Question | Answer |
the mother | ibu |
while | manakala |
I buy rice at the market while he/she buys bread at the shop. | Saya beli nasi di pasar manakala dia beli roti di kedai. |
the father | ayah |
My mother cooks rice every morning, while my father works at the office. | Ibu saya memasak nasi setiap pagi, manakala ayah saya bekerja di pejabat. |
please | tolong |
to greet | sapa |
He/She greets a new friend. | Dia sapa teman baru. |
Please greet your mother before leaving the house. | Tolong sapa ibu awak sebelum keluar rumah. |
the shirt | baju |
My father buys a new shirt at the cheap shop. | Ayah saya membeli baju baru di kedai yang murah. |
please | sila |
to try on | mencuba |
to see | lihat |
I see a dog in the park. | Saya lihat anjing di taman. |
the size | saiz |
The size of my shirt is big. | Saiz baju saya besar. |
Please try on this shirt so that your father can see the size. | Sila mencuba baju ini supaya ayah awak boleh lihat saiznya. |
the older sister | kakak |
to like | gemar |
I like to exercise in the park. | Saya gemar bersenam di taman. |
the wall | dinding |
full | penuh |
the family photo | gambar keluarga |
My older sister loves reading books near the wall of the room that is full of family photos. | Kakak saya gemar membaca buku dekat dinding bilik yang penuh dengan gambar keluarga. |
the older brother | abang |
to use | menggunakan |
the phone | telefon |
new | baharu |
My older brother uses a new phone to chat with Mother in the kitchen. | Abang saya menggunakan telefon baharu untuk berbual dengan ibu di dapur. |
do not | jangan |
to go out | keluar |
Please do not forget your phone on the table before we go out. | Sila jangan lupa telefon awak di atas meja sebelum kita keluar. |
the shoe | kasut |
to look | kelihatan |
I look tired. | Saya kelihatan letih. |
pretty | cantik |
to wear | pakai |
I wear a new shirt. | Saya pakai baju baru. |
Those shoes look pretty, so I want to buy them to wear to the office. | Kasut itu kelihatan cantik, jadi saya mahu membelinya untuk dipakai ke pejabat. |
to make sure | pastikan |
Make sure you bring an important book to study history. | Pastikan awak bawa buku penting untuk belajar sejarah. |
to enter | masuk |
I enter the class now. | Saya masuk ke kelas sekarang. |
Please make sure your shoes are clean before entering the house. | Tolong pastikan kasut awak bersih sebelum masuk ke rumah. |
to come | mari |
to invite | menjemput |
I invite you home. | Saya menjemput awak ke rumah. |
together | bersama |
Let us invite Father, older sister, and older brother to have dinner together. | Marilah kita menjemput ayah, kakak, dan abang untuk makan malam bersama. |
the bicycle | basikal |
I use a bicycle to go to the market. | Saya menggunakan basikal untuk pergi ke pasar. |
to walk | berjalan kaki |
I walk to the market because I like fresh air. | Saya berjalan kaki ke pasar kerana saya suka udara segar. |
My bicycle is broken, so I walk to the park with Mother to exercise. | Basikal saya rosak, jadi saya berjalan kaki ke taman bersama ibu untuk bersenam. |
to try | cuba |
it | nya |
I need to try that bicycle first before buying it. | Saya perlu mencuba basikal itu dahulu sebelum membelinya. |
to think | fikir |
the rain | hujan |
to rain | turun |
the afternoon | petang |
This afternoon, I ask the teacher about history. | Petang ini, saya tanya guru tentang sejarah. |
the umbrella | payung |
I think it will rain this afternoon, so bring an umbrella when you go out. | Saya fikir hujan akan turun petang ini, jadi bawalah payung apabila keluar. |
hard | susah |
to ride | menunggang |
I ride a bicycle in the park so that I am healthy. | Saya menunggang basikal di taman supaya saya sihat. |
Heavy rain makes it hard for me to ride a bicycle, even though I have already brought an umbrella. | Hujan lebat membuat saya susah untuk menunggang basikal, walaupun saya sudah bawa payung. |
to wear | memakai |
the pants | seluar |
My older brother likes to wear neat pants and a fresh shirt when going to a meeting. | Abang saya suka memakai seluar kemas dan baju segar ketika pergi ke mesyuarat. |
to hang | gantung |
I hang clothes in the room. | Saya gantung baju di bilik. |
the towel | tuala |
wet | basah |
the bathroom | bilik mandi |
I go to the bathroom now. | Saya pergi ke bilik mandi sekarang. |
dry | kering |
My shirt is dry. | Baju saya kering. |
Please hang the wet towel on the bathroom wall so the floor stays dry. | Tolong gantung tuala basah di dinding bilik mandi supaya lantai kekal kering. |
old | lama |
I like old books. | Saya suka buku lama. |
torn | koyak |
My shirt is torn. | Baju saya koyak. |
I need a new towel because the old one is torn. | Saya perlukan tuala baharu kerana yang lama sudah koyak. |
to prepare | menyiapkan |
the cake | kek |
sweet | manis |
I buy sweet bread at the market. | Saya beli roti manis di pasar. |
the celebration | sambutan |
I go to the celebration tomorrow. | Saya pergi ke sambutan esok. |
Mother's birthday | ulang tahun ibu |
My older sister prepares a sweet cake in the kitchen for Mother's birthday celebration. | Kakak saya menyiapkan kek manis di dapur untuk sambutan ulang tahun ibu. |
