Usages of kujifunza
Hatujifunzi usiku.
We do not learn at night.
Sisi tunapenda kujifunza sokoni.
We like to learn at the market.
Mimi ninasoma kitabu ili niweze kujifunza.
I am reading a book so that I can learn.
Tangu nimepoteza mfuko huo, nimekuwa makini sana kupunguza uoga wangu na kujifunza kutunza vitu vyangu.
Since I lost that bag, I have been very careful to reduce my fear and learn to take care of my belongings.
Nimejadiliana na kaka yangu kuhusu wikendi ijayo, ambapo tutajifunza kuendesha gari pamoja.
I have discussed with my brother about the coming weekend, where we will learn to drive a car together.
Kaka yetu amejifunza kuendesha pikipiki mwezi uliopita, lakini anataka pia kuendesha gari.
Our brother learned to drive a motorcycle last month, but he also wants to drive a car.
Ni muhimu upangilie mpango wako wa kujifunza mapema.
It is important that you organize your learning plan early.
Tafadhali, usijali kukosea tunapojifunza; badala yake, jaribu kujibu swali la mwalimu.
Please, do not worry about making mistakes when we learn; instead, try to answer the teacher’s question.
Mimi ninatumia kamusi hii kujifunza maneno mapya kabla ya jaribio.
I am using this dictionary to learn new words before the test.
Mwalimu anatarajia wanafunzi kujifunza darasani.
The teacher expects the students to learn in the classroom.
Vijana hawa wanajifunza kuheshimu wakubwa ili kuepuka hatari.
These young people are learning to respect elders in order to avoid danger.
Sisi tunashirikiana kutafuta suluhisho pale tunapokosa njia rahisi ya kujifunza.
We cooperate with each other to find a solution whenever we lack an easy way to learn.
Nimejifunza kwamba kusamehe marafiki zetu hutuleta karibu na kutusaidia kupendana zaidi.
I have learned that forgiving our friends brings us closer and helps us to love each other more.
Masikini wanaweza kujifunza mada muhimu, ili wajipatie ujuzi mpya.
Poor people can learn important topics so that they gain new skills.
Mimi ninajifunza ujuzi mpya kila siku.
I learn new skills every day.
Mimi ninajifunza jinsi ya kuoka mkate safi nyumbani.
I am learning how to bake fresh bread at home.
Ni muhimu tufanye jitihada tusijisalimishe kwa uvivu wakati tunajifunza masomo mapya.
It is important that we make an effort not to surrender to laziness when learning new subjects.
Mfano unatusaidia kujifunza.
An example helps us learn.
Sisi tunafanya bidii kujifunza Kiswahili.
We are making an effort to learn Swahili.
Napenda kutoa shukrani kwa mwalimu ambaye alitusaidia kujifunza vizuri.
I like to express thanks to the teacher who helped us learn well.
Wanafunzi wanajifunza tabia njema shuleni, ili wawe na heshima wakati wote.
Students are learning good behavior at school, so that they have respect at all times.
Katika mchakato wa kujifunza Kiswahili, kila siku unahitaji kufanya mazoezi.
In the process of learning Swahili, you need to practice every day.
Ninataka kusafiri duniani ili nijifunze tamaduni mbalimbali.
I want to travel the world so that I can learn different cultures.
Mimi ninajifunza Kiswahili.
I am learning Kiswahili.
Vijana wanajifunza jinsi ya kuepuka mambo yanayoweza kudhuru maendeleo yao.
Young people are learning how to avoid things that can harm their progress.
Kaka yangu anajifunza kukabili changamoto bila kukata tamaa.
My brother is learning to face challenges without giving up.
Mwalimu anatutaka tujifunze msamiati mpya kabla ya mtihani wa kesho.
The teacher wants us to learn new vocabulary before tomorrow’s test.
Mimi ninawashukuru walimu wanaonisaidia kujifunza msamiati mgumu kwa utaratibu.
I thank the teachers who help me learn difficult vocabulary systematically.
Unapotabasamu kwa chipukizi anayetaka kujifunza, unamwongezea juhudi katika masomo.
When you smile at a beginner who wants to learn, you increase his/her effort in studies.
Sisi tunajifunza kukabiliana na changamoto kila siku.
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