |
the week | wiki |
the weekend | wikendi |
the wheat | ngano |
the wind | upepo |
the window | dirisha |
the word | neno |
the work | kazi |
the world | dunia |
the worry | wasiwasi |
the writer | mwandishi |
the yard | uwanja |
the year | mwaka |
the young one | mdogo |
the young person | kijana |
their | yao |
them | wao |
then | kisha |
there | pale |
these | hawa |
these | hivi |
these | hizi |
they | wao |
this | hili |
this | huu |
this | hiki |
this | hii |
this | huyu |
this | hilo |
this | huyo |
those | wale |
those | hizo |
those | hayo |
those | hao |
through | kwa |
to | kwa |
to | hadi |
to | kwenye |
to achieve | kufikia |
to add | kuongeza |
to agree | kukubaliana |
to agree | kubali |
to agree | kukubali |
to allow | kuruhusu |
to answer | kujibu |
to appeal | kupendeza |
to appear | kuonekana |
to apply | kupaka |
to arrange | kupanga |
to arrive | kufika |
to ask | kuuliza |
to ask | kuomba |
to ask for | kuomba |
to attempt | kujaribu |
to attend | kuhudhuria |
to attract | kuvutia |
to avoid | kuepuka |
to bake | kuoka |
to bathe | kuoga |
to be | ni |
to be | kuwa |
to be able | kuweza |
to be able to | kuweza |
to be afraid | kuogopa |
to be amazed | kushangaa |
to be attractive | kupendeza |
to be bitten | kuumwa |
to be broken | kuharibika |
to be full | kujaa |
to be happy | kufurahi |
to be happy | kufurahia |
to be late | kuchelewa |
to be placed | kuwekwa |
to be present | kuwepo |
to be related | kuhusiana |
to be required | kupaswa |
to be sad | kuhuzunika |
to be suitable | kufaa |
to be supposed to | kupaswa |
to be surprised | kushangaa |
to be tired | kuchoka |
to be touched | kuguswa |
to be used to | kuzoea |
to become | kuwa |
to become tired | kuchoka |
to begin | kuanza |
to believe | kuamini |
to boil | kuchemsha |
to break | kuharibika |
to breathe | kupumua |
to bring | kuleta |
to bring | leta |
to bring out | toa |
to build | kujenga |
to build | kuunda |
to buy | kununua |
to call | kuita |
to call | kupiga |
to call | kupigia |
to call | kumwita |
to calm | kutuliza |
to captivate | kuvutia |
to carry | kubeba |
to carry out | kutekeleza |
to celebrate | kusherehekea |
to change | kubadilisha |
to change | kugeuza |
to choose | kuchagua |
to clean | kusafisha |
to climb | kupanda |
to close | kufunga |
to collaborate | kushirikiana |
to come | kuja |
to come back | kurudi |
to come from | kutokana na |
to communicate | kuwasiliana |
to complete | kukamilisha |
to confront | kukabiliana |
to consider | kuzingatia |
to continue | kuendelea |
to contribute | kuchangia |
to control | kudhibiti |
to cook | kupika |
to cook | kupikia |
to cooperate | kushirikiana |
to cooperate with each other | kushirikiana |
to cover | kufunika |
to create | kutengeneza |
to create | kuunda |
to cross | kuvuka |
to cry | kulia |
to cultivate | kulima |
to cut | kukata |
to deal with | kukabiliana |
to decide | kuamua |
to decorate | kupamba |
to decrease | kupungua |
to define | kufafanua |
to demolish | kubomoa |
to depart | kuondoka |
to depend | kutegemea |
to depend on | kutegemea |
to discover | kugundua |
to discuss | kujadili |
to discuss | kujadiliana |
to discuss | kujadaliana |
to discuss | kuzungumzia |
to divide | kugawanya |
to do | kufanya |
to draw | kuchora |
