
the morning
Part of speech

Usages of asubuhi

Wewe unataka maziwa asubuhi?
Do you want milk in the morning?
Yeye anakunywa maziwa asubuhi.
He/She drinks milk in the morning.
Mimi ninapenda kuimba wimbo huu kila asubuhi.
I like to sing this song every morning.
Kesho asubuhi, tutapika chakula kitamu na kuandaa meza kwa wageni.
Tomorrow morning, we will cook delicious food and prepare the table for guests.
Leo asubuhi, mimi ninataka kunywa kahawa na kula mkate.
This morning, I want to drink coffee and eat bread.
Mwandishi ambaye anaandika gazeti hili anapenda kunywa kahawa taratibu kila asubuhi.
The writer who writes this newspaper likes to slowly drink coffee every morning.
Ninapendelea kusoma vitabu jioni, lakini kaka yangu anasoma taratibu asubuhi.
I prefer to read books in the evening, but my brother reads slowly in the morning.
Mimi ninatoka nyumbani asubuhi.
I leave home in the morning.
Mimi nitaenda safari asubuhi.
I will go on a trip in the morning.
Leo asubuhi, nimeamka mapema ili kuepuka kuchelewa kazini.
This morning, I have woken up early to avoid being late to work.
Nimefanya mazoezi nyumbani leo asubuhi, na sasa ninajisikia mwenye nguvu.
I have done exercises at home this morning, and now I feel strong.
Tumeshafanya mazoezi ya kukimbia asubuhi, sasa tunaandaa kiamsha kinywa kitamu.
We have already done running exercises this morning, now we are preparing a tasty breakfast.
Mimi ninapenda kuoga kila asubuhi.
I like to bathe every morning.
Mimi ninapenda chai hasa asubuhi.
I especially like tea in the morning.
Mimi ninasikia wimbo wa mtoto asubuhi.
I hear the child's song in the morning.
Mimi ninapenda kukimbia asubuhi.
I like to run in the morning.
Mimi ninaanza kazi asubuhi.
I begin work in the morning.
Mimi napiga picha kila asubuhi.
I take a photo every morning.
Mimi ninapenda kufungua mlango kila asubuhi.
I like to open the door every morning.
Vijana wengine wanavaa viatu vya michezo wanapokimbia asubuhi.
Some young people wear sports shoes when they run in the morning.
Mimi nakutana na marafiki kila asubuhi.
I meet friends every morning.
Ninapenda kutembea karibu na msitu asubuhi, ili nione wanyama wadogo wanavyoamka.
I like to walk near the forest in the morning, so that I can see the small animals waking up.
Mimi ninapenda kulima bustani kila asubuhi.
I like to cultivate the garden every morning.
Dereva wetu anajaribu kuepuka trafiki asubuhi, ili tufike kazini mapema.
Our driver is trying to avoid traffic in the morning, so that we arrive at work early.
Mwananchi anatembea sokoni kila asubuhi.
The citizen walks to the market every morning.
Mimi ninatumia kompyuta kila asubuhi.
I use a computer every morning.
Mimi nataka kukutana na marafiki kesho asubuhi.
I want to meet friends tomorrow morning.
Mimi ninapenda kuogelea bahari kila asubuhi.
I like to swim in the sea every morning.
Sharti uwasilishe ripoti hii kesho asubuhi, ili tusikose muda wa kuirekebisha.
You must present this report tomorrow morning, so that we do not lack time to correct it.
Watu walikusanyika kuangalia bendera ikipandishwa mapema asubuhi.
People gathered to watch the flag being raised early in the morning.
Kilima hiki kinafaa kwa mazoezi ya kukimbia asubuhi.
This hill is suitable for morning running exercises.
Mkate ninaoupenda zaidi ni ule unaookwa na mama asubuhi.
The bread that I like the most is the one that mother bakes in the morning.
Mimi ninapenda uwindaji kila asubuhi.
I like hunting every morning.
Mimi ninapanda mlima asubuhi.
I climb the mountain in the morning.
Mandhari ni nzuri asubuhi.
The view is beautiful in the morning.
Ni muhimu kusalimiana asubuhi kabla ya kuanza mazungumzo.
It is important to greet each other in the morning before starting a conversation.
Sisi tunasalimiana kila asubuhi.
We greet each other every morning.
Leo nimepata bahati ya kuona upinde wa mvua asubuhi.
Today I got lucky to see a rainbow in the morning.
Unapaswa kutoa tabasamu unapomsalimia mwalimu wako asubuhi.
You should give a smile when you greet your teacher in the morning.
Tembo anakunywa maji asubuhi.
The elephant drinks water in the morning.
Bwana anapenda kukimbia asubuhi.
The gentleman likes to run in the morning.
Nitaenda kufua nguo zote kesho asubuhi ili ziwe safi wakati wa mchana.
I will wash all the clothes tomorrow morning so that they are clean by midday.
Tafadhali usisahau kunyunyiza maji bustanini kila asubuhi.
Please do not forget to sprinkle water in the garden each morning.
Chumba chenye madirisha makubwa kinapendeza zaidi kwa mwanga wa asubuhi.
A room that has large windows looks more attractive in the morning light.
Ninahitaji nauli ya kwenda mjini kesho asubuhi, tafadhali naomba pesa kidogo.
I need bus fare to go to town tomorrow morning; can I please have a little money?
Mimi ninapenda mwanga asubuhi.
I like light in the morning.
Sakafu ya chumba hiki inang’aa kwa sababu mama aliifagia na kupiga deki asubuhi.
The floor of this room shines because mother swept and mopped it this morning.
Nuru ya jua ikiwaka sakafuni, tunapata hisia nzuri za amani asubuhi.
When the sunlight shines on the floor, we get a peaceful feeling in the morning.
Jua linakung'aa asubuhi.
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