Usages of leo
Sisi ni wanafunzi leo.
We are students today.
Leo tunacheza na marafiki.
Today we are playing with friends.
Mimi nina kazi nyingi leo.
I have a lot of work today.
Wao wana kazi nyingi leo.
They have a lot of work today.
Mama anasafisha nyumba leo, na mimi nitamsaidia kufagia chumba hiki.
Mother is cleaning the house today, and I will help her sweep this room.
Upepo unavuma sana leo, kwa hiyo tunafunga madirisha.
The wind is blowing strongly today, so we are closing the windows.
Je, utapiga simu kwa dada yako leo, au unaenda kumwona nyumbani?
Will you call your sister today, or are you going to see her at home?
Nataka kupumzika kidogo leo, lakini kaka anasema ni muhimu kuandaa chakula mapema.
I want to rest a bit today, but brother says it is important to prepare food early.
Kweli napenda kuogelea baharini, lakini sijui kama leo nitapata muda.
I truly like to swim in the ocean, but I don’t know if I will get time today.
Leo, mimi nitamsaidia mama kusafisha nyumba.
Today, I will help mother clean the house.
Wewe unaogopa upepo leo?
Are you afraid of the wind today?
Baba yetu ni mgonjwa leo.
Our father is sick today.
Mimi nina muda wa kusoma kitabu leo.
I have time to read a book today.
Leo asubuhi, mimi ninataka kunywa kahawa na kula mkate.
This morning, I want to drink coffee and eat bread.
Mnunuzi ambaye alifika sokoni leo taratibu alikagua mboga kabla ya kulipia.
The buyer who arrived at the market today slowly inspected the vegetables before paying.
Mama yangu, anayependa kupika, atafurahi tukimtembelea jikoni leo.
My mother, who loves to cook, will be happy if we visit her in the kitchen today.
Nimesoma gazeti jipya leo, lakini sijaona habari za kusafiri.
I have read the new newspaper today, but I have not seen travel news.
Je, ungependa kuingia jikoni kusaidia kupika mkate na kitunguu leo?
Would you like to enter the kitchen to help cook bread and onion today?
Mimi ninapenda habari za leo.
I like today's news.
Leo asubuhi, nimeamka mapema ili kuepuka kuchelewa kazini.
This morning, I have woken up early to avoid being late to work.
Nimefanya mazoezi nyumbani leo asubuhi, na sasa ninajisikia mwenye nguvu.
I have done exercises at home this morning, and now I feel strong.
Tafadhali, usisahau ahadi yako ya kunisaidia kusafisha vyombo leo jioni.
Please, do not forget your promise to help me wash the dishes this evening.
Nimefurahi sana leo kwa sababu sikuchelewa kazini, na nimepata zawadi ndogo.
I am very happy today because I was not late to work, and I have received a small gift.
Leo nimemwona baba akicheza mpira na marafiki zake, nami ninataka kujiunga nao.
Today I have seen father playing ball with his friends, and I want to join them.
Nimepokea kumbatio la upendo kutoka kwa dada yangu baada ya kumaliza kazi nyingi leo.
I have received a loving hug from my sister after finishing a lot of work today.
Je, umeamka mapema leo, au bado unahisi usingizi?
Have you woken up early today, or do you still feel sleepy?
Nimesikia baba akisema atapenda kuoga kabla ya chakula cha jioni leo.
I have heard father say that he would like to shower before dinner today.
Nimefurahi kwamba leo hatutachelewa shuleni, kwa kuwa tumeamka mapema.
I am happy that we will not be late to school today, because we have woken up early.
Wewe unataka zawadi leo?
Do you want a gift today?
Mimi ninakula nyama sokoni leo.
I am eating meat at the market today.
Leo ninajadili suala la familia na kaka yangu.
Today, I am discussing the family matter with my brother.
Ninayo hamu ya kukamilisha jaribio hili la kwanza leo.
I have a desire to complete this first attempt today.
Baba anatumia zana mpya kutengeneza mlango wetu leo.
Father is using a new tool to fix our door today.