to drink | kunywa |
to drive | kuendesha |
to eat | kula |
to embrace | kukumbatia |
to employ | kuajiri |
to end | kuisha |
to enhance | kuongeza |
to enjoy | kufurahia |
to enroll | kujiandikisha |
to enter | kuingia |
to escape | kutoroka |
to exist | kuwepo |
to expand | kupanua |
to expect | kutarajia |
to express | kueleza |
to express | kutoa |
to fail | kukosa |
to fail | kushindwa |
to fall | kudondoka |
to fall | kuanguka |
to feel | kujisikia |
to feel | kuhisi |
to find | kupata |
to find out | kujua |
to finish | kumaliza |
to finish | kukamilisha |
to fix | kutengeneza |
to fix | kurekebisha |
to fly | kuruka |
to follow | kufuata |
to forget | kusahau |
to forgive | kusamehe |
to forgive each other | kusameheana |
to fry | kukaanga |
to fulfill | kutekeleza |
to gain | kujipatia |
to gather | kusanyika |
to get | kupata |
to get lost | kupotea |
to get organized | kujipanga |
to get ready | kujipanga |
to give | kutoa |
to give | kuwapa |
to give | kupa |
to give | kumpa |
to give up | kukata tamaa |
to go | kwenda |
to go | kuenda |
to greet | kusalimia |
to greet | kusalimiana |
to greet each other | kusalimiana |
to grow | kukuzwa |
to grow | kua |
to happen | kutokea |
to have | kuwa na |
to heal | kupona |
to hear | kusikia |
to help | kusaidia |
to hesitate | kusita |
to hesitate | kusisite |
to hide | kuficha |
to hinder | kuzuia |
to hold | kushika |
to hold onto | kushikilia |
to hope | kutarajia |
to hug | kumkumbatia |
to hurry | kuharakisha |
to hurt | kuuma |
to hurt | kuumiza |
to imitate | kuiga |
to improve | kuboresha |
to increase | kuongezeka |
to increase | kuongeza |
to increase | kuwongezea |
to insert | kuingiza |
to inspect | kagua |
to investigate | kuchunguza |
to investigate | kufanyia uchunguzi |
to invite | kualika |
to join | kujiunga |
to know | kujua |
to know | kutajua |
to lack | kukosa |
to last | kudumu |
to laugh | kucheka |
to learn | kujifunza |
to learn | jifunza |
to leave | kutoka |
to leave | kuondoka |
to lend | kukopesha |
to let out | kutoa |
to lift | kuinua |
to like | kupenda |
to listen | kusikiliza |
to live | kuishi |
to lock | kufunga |
to look at | kutazama |
to look at | kuangalia |
to look for | kutafuta |
to look nice | kupendeza |
to lose | kupoteza |
to love | kupenda |
to maintain | kudumisha |
to make | kufanya |
to make | kutengeneza |
to make easier | kurahisisha |
to make happy | kufurahisha |
to make mistakes | kukosea |
to make sure | kuhakikisha |
to manage | kusimamia |
to meet | kutana |
to meet | kukutana |
to miss | kukosa |
to mix | kuchanganya |
to move | kuhamia |
to narrate | kusimulia |
to need | kuhitaji |
to not swim | kutoogelea |
to open | kufunguliwa |
to open | kufungua |
to open | kufungulia |
to organize | kupanga |
to organize | kupangilia |
to participate | kushiriki |
to pass | kupita |
to pay | kulipia |
to pay | kulipa |
to pay attention | kuzingatia |
to perform | kufanya |
to place | kuweka |
to plan | kupanga |
to plant | kupanda |
to play | kucheza |
to postpone | kuahirisha |
to praise | kusifu |
to prefer | kupendelea |
to prepare | kuandaa |
to prepare | kutayarisha |
to present | kuwasilisha |
to prevent | kuzuia |
to print | kuchapisha |
to promise | kuahidi |
to promote | kuhamasisha |
to protect | kulinda |
