Usages of kabla ya
Sisi tutajaribu kupika chakula leo usiku, kabla ya mvua kuanza kunyesha.
We will try to cook food tonight, before it starts raining.
Mimi ninasoma kitabu kabla ya jioni.
I am reading a book before the evening.
Kumbuka kupanga meza kabla ya chakula.
Remember to set the table before the meal.
Nitatoka nyumbani mapema, kisha nitaingia uwanja wa ndege kabla ya kuondoka kwenda mgahawa.
I will leave home early, then I will enter the airport before departing to the restaurant.
Mnunuzi ambaye alifika sokoni leo taratibu alikagua mboga kabla ya kulipia.
The buyer who arrived at the market today slowly inspected the vegetables before paying.
Tunapaswa kuondoka nyumbani mapema, ili tufike sokoni kabla ya mvua kuanza.
We should leave home early, so that we arrive at the market before it starts raining.
Kabla ya kuingia darasani, hakikisha umebeba kitabu na kalamu.
Before entering the classroom, make sure you have brought a book and a pen.
Ni muhimu kufunga mlango kabla ya kuondoka, ili vitu vyetu viwe salama.
It is important to lock the door before leaving, so that our things are safe.
Kaka yangu alipomaliza mazoezi, alioga haraka kabla ya kwenda dukani.
My brother, after finishing exercises, took a quick shower before going to the shop.
Nimesikia baba akisema atapenda kuoga kabla ya chakula cha jioni leo.
I have heard father say that he would like to shower before dinner today.
Je, unaweza kujibu swali hili kabla ya mtihani kuanza?
Can you answer this question before the test begins?
Kabla ya safari, mimi nitaandaa mzigo wangu ili nisikose kitu muhimu.
Before the trip, I will prepare my luggage so that I do not miss anything important.
Je, tunategemea kupata muda wa kupumzika kabla ya mtihani huo?
Are we depending on getting time to rest before that exam?
Baba anasema tunapaswa kuwasiliana na walimu kabla ya jaribio lijalo.
Father says we should communicate with the teachers before the coming test.
Mimi ninatumia kamusi hii kujifunza maneno mapya kabla ya jaribio.
I am using this dictionary to learn new words before the test.
Kabla ya kula, ni vyema tuoshe mikono yetu kwa sabuni.
Before eating, it is good that we wash our hands with soap.
Tunahitaji kujipanga kabla ya kuvuka barabara kuu, ili tusiumie.
We need to get ready before crossing the main road, so that we do not get hurt.
Je, unataka kupiga picha pamoja na mama kabla ya kuondoka?
Do you want to take a photo with mother before leaving?
Mimi ninataka kujipanga kabla ya kuingia darasani.
I want to get ready before entering the classroom.
Kabla ya kuondoka nyumbani, ninahitaji kupangusa kioo dirishani.
Before leaving home, I need to wipe the mirror on the window.
Ninataka kuoga mapema, kisha nitavaa viatu vizuri kabla ya kutoka.
I want to bathe early, then I will wear good shoes before leaving.
Kabla ya kuondoka, tuliamua kuaga wazazi wetu kwa heshima.
Before leaving, we decided to say goodbye to our parents respectfully.
Ni busara kupangusa vumbi kabla ya wageni kufika, ili nyumba ionekane safi.
It is wise to wipe the dust before guests arrive, so that the house looks clean.
Kabla ya kulala, ninatumia kioo kidogo kuona ikiwa uso wangu ni safi.
Before sleeping, I use a small mirror to see if my face is clean.
Mimi ninapenda kutenga wali kabla ya kula.
I like to separate the rice before eating.
Mama anataka kununua jembe jipya kabla ya msimu wa kilimo, ili aweze kulima shamba vizuri.
Mother wants to buy a new hoe before the farming season, so that she can cultivate the farm well.
Baada ya kuoga, yeye hutandika shuka hilo kitandani na kufunga pazia kabla ya kulala.
After bathing, she spreads that bedsheet on the bed and closes the curtain before sleeping.
Ninahitaji kiatu kipya kabla ya kusafiri kesho.
I need a new shoe before traveling tomorrow.
Dakika moja kabla ya kuondoka, kumbuka kuzima taa.
One minute before leaving, remember to turn off the lights.
Niletee unga huo, nigawanye kabla ya kuoka mkate.
Bring me that flour, so I can divide it before baking bread.
Wanakijiji huweka mazao yao kwenye karatasi maalum kabla ya kuyabeba sokoni.
Villagers place their produce on special paper before carrying them to the market.
Mpishi huyu anapendekeza tukate nyanya ndogo ndogo kabla ya kuchanganya na chumvi.
This cook suggests that we cut the tomatoes into small pieces before mixing with salt.
Wanafunzi waliondoa uchafu darasani kabla ya somo kuanza.
The students removed dirt from the classroom before the lesson began.
Ni muhimu kusalimiana asubuhi kabla ya kuanza mazungumzo.
It is important to greet each other in the morning before starting a conversation.
Ni vyema usubiri kidogo, ili huzuni ipungue kabla ya kuzungumza naye.
It is good that you wait a little, so that the sadness decreases before speaking to him.
Mimi ninapenda kufikiria kabla ya kuandaa meza nyumbani.
I like to think before setting the table at home.
Ni muhimu kupata ruhusa kutoka kwa mwalimu kabla ya kuondoka darasani.
It is important to get permission from the teacher before leaving the classroom.
Nafikiri kuna pendekezo zuri la kuongeza muda wa kujifunza kabla ya mtihani.
I think there is a good suggestion to add study time before the exam.
Mimi ninaona uhitaji wa kuandika orodha ya mahitaji kabla ya kwenda dukani.
I see the need to write a list of requirements before going to the shop.
Mwalimu anatutaka tujifunze msamiati mpya kabla ya mtihani wa kesho.
The teacher wants us to learn new vocabulary before tomorrow’s test.
Kabla ya kusoma falsafa chuoni, tunahitaji matokeo mazuri ya shule ya sekondari.
Before studying philosophy at the university, we need good grades from secondary school.
Tunapaswa kuyafanyia uchunguzi makosa yetu, ili tuweze kuyarekebisha kabla ya kufanya jaribio jipya.
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