to have | ada |
I have a cat and a dog at home. | Saya ada kucing dan anjing di rumah. |
the family | keluarga |
big | besar |
My house is big. | Rumah saya besar. |
I have a big family in this city. | Saya ada keluarga besar di bandar ini. |
always | selalu |
to gather | berkumpul |
My family always gathers for dinner. | Keluarga saya selalu berkumpul untuk makan malam. |
the office | pejabat |
calm | tenang |
to work | bekerja |
I like an office that is calm for working. | Saya suka pejabat yang tenang untuk bekerja. |
the laptop | laptop |
broken | rosak |
My car is broken now. | Kereta saya rosak sekarang. |
when | ketika |
I eat rice when he/she drinks water. | Saya makan nasi ketika dia minum air. |
too | terlalu |
My house is too big. | Rumah saya terlalu besar. |
noisy | bising |
I do not like noisy offices now. | Saya tidak suka pejabat bising sekarang. |
My laptop broke when the office was too noisy. | Laptop saya rosak ketika pejabat terlalu bising. |
to use | guna |
I use the car to go to the office. | Saya guna kereta untuk pergi ke pejabat. |
Now I use a new laptop to work at home that is calm. | Sekarang saya guna laptop baru untuk bekerja di rumah yang tenang. |
to walk | berjalan |
the park | taman |
We gather in the park after work. | Kita berkumpul di taman selepas kerja. |
Every morning, I walk with my family in the park. | Setiap pagi, saya berjalan dengan keluarga saya di taman. |
the shop | kedai |
cheap | murah |
if | kalau |
If you want to eat, I buy rice. | Kalau awak mahu makan, saya beli nasi. |
We can also walk to a shop that is cheap if we want to buy bread. | Kita juga boleh berjalan ke kedai yang murah kalau mahu beli roti. |
across | di seberang |
My house is across the park. | Rumah saya di seberang taman. |
the street | jalan |
to sell | menjual |
the price | harga |
expensive | mahal |
The shop across the street sells laptops at an expensive price. | Kedai di seberang jalan itu menjual laptop dengan harga mahal. |
to feel | rasa |
I feel the new car is fast. | Saya rasa kereta baru itu cepat. |
like | seperti |
This book is like a magazine. | Buku ini seperti majalah. |
I feel the price of rice here is not expensive like at that office. | Saya rasa harga nasi di sini tidak mahal seperti di pejabat itu. |
to write | tulis |
the date | tarikh |
today | hari ini |
I go to the office today. | Saya pergi ke pejabat hari ini. |
Can you write today's date in that book? | Bolehkah awak tulis tarikh hari ini di buku itu? |
to need | perlu |
They need to buy rice for dinner. | Mereka perlu beli nasi untuk makan malam. |
to send | hantar |
the report | laporan |
I need to write that important date before I send the report. | Saya perlu tulis tarikh penting itu sebelum saya hantar laporan. |
while | sambil |
to wait | menunggu |
They read a magazine while waiting for me to complete my work. | Mereka membaca majalah sambil menunggu saya siapkan kerja. |
will | akan |
to complete | siapkan |
the task | tugasan |
I have an important task. | Saya ada tugasan penting. |
the boss | bos |
Boss likes to eat rice. | Bos suka makan nasi. |
I will complete this task and send it to the boss at the office. | Saya akan siapkan tugasan ini dan hantar kepada bos di pejabat. |
to wake up | bangun |
early | awal |
to write | menulis |
He/She writes a report at the office. | Dia menulis laporan di pejabat. |
the note | nota |
He/She brings a note to class now. | Dia bawa nota ke kelas sekarang. |
yesterday | semalam |
Yesterday, I ate rice. | Semalam, saya makan nasi. |
I wake up early in the morning to write notes about yesterday’s experience. | Saya bangun awal pagi untuk menulis nota tentang pengalaman semalam. |
if | jika |
If I eat rice, I drink water. | Jika saya makan nasi, saya minum air. |
late | lewat |
to close | tutup |
the door | pintu |
the window | jendela |
If I wake up late, I will close the door and window so that I can sleep more calmly. | Jika saya bangun lewat, saya akan tutup pintu dan jendela supaya tidur lebih tenang. |
He/She will close the laptop before going for a walk with his/her family. | Dia akan tutup laptop sebelum dia pergi berjalan dengan keluarganya. |
to open | buka |
during | pada |
the day | waktu siang |
I eat rice during the day. | Saya makan nasi pada waktu siang. |
because of | kerana |
the air | udara |
I feel the air is calm. | Saya rasa udara tenang. |
fresh | segar |
I drink fresh water. | Saya minum air segar. |
I open the door and window during the day because of the fresh air. | Saya buka pintu dan jendela pada waktu siang kerana udara segar. |
often | sering |
He/She often goes to the office. | Dia sering pergi ke pejabat. |
the breakfast | sarapan |
Every morning, I eat breakfast. | Setiap pagi, saya makan sarapan. |
The shop that opens early in the morning often sells cheap breakfast. | Kedai yang buka awal pagi sering menjual sarapan yang murah. |
to read | baca |
He/She reads the report in the office. | Dia baca laporan di pejabat. |
the newspaper | surat khabar |
I buy a newspaper at the shop. | Saya beli surat khabar di kedai. |
fully | sepenuhnya |
from | dari |
I return from the office. | Saya pulang dari pejabat. |
the bed | katil |
I am sleeping in bed. | Saya sedang tidur di katil. |
I like to read the newspaper before fully getting up from bed. | Saya suka baca surat khabar sebelum bangun sepenuhnya dari katil. |
my | saya |
cute | comel |
My cat is cute. | Kucing saya comel. |
when | apabila |
I go to the market when I want to buy bread. | Saya pergi ke pasar apabila saya mahu beli roti. |
the weather | cuaca |
The weather is calm now. | Cuaca sekarang tenang. |
My cute dog likes to sleep at the window when the weather is calm. | Anjing saya yang comel suka tidur di jendela apabila cuaca tenang. |
to go on vacation | bercuti |
I go on vacation with my family. | Saya bercuti dengan keluarga saya. |
on | pada |
I write a note on the book. | Saya tulis nota pada buku. |
future | akan datang |
That family can go on vacation on a future date at a cheap price. | Keluarga itu boleh bercuti pada tarikh yang akan datang dengan harga murah. |
all | semua |
All books are important. | Semua buku penting. |
the document | dokumen |
I read the important document before work. | Saya baca dokumen penting sebelum kerja. |
We can send all documents to the office before the door closes tonight. | Kita boleh hantar semua dokumen ke pejabat sebelum pintu tutup malam ini. |
interesting | menarik |
That book is interesting. | Buku itu menarik. |
I am reading an interesting book while waiting for the shop to open. | Saya sedang baca buku yang menarik sambil menunggu kedai buka. |
to rest | rehat |
They rest after work. | Mereka rehat selepas kerja. |
office | pejabat |
The office car is broken. | Kereta pejabat rosak. |
After walking this morning, we rest for a while and complete office work. | Selepas berjalan pagi ini, kita rehat sebentar dan siapkan kerja pejabat. |
to study | belajar |
I study late every night. | Saya belajar lewat setiap malam. |
I always study. | Saya selalu belajar. |
on | di |
We sit on the street while chatting slowly. | Kita duduk di jalan sambil berbual perlahan. |