to provide | toa |
to provide | kutoa |
to push | kusukuma |
to push away | kusukuma |
to put | kuweka |
to rain | kunyesha |
to raise | kuinua |
to reach | kufikia |
to reach | kufika |
to read | kusoma |
to realize | kugundua |
to receive | kupokea |
to receive | kupata |
to record | kurekodi |
to recover | kupona |
to reduce | kupunguza |
to refuse | kukataa |
to register | kujiandikisha |
to remain | kubaki |
to remember | kumbuka |
to remember | kukumbuka |
to remind | kumbusha |
to remind | kukumbusha |
to remove | kuondoa |
to remove | kutoa |
to repeat | kurudia |
to require | kuhitaji |
to resolve | kutatua |
to resolve | kusuluhisha |
to respect | kuheshimu |
to rest | kupumzika |
to return | kurudi |
to run | kukimbia |
to run out | kuisha |
to save | kuokoa |
to say | kusema |
to say goodbye | kuaga |
to schedule | kupanga |
to search | kutafuta |
to see | kuona |
to sell | kuuza |
to send | kutuma |
to separate | kutenga |
to serve | kuhudumia |
to set | kuandaa |
to set | kupanga |
to shine | kuwaka |
to shine | kung’aa |
to shine | kung'aa |
to show | kuonyesha |
to shower | kuoga |
to sing | kuimba |
to sleep | kulala |
to smell | kunusa |
to smile | kutabasamu |
to solve | kutatua |
to speak | kuzungumza |
to spoil | kuharibika |
to spread | kuenea |
to start | kuanza |
to start | kuanzisha |
to stay | kaa |
to stay | kukaa |
to stick | kushikamana |
to stop | kuacha |
to store | kuhifadhi |
to store | kuweka |
to strengthen | kuimarika |
to strive | kujitahidi |
to study | kujifunza |
to study | kusoma |
to succeed | kufanikiwa |
to suggest | kupendekeza |
to support | kuunga mkono |
to sweep | kufagia |
to swim | kuogelea |
to take | kupeleka |
to take | kuchukua |
to take a photo | kupiga picha |
to take care of | kutunza |
to talk | kuzungumza |
to talk about | kuzungumzia |
to teach | kufundisha |
to tell | kuambia |
to thank | kushukuru |
to think | kufikiri |
to think | kufikiria |
to think | kudhani |
to transport | kusafirisha |
to travel | kusafiri |
to try | kujaribu |
to turn off | kuzima |
to turn on | kuwasha |
to turn over | kugeuza |
to understand | kuelewa |
to understand | kufahamu |
to use | kutumia |
to use | kutumika |
to visit | kutembelea |
to volunteer | kujitolea |
to wait | kusubiri |
to wake up | kuamka |
to walk | kutembea |
to want | kutaka |
to wash | kusafisha |
to wash | kuosha |
to watch | kutazama |
to watch | kuangalia |
to wear | kuvaa |
to wear/use | kuvaa |
to welcome | kukaribisha |
to win | kushinda |
to work | kufanya kazi |
to work | kufanya |
to worry | kujali |
to write | kuandika |
today | leo |
together | pamoja |
tomorrow | kesho |
tonight | leo usiku |
truly | kweli |
under | chini |
under | chini ya |
unique | kipekee |
until | mpaka |
until | hadi |
unused | visivyotumika |
us | sisi |
various | mbalimbali |
very | sana |
we | sisi |
well | vizuri |
well | vyema |
when | wakati |
which | ambayo |
which | ambao |
which | ambacho |
which | zilizo |
who | ambaye |
who | nani |
why | kwa nini |
wise | busara |
with | na |
with | kwa |
with chili pepper | chenye pilipili |
without | bila |
yesterday | jana |
yet | bado |
you | wewe |
you all | ninyi |
young | mdogo |
your | yako |
your | chako |
your | wako |
your mother | mama yako |