Shughuli za leo sokoni ni nyingi, lakini tutajaribu kumaliza mapema.
Today’s activities at the market are many, but we will try to finish early.
Mpango wetu wa mwisho leo ni kuchora ramani, ili tuelewe vizuri eneo la shamba.
Our final plan for today is to draw a map, so that we can better understand the farm area.
Mimi ninataka kukamilisha kazi leo.
I want to complete work today.
Mimi nina furaha leo.
I have happiness today.
Mimi nina ratiba nzuri leo.
I have a good schedule today.
Leo, tutapika chakula chenye pilipili ili kuongeza ladha.
Today, we will cook food with chili pepper to enhance the flavor.
Mgongo wa baba uliumia jana, kwa hiyo anatakiwa kupumzika nyumbani leo.
Father’s back was hurt yesterday, so he is required to rest at home today.
Mimi sipendi huzuni leo.
I do not like sadness today.
Mimi napanga safari leo.
I plan a trip today.
Hii ni safari yangu ya pili leo, kwa sababu trafiki ilikuwa ndefu sana.
This is my second trip today, because the traffic was very long.
Tumejadili mada ya kusaidia masikini katika kikundi chetu leo.
We have discussed the topic of helping the poor in our group today.
Leo ni siku yangu ya nne ya mazoezi, lakini bado najisikia mwenye nguvu.
Today is my fourth day of exercise, but I still feel strong.
Mimi ninasoma ripoti leo.
I am reading a report today.
Leo, mimi na Juma tunaenda safari.
Today, Juma and I are going on a journey.
Leo tutatumia sufuria kubwa kupika chapati.
Today we will use a large cooking pot to cook chapati.
Je, unajua idadi kamili ya wageni watakaofika leo jioni?
Do you know the exact number of guests who will arrive this evening?
Mama atakaanga samaki leo, kwa sababu Juma anapenda chakula hicho.
Mother will fry fish today, because Juma likes that meal.
Niambie ukweli, je, umepata muda wa kujifunza leo?
Tell me the truth, have you found time to study today?
Vifaa hivi vimeharibika, hivyo tunapaswa kugeuza mpango wetu wa kuwasilisha ripoti leo.
These tools are broken, so we must change our plan to present the report today.
Mama yangu alienda hospitali tena leo, na akaguswa na jitihada za madaktari kumsaidia.
My mother went to the hospital again today, and she was touched by the doctors’ efforts to help her.
Leo, sisi tunafanya mkutano maalum.
Today, we are having a special meeting.
Mimi ninapenda chai hata kama nina kazi nyingi leo.
I like tea even if I have a lot of work today.
Leo nimepata kumbukumbu nzuri ya utoto wangu nilipofika baharini.
Today I got a pleasant memory of my childhood when I arrived at the ocean.
Kitabu ninachokikamilisha leo, kinanivutia kwa hadithi yake.
The book that I am finishing today captivates me with its story.
Mimi ninataka kukamilisha kazi yangu leo.
I want to finish my work today.
Mwonekano wako ni mzuri leo, umevaa nguo zilizopendeza sana.
Your appearance is nice today; you are wearing very lovely clothes.
Mimi nina homa leo.
I have fever today.
Sisi tutatua tatizo leo.
We will solve the problem today.
Kipindi cha kwanza leo ni somo la hesabu.
The first lesson today is math.
Leo nimepata bahati ya kuona upinde wa mvua asubuhi.
Today I got lucky to see a rainbow in the morning.
Leo, hali ya hewa ni yenye baridi zaidi kuliko jana.
Today, the weather is colder than yesterday.
Hali ya hewa ni baridi leo.
The weather is cold today.
Leo ninataka kufua soksi zangu, kwa sababu zimechafuka sokoni.
I want to wash my socks today, because they got dirty at the market.
Watoto wenye furaha wanacheza uwanjani leo, wakishirikiana kuunda michezo mipya.
Happy children are playing in the field today, collaborating to create new games.
Mimi ninahuzunika leo.
I am sad today.
Samahani, siwezi kuja darasani leo.
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