
Part of speech

Usages of mzuri

Mama anasema huyo ni mtoto mzuri.
Mother says that is a good child.
Mama anafikiri mtoto ni mzuri.
Mother thinks the child is good.
Nimeenda dukani kununua nyama na kuku, ili tuandae mlo mzuri jioni.
I have gone to the shop to buy meat and chicken, so that we can prepare a good meal in the evening.
Ni vizuri kuheshimu kila mtu unayekutana naye, hata ikiwa ana mtazamo tofauti.
It is good to respect everyone you meet, even if he has a different perspective.
Mimi nina mtazamo mzuri.
I have a good perspective.
Mimi ninaona mustakabali mzuri.
I see a good future.
Huyu ni mpishi mzuri, lakini kifaa chake cha kupikia kimeharibika, hivyo ana wasiwasi kubomoa jiko lake lote.
This is a good cook, but his cooking tool is broken, so he is worried about demolishing his entire stove.
Ni heri uonyeshe usikivu, ili upate matokeo mazuri katika mtihani.
It is better for you to show attentiveness so you get good results in the exam.
Unapaswa kuwa mfano mzuri, ili wengine wasiweze kuiga tabia mbaya.
You should be a good example, so that others cannot imitate bad behavior.
Bila bahati, pia unaweza kufikia malengo yako kwa bidii na mipango mizuri.
Without luck, you can also reach your goals through hard work and good planning.
Uaminifu ni msingi mzuri wa urafiki na familia.
Honesty is a good foundation for friendship and family.
Kabla ya kusoma falsafa chuoni, tunahitaji matokeo mazuri ya shule ya sekondari.
Before studying philosophy at the university, we need good grades from secondary school.
Ni vizuri kukabiliana na utawala kandamizi kwa umoja, badala ya kumruhusu atudhibiti.
It is good to confront oppressive administration with unity, rather than allowing it to control us.
Falsafa inahitaji akili pana, lakini juhudi kidogo kila siku zitatuletea matokeo mazuri.
Philosophy requires a broad mind, but a little effort each day will bring us good results.
Mpangilio wa darasa ni mzuri.
The classroom arrangement is good.
Matokeo ni mazuri.
The results are good. is an online learning platform
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