
Usages of shule

Je, mama yako anafundisha shule?
Does your mother teach at school?
Jana, mimi nilienda shule mapema.
Yesterday, I went to school early.
Wao wanaishi karibu na shule.
They live near the school.
Watoto walikunywa maziwa taratibu, kisha wakaondoka kwenda shule.
The children drank milk slowly, then they left for school.
Watoto watatumia pikipiki ndogo kwenda shule, kwani barabara ni salama sasa.
The children will use a small motorcycle to go to school, because the road is safe now.
Mimi ninatembea hadi shule.
I am walking to school.
Wao wanapenda kwenda shule.
They love to go to school.
Nimefurahi kwamba leo hatutachelewa shuleni, kwa kuwa tumeamka mapema.
I am happy that we will not be late to school today, because we have woken up early.
Ni lazima tuzingatie muda, ili tusikose mkutano wetu wa shule.
We must pay attention to time, so that we do not miss our school meeting.
Mimi sipendi kwenda sokoni, badala yake ninaenda shuleni.
I do not like to go to the market, instead I go to school.
Mimi nazoea kwenda shuleni.
I am used to going to school.
Mimi ninakwenda shuleni, maana hatari ni dogo.
I am going to school because the danger is small.
Mama ametutayarishia sherehe ndogo ili tusherehekee dada yangu aliyeshinda mashindano ya hesabu shuleni.
Mother has prepared a small party so that we can celebrate my sister who won the math competition at school.
Njia ya kwenda shuleni ni rahisi.
The way to go to school is easy.
Mwalimu wa shule ya msingi anahitaji sahihi ya mzazi kwenye ripoti za wanafunzi.
The primary school teacher needs a parent’s signature on the students’ reports.
Nitasoma shule ya msingi kwanza, kisha nitaweka sahihi yangu kwenye fomu ya usajili.
I will attend primary school first, then I will put my signature on the registration form.
Kuna semina muhimu kesho, itakayozungumzia maendeleo ya shule ya msingi.
There is an important seminar tomorrow, which will discuss the development of the primary school.
Teknolojia imeleta mabadiliko makubwa katika shule ya msingi, hasa kwenye ufundishaji.
Technology has brought big changes in primary school, especially in teaching.
Walimu katika shule ya sekondari wanawapa wanafunzi tahadhari kuhusu mitihani migumu.
The teachers at the secondary school give the students caution about difficult exams.
Shule ya sekondari yetu imepata vifaa vipya, lakini baadhi vimeharibika kabla hatujaanza kuvitumia.
Our secondary school has received new equipment, but some got broken before we started using them.
Mimi pengine nitaenda shuleni kesho.
Perhaps I will go to school tomorrow.
Serikali imetoa uwezekano wa kupanua shule zetu kwa kasi kubwa.
The government has provided the possibility to expand our schools rapidly.
Licha ya mvua, mimi ninatembea hadi shule.
Despite the rain, I walk to school.
Ni vizuri usimulia kile kilichotokea shuleni, ili tuelewe kila jambo.
It is good that you narrate what happened at school, so we understand everything.
Shule yetu inafundisha wanafunzi jinsi ya kusalimiana kwa heshima.
Our school teaches students how to greet each other respectfully.
Wanafunzi wanajifunza tabia njema shuleni, ili wawe na heshima wakati wote.
Students are learning good behavior at school, so that they have respect at all times.
Utamaduni wa shule ni muhimu.
The culture of the school is important.
Mimi natembea haraka ili kufikia shule mapema.
I walk fast to reach school early.
Kabla ya kusoma falsafa chuoni, tunahitaji matokeo mazuri ya shule ya sekondari.
Before studying philosophy at the university, we need good grades from secondary school.
Baba anatutuma kuchunguza hali ya utawala wa shule, ili tujue jinsi ada inavyotolewa.
Father is sending us to investigate the school’s administration, so that we know how fees are provided.
Tulipofika ghorofani, tuliangalia namna utawala wa shule unavyosimamia mpangilio wa vyumba.
When we reached the upper floor, we looked at how the school administration manages the arrangement of rooms.
Nyumba zilizo karibu na shule ni za bei nafuu.
The houses that are near the school are cheap.
Mimi ninataka kujiandikisha shuleni.
I want to register at school.
Sisi tunachangia pesa kwa shule.
We contribute money to the school.
Mama analipa ada ya shule.
Mother pays the school fee. is an online learning platform
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