Question | Answer |
secondary | sekondari |
to give | kuwapa |
I want to give friends a gift. | Mimi ninataka kuwapa marafiki zawadi. |
The teachers at the secondary school give the students caution about difficult exams. | Walimu katika shule ya sekondari wanawapa wanafunzi tahadhari kuhusu mitihani migumu. |
the effort | jitihada |
the laziness | uvivu |
I do not like laziness. | Mimi sipendi uvivu. |
It is important that we make an effort not to surrender to laziness when learning new subjects. | Ni muhimu tufanye jitihada tusijisalimishe kwa uvivu wakati tunajifunza masomo mapya. |
the customer | mteja |
the product | bidhaa |
there | pale |
I will go there with Juma. | Mimi nitaenda pale na Juma. |
the health | afya |
I have good health. | Mimi nina afya nzuri. |
Customers like quality goods at the market, especially when they need health safety. | Wateja hupenda bidhaa bora sokoni, hasa pale wanapohitaji usalama wa afya. |
the tool | kifaa |
these | hivi |
These books are new. | Vitabu hivi ni vipya. |
to be broken | kuharibika |
My bicycle is broken. | Baiskeli yangu imeharibika. |
to be required | kupaswa |
to change | kugeuza |
to present | kuwasilisha |
These tools are broken, so we must change our plan to present the report today. | Vifaa hivi vimeharibika, hivyo tunapaswa kugeuza mpango wetu wa kuwasilisha ripoti leo. |
the farmer | mkulima |
The farmer is walking at the farm. | Mkulima anatembea shambani. |
the produce | zao |
their | yao |
to mix | kuchanganya |
the quality | ubora |
Quality is important. | Ubora ni muhimu. |
In our village, farmers sell their produce after mixing them according to quality. | Katika kijiji chetu, wakulima huuza mazao yao baada ya kuyachanganya kufuatana na ubora. |
the circus show | onyesho la sarakasi |
our | kwetu |
Our stove is clean. | Jiko kwetu ni safi. |
We get very excited when we see a circus show, especially when it comes to our village. | Sisi hutusisimua sana tunapoona onyesho la sarakasi, hasa linapokuja kijijini kwetu. |
to be surprised | kushangaa |
how | jinsi gani |
How do you use your phone? | Jinsi gani unatumia simu yako? |
to agree | kukubali |
I agree to discuss the news. | Mimi nakubali kujadili habari. |
to insert | kuingiza |
the example | mfano |
An example helps us learn. | Mfano unatusaidia kujifunza. |
difficult | ngumu |
This exam is difficult. | Mtihani huu ni ngumu. |
the discussion | mjadala |
Discussion is important. | Mjadala ni muhimu. |
simple | rahisi |
Sometimes I am surprised by how people agree to insert difficult examples into simple discussions. | Wakati mwingine mimi hushangaa ni kwa jinsi gani watu hukubali kuingiza mifano migumu katika mijadala rahisi. |
sweet | tamu |
Life is sweet. | Maisha ni tamu. |
We should mix milk with a little water, then put in sugar so that the tea becomes sweet. | Tunapaswa kuchanganya maziwa na maji kidogo, kisha tutie sukari ili chai iwe tamu. |
the villager | mwanakijiji |
The villager is walking at the market. | Mwanakijiji anatembea sokoni. |
the paper | karatasi |
special | maalum |
Today, we are having a special meeting. | Leo, sisi tunafanya mkutano maalum. |
Villagers place their produce on special paper before carrying them to the market. | Wanakijiji huweka mazao yao kwenye karatasi maalum kabla ya kuyabeba sokoni. |
to turn over | kugeuza |
the side | upande |
Juma and I are walking on the side of the road. | Mimi na Juma tunatembea upande wa barabara. |
the instructions | maelekezo |
The teacher gives instructions. | Mwalimu anatoa maelekezo. |
back | nyuma |
Do not forget to turn over that paper so that you read the instructions written on the back. | Usisahau kugeuza upande wa karatasi hiyo, ili usome maelekezo yaliyoandikwa nyuma. |
to receive | kupata |
the equipment | kifaa |
some | baadhi |
to break | kuharibika |
before | kabla |
Our secondary school has received new equipment, but some got broken before we started using them. | Shule ya sekondari yetu imepata vifaa vipya, lakini baadhi vimeharibika kabla hatujaanza kuvitumia. |
alternative | mbadala |
My suit is alternative. | Suti yangu ni mbadala. |
to resolve | kutatua |
the conflict | mgogoro |
Mother likes peace, but I do not like conflict. | Mama anapenda amani, lakini mimi sipendi mgogoro. |
That young person decided to surrender after lacking an alternative way to resolve conflicts. | Kijana yule aliamua kujisalimisha baada ya kukosa njia mbadala ya kutatua migogoro. |
perhaps | pengine |
Perhaps I will go to school tomorrow. | Mimi pengine nitaenda shuleni kesho. |
the evidence | ushahidi |
I have evidence. | Mimi nina ushahidi. |
to prevent | kuzuia |
The teacher tries to prevent mistakes in class. | Mwalimu anajaribu kuzuia makosa darasani. |
the confusion | mkanganyiko |
further | zaidi |
Perhaps we will present our evidence tomorrow, in order to prevent further confusion. | Pengine tutawasilisha ushahidi wetu kesho, ili kuzuia mkanganyiko zaidi. |
