Usages of dia
Dia suka makan.
He/She likes to eat.
Dia minum air sekarang.
He/She drinks water now.
Dia di sana sekarang.
He/She is over there now.
Dia pergi ke pasar juga.
He/She goes to the market too.
Dia beli nasi di sini.
He/She buys rice here.
Dia sedang menonton televisyen malam ini.
He/She is watching television tonight.
Dia suka dengar muzik cepat sebelum kerja.
He/She likes to listen to fast music before work.
Dia tanya soalan pada guru di kelas.
He/She asks a question to the teacher in class.
Saya bawa buku penting kepada teman saya supaya dia boleh belajar tentang sejarah.
I bring an important book to my friend so that he/she can learn about history.
Dia sedang membaca buku sejarah sebelum tidur malam ini.
He/She is reading a history book before sleeping tonight.
Dia membaca majalah itu di rumah.
He/She reads that magazine at home.
Pagi tadi, dia duduk di sini.
This morning, he/she sat here.
Dia suka kerja sampai malam.
He/She likes to work until night.
Dia suka mendengar muzik perlahan.
He/She likes to listen to slow music.
Dia pulang ke rumah sekarang.
He/She returns home now.
Dia duduk di luar sekarang.
He/She is sitting outside now.
Dia akan tutup laptop sebelum dia pergi berjalan dengan keluarganya.
He/She will close the laptop before going for a walk with his/her family.
Saya makan nasi ketika dia minum air.
I eat rice when he/she drinks water.
Dia baca laporan di pejabat.
He/She reads the report in the office.
Dia menulis laporan di pejabat.
He/She writes a report at the office.
Dia bawa nota ke kelas sekarang.
He/She brings a note to class now.
Dia sering pergi ke pejabat.
He/She often goes to the office.
Dia akan pergi ke hotel mewah di tempat yang sibuk esok.
He/She will go to a luxurious hotel in a busy place tomorrow.
Dia letih semalam, jadi dia tidak memulakan latihan pada pukul tujuh.
He/She was tired yesterday, so he/she did not start practice at seven o’clock.
Saya suka teman serumah itu kerana dia sering tolong saya bersihkan dapur.
I like that roommate because he/she often helps me clean the kitchen.
Dia sudah menyiapkan semua tugasan sebelum pukul enam.
He/She has already finished all tasks before six o’clock.
Teman serumah saya masih mahu memasak kari panas walaupun dia sibuk pada malam ini.
My roommate still wants to cook hot curry even though he/she is busy tonight.
Dia duduk di situ sekarang.
He/She sits there now.
Dia bersenam setiap pagi.
He/She exercises every morning.
Dia tiba di pasar sekarang.
He/She arrives at the market now.
Dia juga rajin bersukan pada waktu pagi supaya badannya sihat.
He/She is also diligent in doing sports in the morning so that his/her body is healthy.
Rakan saya menjadi pandai memasak kerana dia rajin menonton video resepi.
My friend becomes clever at cooking because he/she is diligent about watching recipe videos.
Jika adik saya bermain terlalu lama, dia akan kekurangan tenaga untuk membaca nota sebelum tidur.
If my younger sibling plays too long, he/she will lack energy to read notes before sleeping.
Dia makan roti manakala saya makan nasi.
He/She eats bread whereas I eat rice.
Kadangkala, saya fikir sup ini terlalu masam untuk ayah, tetapi dia masih menikmatinya.
Sometimes, I think this soup is too sour for Father, but he still enjoys it.
Abang saya mencuba seluar baru di kedai, kemudian dia pulang untuk menukar kasut sebelum mesyuarat.
My older brother tried on new pants at the store, then he returned home to change his shoes before the meeting.
Saya beli nasi di pasar manakala dia beli roti di kedai.
I buy rice at the market while he/she buys bread at the shop.
Dia sapa teman baru.
He/She greets a new friend.
Dia naik kereta baru ke pejabat.
He/She rides a new car to the office.
Mengapa dia belum masuk ke kelas?
Why has he/she not yet entered the class?
Dia membawa bantal baharu dan selimut lembut ke kelas kerana dia mahu berehat sebentar.
He/She brings a new pillow and a soft blanket to class because he/she wants to rest for a while.
Dia belajar memasak kari sayur yang enak pada hujung minggu lalu.
He/She learned to cook a delicious vegetable curry last weekend.
Tolong tanya dia: “Bilakah awak akan berhenti kerja hari ini?” supaya kita boleh keluar bersama.
Please ask him/her: “When will you stop working today?” so that we can go out together.
Harus kita hargai orang yang sudi berkongsi makanan sedap, supaya dia gembira membantu kita lagi.
We must appreciate the person who is willing to share delicious food, so that he/she will be happy to help us again.
Dia naik tangga dengan cepat ke kelas.
He/She goes up the stairs quickly to class.
Saya makan nasi sedangkan dia minum air.
I eat rice whereas he/she drinks water.
Dia bukan guru.
He/She is not a teacher.
Dia berangkat ke bandar dengan kereta baru.
He/She departs for the city with a new car.
Dia turun tangga cepat.
He/She goes down the stairs quickly.
Dia cari payung di kereta.
He/She searches for an umbrella in the car.
Dia berjalan ceria.
He/She walks cheerfully.
Dia sudi tolong saya.
He/She is willing to help me.
Dia pandai belajar sejarah.
He/She is smart at studying history. is an online learning platform
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