
Part of speech

Usages of mapema

Jana, mimi nilienda shule mapema.
Yesterday, I went to school early.
Mama anaenda sokoni mapema.
Mother is going to the market early.
Nataka kupumzika kidogo leo, lakini kaka anasema ni muhimu kuandaa chakula mapema.
I want to rest a bit today, but brother says it is important to prepare food early.
Kumbuka, ni muhimu kufika mapema sokoni.
Remember, it is important to arrive early at the market.
Je, unafikiri tutafika sokoni mapema?
Do you think we will arrive at the market early?
Nitatoka nyumbani mapema, kisha nitaingia uwanja wa ndege kabla ya kuondoka kwenda mgahawa.
I will leave home early, then I will enter the airport before departing to the restaurant.
Tunapaswa kuondoka nyumbani mapema, ili tufike sokoni kabla ya mvua kuanza.
We should leave home early, so that we arrive at the market before it starts raining.
Leo asubuhi, nimeamka mapema ili kuepuka kuchelewa kazini.
This morning, I have woken up early to avoid being late to work.
Je, umeamka mapema leo, au bado unahisi usingizi?
Have you woken up early today, or do you still feel sleepy?
Nimefurahi kwamba leo hatutachelewa shuleni, kwa kuwa tumeamka mapema.
I am happy that we will not be late to school today, because we have woken up early.
Ni muhimu upangilie mpango wako wa kujifunza mapema.
It is important that you organize your learning plan early.
Shughuli za leo sokoni ni nyingi, lakini tutajaribu kumaliza mapema.
Today’s activities at the market are many, but we will try to finish early.
Ninataka kuoga mapema, kisha nitavaa viatu vizuri kabla ya kutoka.
I want to bathe early, then I will wear good shoes before leaving.
Tusizime muziki huo bado, kwa sababu ni mapema kuondoka.
Let us not turn off that music yet, because it is still early to leave.
Ningependa kupendekeza tukutane mapema kesho, ili tushirikiane kufanya mazoezi ya somo letu la hesabu.
I would like to suggest that we meet early tomorrow, so that we can cooperate in doing practice for our math subject.
Dereva wetu anajaribu kuepuka trafiki asubuhi, ili tufike kazini mapema.
Our driver is trying to avoid traffic in the morning, so that we arrive at work early.
Laptopu hii inafunguka haraka, kwa hiyo ninaweza kusoma barua pepe zangu mapema.
This laptop opens quickly, so I can read my emails early.
Ikiwa una maumivu makali, sharti uende hospitali mapema ili upate matibabu sahihi.
If you have severe pain, you must go to the hospital early so that you can get proper treatment.
Iwapo unaumwa, ni vyema uende hospitali mapema ili upumzike haraka.
If you are unwell, it is good that you go to the hospital early so you can rest quickly.
Watu walikusanyika kuangalia bendera ikipandishwa mapema asubuhi.
People gathered to watch the flag being raised early in the morning.
Daktari alisaidia baba kupona mapema baada ya upasuaji mdogo.
The doctor helped father recover early after a minor surgery.
Ni bora usificha ukweli, hivi kila mtu ataelewa tatizo hili mapema.
It is better that you do not hide the truth, so that everyone will understand this problem early.
Mimi natembea haraka ili kufikia shule mapema.
I walk fast to reach school early.
Tafadhali usitusukume kuondoka mapema, tunahitaji muda wa kuandaa pakiti za zawadi.
Please do not push us to leave early—we need time to prepare the gift packets.
Mwalimu anasema ni bora tujiandikishe kwa ada mapema, ili baadaye tusikose nafasi ya kusoma chuo kikuu.
The teacher says it is better to register for fees early, so that we do not lose the chance to study at the university later. is an online learning platform
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