
Usages of muhimu

Nataka kupumzika kidogo leo, lakini kaka anasema ni muhimu kuandaa chakula mapema.
I want to rest a bit today, but brother says it is important to prepare food early.
Kumbuka, ni muhimu kufika mapema sokoni.
Remember, it is important to arrive early at the market.
Tutaenda sokoni kama baba anasema ni muhimu.
We will go to the market if father says it is important.
Mama anafikiri kutoogelea baharini mchana ni muhimu.
Mother thinks not swimming in the ocean in the afternoon is important.
Ni muhimu kufunga mlango kabla ya kuondoka, ili vitu vyetu viwe salama.
It is important to lock the door before leaving, so that our things are safe.
Ahadi yako ni muhimu.
Your promise is important.
Ni muhimu upangilie mpango wako wa kujifunza mapema.
It is important that you organize your learning plan early.
Kabla ya safari, mimi nitaandaa mzigo wangu ili nisikose kitu muhimu.
Before the trip, I will prepare my luggage so that I do not miss anything important.
Tafadhali, kualika wageni ni muhimu ili tuongeze furaha ndani ya nyumba.
Please, inviting guests is important so that we add happiness inside the house.
Mwalimu anasema suluhisho ni muhimu.
The teacher says the solution is important.
Masikini wanaweza kujifunza mada muhimu, ili wajipatie ujuzi mpya.
Poor people can learn important topics so that they gain new skills.
Kuna semina muhimu kesho, itakayozungumzia maendeleo ya shule ya msingi.
There is an important seminar tomorrow, which will discuss the development of the primary school.
Subira ni muhimu wakati trafiki inapokuwa kubwa, ili kuepuka ajali.
Patience is important when traffic is heavy, in order to avoid accidents.
Badiliko ni muhimu.
Change is important.
Ufundishaji ni muhimu.
Teaching is important.
Ni muhimu kuchagua muda mwafaka wa kupumzika.
It is important to choose the right time to rest.
Ukweli ni muhimu.
Truth is important.
Ni muhimu tufanye jitihada tusijisalimishe kwa uvivu wakati tunajifunza masomo mapya.
It is important that we make an effort not to surrender to laziness when learning new subjects.
Kaka yangu alipaswa kuingiza makaratasi kwenye faili, lakini amesahau kutia baadhi ya nyaraka muhimu.
My brother was supposed to insert papers into a file, but he forgot to put in some important documents.
Afisa yule akasema ni vyema kuweka nyaraka zote muhimu kwenye kabrasha moja ili zisipotee.
That officer said it is good to put all the important documents in one folder so they do not get lost.
Ubora ni muhimu.
Quality is important.
Mjadala ni muhimu.
Discussion is important.
Jamii ni muhimu.
Community is important.
Hatua ni muhimu.
A step is important.
Ukubwa wa nyumba yangu ni muhimu.
The size of my house is important.
Ni muhimu uepuke uchafu sokoni ili ubaki na afya njema.
It is important that you avoid dirt at the market so that you remain healthy.
Ni muhimu kusalimiana asubuhi kabla ya kuanza mazungumzo.
It is important to greet each other in the morning before starting a conversation.
Ni muhimu kupata ruhusa kutoka kwa mwalimu kabla ya kuondoka darasani.
It is important to get permission from the teacher before leaving the classroom.
Tafadhali usiwe umechelewa katika kipindi cha mwisho ili usipoteze maelezo muhimu.
Please do not be late to the last lesson so that you do not miss important explanations.
Mwalimu anatoa maelezo muhimu darasani.
The teacher gives important explanations in the class.
Utamaduni wa shule ni muhimu.
The culture of the school is important.
Ushirikiano ni muhimu.
Cooperation is important.
Maendeleo ni muhimu.
Progress is important.
Tafadhali usiache kuitumia pakiti hii ya vitabu, kwa maana kuna vitabu muhimu vya uchunguzi huko ndani.
Please do not stop using this packet of books, because there are important investigative books inside.
Mwalimu anasaidia wanafunzi kufanya uchunguzi muhimu darasani.
The teacher helps the students do an important investigation in class.
Utaratibu ni muhimu.
Order is important.
Mawasiliano ni muhimu.
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