Usages of baada ya
Wao watapumzika nyumbani baada ya kufunga madirisha.
They will rest at home after closing the windows.
Wao watafurahi baada ya kumaliza kazi sokoni.
They will be happy after finishing work at the market.
Baada ya kusubiri taratibu, mhudumu alimleta mkate mtamu katika mgahawa huo.
After waiting patiently, the waiter brought tasty bread to that restaurant.
Nimepokea kumbatio la upendo kutoka kwa dada yangu baada ya kumaliza kazi nyingi leo.
I have received a loving hug from my sister after finishing a lot of work today.
Baada ya kujadiliana na rafiki zangu, tumekubaliana kufurahia wikendi yetu kijijini bila wasiwasi.
After discussing with my friends, we have agreed to enjoy our weekend in the village without worry.
Sisi tunaamua kupumzika baada ya jaribio.
We decide to rest after the test.
Mama anatarajia mimi nioshe sahani zote baada ya chakula cha jioni.
Mother expects me to wash all the plates after dinner.
Mimi ninapenda usingizi baada ya kazi.
I like sleep after work.
Dada yuko chumba cha kulala, akijipumzisha baada ya kazi ngumu.
Sister is in the bedroom, resting after a hard job.
Baada ya sherehe, tutakosa usingizi ikiwa tutacheza muziki kwa sauti kubwa usiku kucha.
After the celebration, we will miss sleep if we play loud music all night long.
Baada ya mabishano hayo, hatukukumbatia hasira; badala yake, tuliamua kusameheana.
After that argument, we did not hold onto anger; instead, we decided to forgive each other.
Baada ya kuoga, yeye hutandika shuka hilo kitandani na kufunga pazia kabla ya kulala.
After bathing, she spreads that bedsheet on the bed and closes the curtain before sleeping.
Baada ya semina, tutakuwa na kongamano la walimu na wazazi kujadili mustakabali wa elimu.
After the seminar, we will have a conference of teachers and parents to discuss the future of education.
Baada ya semina, tutatumia skrini kubwa kuonyesha mashine mpya kwa kikundi chetu.
After the seminar, we will use a large screen to show the new machine to our group.
Wakati mwingine, ninapenda starehe baada ya kazi ndefu.
Sometimes, I like relaxation after a long job.
Tutakupigia simu baada ya dakika kumi.
We will call you after ten minutes.
Usisahau kufunika meza baada ya kula chakula cha mchana.
Do not forget to cover the table after eating lunch.
Mama anapata starehe baada ya kufagia chumba.
Mother gets relaxation after sweeping the room.
Katika kijiji chetu, wakulima huuza mazao yao baada ya kuyachanganya kufuatana na ubora.
In our village, farmers sell their produce after mixing them according to quality.
Kijana yule aliamua kujisalimisha baada ya kukosa njia mbadala ya kutatua migogoro.
That young person decided to surrender after lacking an alternative way to resolve conflicts.
Mtoto alitoa kilio kikubwa baada ya kuanguka uwanjani.
The child let out a loud cry after falling in the yard.
Nywele za mama zing’aa baada ya kupaka mafuta mazuri.
Mother’s hair shines after applying nice oil.
Urafiki wetu umeimarika baada ya kukaa pamoja muda mrefu.
Our friendship has strengthened after spending a long time together.
Mara nyingi, kusikiliza muziki ni burudani nzuri baada ya kazi ndefu.
Often, listening to music is good entertainment after a long job.
Daktari alisaidia baba kupona mapema baada ya upasuaji mdogo.
The doctor helped father recover early after a minor surgery.
Baada ya kazi ndefu, mimi ninaweza kuchoka sana jioni.
After a long day of work, I can become very tired in the evening.
Juma alionyesha huzuni baada ya rafiki yake kuhamia mbali.
Juma showed sadness after his friend moved far away.
Mimi ninachoka baada ya kucheza mpira.
I am tired after playing ball.
Anaomba ruhusa ya kucheza nje baada ya kumaliza kazi za nyumbani.
He/She is asking for permission to play outside after finishing household chores.
Baada ya kufanya kazi ngumu, hatimaye tulipata wakati wa kupumzika.
After doing hard work, we finally got time to rest.
Mama anaona upinde wa mvua baada ya mvua.
Mother sees a rainbow after the rain.
Samahani, soksi hizi ni safi sasa baada ya kufua, unaweza kuzivaa.
Sorry, these socks are now clean after washing; you can wear them.
Mimi ninapokea malipo baada ya kazi.
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