various | mbalimbali |
We like various foods. | Sisi tunapenda vyakula mbalimbali. |
the cup | kikombe |
Mother is buying a cup at the market. | Mama ananunua kikombe sokoni. |
My mother prepares various goods, such as baskets and cups, to sell to customers in this area. | Mama yangu anaandaa bidhaa mbalimbali, kama vile vikapu na vikombe, ili kuuza kwa wateja wa eneo hili. |
the dream | ndoto |
I have a big dream. | Mimi nina ndoto kubwa. |
even if | hata kama |
I like tea even if I have a lot of work today. | Mimi ninapenda chai hata kama nina kazi nyingi leo. |
the challenge | changamoto |
Challenge is difficult. | Changamoto ni ngumu. |
It is better that we do not allow bad intentions to demolish our dreams, even if we face challenges. | Ni bora tusikubali roho mbaya itubomoe ndoto zetu, hata kama tunakabiliwa na changamoto. |
the cook | mpishi |
to cook | kupikia |
I like to cook delicious food at home. | Mimi ninapenda kupikia chakula kitamu nyumbani. |
to demolish | kubomoa |
Father wants to demolish the house. | Baba anataka kubomoa nyumba. |
This is a good cook, but his cooking tool is broken, so he is worried about demolishing his entire stove. | Huyu ni mpishi mzuri, lakini kifaa chake cha kupikia kimeharibika, hivyo ana wasiwasi kubomoa jiko lake lote. |
to be touched | kuguswa |
deeply | sana |
orphan | yatima |
The orphan child is reading a book. | Mtoto yatima anasoma kitabu. |
My friend was deeply touched when he saw orphans playing without shoes. | Rafiki yangu aliguswa sana alipoona watoto yatima wakicheza bila viatu. |
severe | mkali |
the hospital | hospitali |
proper | sahihi |
If you have severe pain, you must go to the hospital early so that you can get proper treatment. | Ikiwa una maumivu makali, sharti uende hospitali mapema ili upate matibabu sahihi. |
the file | faili |
I use a file for work. | Mimi ninatumia faili kwa kazi. |
the document | nyaraka |
My brother was supposed to insert papers into a file, but he forgot to put in some important documents. | Kaka yangu alipaswa kuingiza makaratasi kwenye faili, lakini amesahau kutia baadhi ya nyaraka muhimu. |
the firewood | kuni |
to spoil | kuharibika |
We tried to carry a lot of firewood, but it rained and they began to spoil. | Tulijaribu kubeba kuni nyingi, lakini mvua ilinyesha na zikaanza kuharibika. |
to employ | kuajiri |
A new cook has been employed at the hotel, and customers say his food is thrilling. | Mpishi mpya ameajiriwa hotelini, na wateja wanasema chakula chake ni cha kusisimua. |
My mother went to the hospital again today, and she was touched by the doctors’ efforts to help her. | Mama yangu alienda hospitali tena leo, na akaguswa na jitihada za madaktari kumsaidia. |
You must present this report tomorrow morning, so that we do not lack time to correct it. | Sharti uwasilishe ripoti hii kesho asubuhi, ili tusikose muda wa kuirekebisha. |
the officer | afisa |
The officer is walking near town now. | Afisa anatembea karibu na mji sasa. |
to get lost | kupotea |
I get lost at the market. | Mimi ninapotea sokoni. |
That officer said it is good to put all the important documents in one folder so they do not get lost. | Afisa yule akasema ni vyema kuweka nyaraka zote muhimu kwenye kabrasha moja ili zisipotee. |
the ice | barafu |
Mother buys ice at the market. | Mama anununua barafu sokoni. |
to fall | kudondoka |
The leaves are falling from the tree. | Majani yanadondoka kutoka juu ya mti. |
on top | juu |
the roof | paa |
Mother is cleaning roof at home. | Mama anasafisha paa nyumbani. |
The children were surprised to see ice falling from the top of our house roof. | Watoto walishangaa kuona barafu ikidondoka kutoka juu ya paa la nyumba yetu. |
if | iwapo |
If you play ball, you must have sports shoes. | Iwapo unacheza mpira, ni lazima uwe na viatu vya michezo. |
If you are unwell, it is good that you go to the hospital early so you can rest quickly. | Iwapo unaumwa, ni vyema uende hospitali mapema ili upumzike haraka. |
the foot | mguu |
Let us be careful when carrying firewood, so that we do not injure our feet. | Tuwe makini tunapobeba kuni, ili tusijeruhi miguu yetu. |
to fail | kushindwa |
I do not like to fail the exam. | Mimi sipendi kushindwa mtihani. |
the community | jamii |
Community is important. | Jamii ni muhimu. |
Father wants us to change our perspective, so that we do not fail to improve the community’s life. | Baba anataka tugeuze mtazamo wetu, ili tusishindwe kuboresha maisha ya jamii. |
to cut | kukata |
I like to cut carrots at home. | Mimi ninapenda kukata karoti nyumbani. |
This cook suggests that we cut the tomatoes into small pieces before mixing with salt. | Mpishi huyu anapendekeza tukate nyanya ndogo ndogo kabla ya kuchanganya na chumvi. |
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