somewhat | agak |
This office is somewhat calm. | Pejabat ini agak tenang. |
salty | masin |
perhaps | mungkin |
the salt | garam |
I use salt to cook curry. | Saya guna garam untuk masak kari. |
to spill | tertumpah |
The water spilled on the floor. | Air tertumpah di lantai. |
accidentally | tanpa sengaja |
I accidentally close the door. | Saya tutup pintu tanpa sengaja. |
I feel that cake is somewhat salty, perhaps because salt was spilled accidentally. | Saya berasa kek itu agak masin, mungkin kerana garam tertumpah tanpa sengaja. |
the dish | masakan |
sour | masam |
the soup | sup |
sour | asam |
I like sour fruit. | Saya suka buah asam. |
spicy | pedas |
I eat spicy rice. | Saya makan nasi pedas. |
to change | ubah |
I change the important file at the office. | Saya ubah fail penting di pejabat. |
the appetite | selera |
Trying sour dishes like sour and spicy soup can change our appetite. | Mencuba masakan masam seperti sup asam pedas boleh mengubah selera kita. |
Sometimes, I think this soup is too sour for Father, but he still enjoys it. | Kadangkala, saya fikir sup ini terlalu masam untuk ayah, tetapi dia masih menikmatinya. |
in | di dalam |
to exist | terdapat |
There is a cute cat in the house. | Terdapat kucing comel di rumah. |
the drawer | laci |
the furniture | perabot |
In Mother’s room, there is a large drawer that is full of small furniture. | Di dalam bilik ibu, terdapat sebuah laci besar yang penuh dengan perabot kecil. |
the living room | ruang tamu |
I sit in the living room. | Saya duduk di ruang tamu. |
decorative | hiasan |
Please open the drawer in the living room and arrange the decorative furniture on the table. | Tolong buka laci di ruang tamu dan susun perabot hiasan di atas meja. |
not | jangan |
to touch | sentuh |
I touch the important file. | Saya sentuh fail penting. |
the paint | cat |
Please do not touch the new wall that is still wet with paint. | Sila jangan sentuh dinding baru yang masih basah dengan cat. |
let's | mari |
Let's go to the market now. | Mari kita pergi ke pasar sekarang. |
to invite | jemput |
I invite my friend home now. | Saya jemput teman saya ke rumah sekarang. |
Let’s invite older sister to eat cake at Father and Mother’s new house. | Marilah kita jemput kakak untuk makan kek di rumah baharu ayah dan ibu. |
to rain | hujan |
If it rains, I do not leave the house. | Kalau hujan, saya tidak keluar rumah. |
almost | hampir |
I almost forgot to bring the important book. | Saya hampir lupa bawa buku penting. |
I drove to the office when it was raining and almost forgot my umbrella in the car. | Saya memandu ke pejabat ketika hujan dan hampir lupa payung di dalam kereta. |
the store | kedai |
to change | menukar |
I change my old shirt for a new shirt. | Saya menukar baju lama dengan baju baru. |
the shoes | kasut |
My older brother tried on new pants at the store, then he returned home to change his shoes before the meeting. | Abang saya mencuba seluar baru di kedai, kemudian dia pulang untuk menukar kasut sebelum mesyuarat. |
let us | mari |
Let's study in class now. | Mari belajar di kelas sekarang. |
the way | cara |
I learn how to cook rice. | Saya belajar cara memasak nasi. |
quick | cepat |
Let’s think together about how to clean the wet towel and dirty wall more quickly. | Mari kita fikir bersama tentang cara membersihkan tuala basah dan dinding kotor dengan lebih cepat. |
to ride | naik |
He/She rides a new car to the office. | Dia naik kereta baru ke pejabat. |
the weekend | hujung minggu |
I rest at home on the weekend. | Saya berehat di rumah hujung minggu. |
the hat | topi |
I buy a new hat. | Saya beli topi baru. |
sports | sukan |
I wear sports clothes to exercise. | Saya pakai baju sukan untuk bersenam. |
Mother and Father like to ride bicycles together on weekends while wearing hats and sports shirts. | Ibu dan ayah suka naik basikal bersama pada hujung minggu sambil memakai topi dan baju sukan. |
to mistakenly take | tersalah ambil |
I took the wrong book. | Saya tersalah ambil buku. |
Do not forget to store the phone in the drawer so that older sister does not take it by mistake. | Jangan lupa untuk menyimpan telefon di dalam laci supaya kakak tidak tersalah ambil. |
it | ia |
It drinks fresh water and eats delicious rice. | Ia minum air segar dan makan nasi sedap. |
to affect | menjejaskan |
My older brother does not like food that is too salty because it can affect his health. | Abang saya tidak suka makanan yang terlalu masin kerana ia boleh menjejaskan kesihatannya. |
high | tinggi |
My appetite is high. | Selera saya tinggi. |
the office room | bilik pejabat |
I write a report in the office room. | Saya tulis laporan di bilik pejabat. |
That office room is neat with decorative walls. | Bilik pejabat itu kemas dengan dinding hiasan. |
the classroom | kelas |
Don't chat in the classroom. | Jangan berbual di dalam kelas. |
the journey | perjalanan |
I like the journey to the city by bus. | Saya suka perjalanan ke bandar dengan bas. |
My broken car affects my journey. | Kereta rosak menjejaskan perjalanan saya. |
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