
Usages of kuona

Je, unamuona baba yako sasa?
Do you see your father right now?
Mimi sioni simu yangu.
I do not see my phone.
Jana usiku, niliona mama.
Last night, I saw mother.
Je, utapiga simu kwa dada yako leo, au unaenda kumwona nyumbani?
Will you call your sister today, or are you going to see her at home?
Mimi pia niliona mwandishi huyo akipeleka gazeti lake katika hoteli kubwa jana.
I also saw that writer taking his newspaper to a big hotel yesterday.
Mimi nitatumia wiki ijayo kusafiri na kaka yangu, ambaye anapenda kuona miji mipya.
I will use next week to travel with my brother, who likes seeing new towns.
Nimesoma gazeti jipya leo, lakini sijaona habari za kusafiri.
I have read the new newspaper today, but I have not seen travel news.
Mimi naona mboga zinakuzwa shambani.
I see vegetables growing on the farm.
Leo nimemwona baba akicheza mpira na marafiki zake, nami ninataka kujiunga nao.
Today I have seen father playing ball with his friends, and I want to join them.
Usiku, nitakwenda mtoni kuona kama chura wanarukaruka kando ya maji.
At night, I will go to the river to see if frogs are hopping by the water.
Mimi ninaona jani nyumbani.
I see a leaf at home.
Usisite kumsalimia mwalimu wako unapomwona barabarani.
Do not hesitate to greet your teacher when you see him on the road.
Vijana wengine wanaona ugali ni bora zaidi kuliko wali kwenye chakula cha mchana.
Some young people think ugali is better than rice for lunch.
Kabla ya kulala, ninatumia kioo kidogo kuona ikiwa uso wangu ni safi.
Before sleeping, I use a small mirror to see if my face is clean.
Wewe unaona jiko hilo mjini?
Do you see that stove in town?
Ninaona vumbi kwenye daraja.
I see dust on the bridge.
Ninapenda kutembea karibu na msitu asubuhi, ili nione wanyama wadogo wanavyoamka.
I like to walk near the forest in the morning, so that I can see the small animals waking up.
Mama anapenda kuona ndege sokoni.
Mother likes to see a bird at the market.
Mimi ninaona mustakabali mzuri.
I see a good future.
Sisi hutusisimua sana tunapoona onyesho la sarakasi, hasa linapokuja kijijini kwetu.
We get very excited when we see a circus show, especially when it comes to our village.
Rafiki yangu aliguswa sana alipoona watoto yatima wakicheza bila viatu.
My friend was deeply touched when he saw orphans playing without shoes.
Watoto walishangaa kuona barafu ikidondoka kutoka juu ya paa la nyumba yetu.
The children were surprised to see ice falling from the top of our house roof.
Tulimwona kiongozi huyo akiwasilisha ripoti ya maendeleo jana.
We saw that leader presenting the development report yesterday.
Katika hifadhi ya wanyama, tuliona simba wakitafuta chakula.
In the wildlife reserve, we saw lions searching for food.
Wakati wa mazungumzo yetu, niliona kioo kikubwa ninachokiabudu kwa urembo wake.
During our conversation, I saw a large mirror that I admire for its beauty.
Simba ambao tuliyowaona hifadhini ni wanyama ninaowaheshimu kwa nguvu zao.
The lions we saw in the reserve are animals that I respect for their strength.
Leo nimepata bahati ya kuona upinde wa mvua asubuhi.
Today I got lucky to see a rainbow in the morning.
Mama anaona upinde wa mvua baada ya mvua.
Mother sees a rainbow after the rain.
Baba aliunga mkono pendekezo hilo kwa sababu anaona uhitaji mkubwa wa muda wa mazoezi.
Father supported that suggestion because he sees a big need for practice time.
Mimi ninaona uhitaji wa kuandika orodha ya mahitaji kabla ya kwenda dukani.
I see the need to write a list of requirements before going to the shop.
Je, ungependa kunisukuma mbele kidogo, ili nione vizuri dirishani?
Would you like to push me forward a bit, so that I can see better at the window?
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