Question | Answer |
neat | nadhifu |
I am helping you braid her hair so that she looks neat. | Mimi ninakusaidia kusuka nywele zake ili aonekane nadhifu. |
to push | kusukuma |
forward | mbele |
Would you like to push me forward a bit, so that I can see better at the window? | Je, ungependa kunisukuma mbele kidogo, ili nione vizuri dirishani? |
the mind | akili |
the use | matumizi |
the problem | shida |
I have a problem at home. | Mimi nina shida nyumbani. |
I am using my mind to plan my use of money, so that I do not have problems later. | Ninatumia akili yangu kupanga matumizi ya hela, ili nisipate shida baadaye. |
the vocabulary | msamiati |
The teacher wants us to learn new vocabulary before tomorrow’s test. | Mwalimu anatutaka tujifunze msamiati mpya kabla ya mtihani wa kesho. |
the philosophy | falsafa |
the effort | juhudi |
to understand | kufahamu |
The teacher helps the students understand the lesson. | Mwalimu anasaidia wanafunzi kufahamu somo. |
I am a beginner in philosophy, but I am putting in a lot of effort to understand the complex ideas. | Mimi ni chipukizi katika somo la falsafa, lakini ninatumia juhudi kubwa kuyafahamu mawazo magumu. |
the floor | sakafu |
to shine | kung'aa |
The sun is shining in the morning. | Jua linakung'aa asubuhi. |
The floor of this room shines because mother swept and mopped it this morning. | Sakafu ya chumba hiki inang’aa kwa sababu mama aliifagia na kupiga deki asubuhi. |
to study | kusoma |
the university | chuo |
Before studying philosophy at the university, we need good grades from secondary school. | Kabla ya kusoma falsafa chuoni, tunahitaji matokeo mazuri ya shule ya sekondari. |
to smile | kutabasamu |
the homework | kazi |
it | hiyo |
to give | kupa |
The teacher gives the student a book. | Mwalimu anakupa mwanafunzi kitabu. |
the hope | tumaini |
I like to smile when I finish my homework, because it gives me new hope. | Mimi ninapenda kutabasamu ninapomaliza kazi zangu za nyumbani, kwa sababu hiyo inanipa matumaini mapya. |
to investigate | kuchunguza |
I am investigating the market. | Mimi ninachunguza soko. |
the administration | utawala |
the fee | ada |
to provide | kutoa |
Father is sending us to investigate the school’s administration, so that we know how fees are provided. | Baba anatutuma kuchunguza hali ya utawala wa shule, ili tujue jinsi ada inavyotolewa. |
the packet | pakiti |
Please do not push us to leave early—we need time to prepare the gift packets. | Tafadhali usitusukume kuondoka mapema, tunahitaji muda wa kuandaa pakiti za zawadi. |
to enroll | kujiandikisha |
My sister has enrolled in a university, which has many floors and large study rooms. | Dada amejiandikisha chuo kikuu, ambacho kina ghorofa nyingi na vyumba vikubwa vya kujifunzia. |
the savings | akiba |
I have savings. | Mimi nina akiba. |
the fee expense | gharama za ada |
suddenly | ghafla |
Our dog is running suddenly. | Mbwa wetu anakimbia ghafla. |
When I get a little money, I try to save it so that I am not hurt by sudden fee expenses. | Ninapopata hela kidogo, ninajaribu kuweka akiba ili nisiumizwe na gharama za ada ghafla. |
the investigation | uchunguzi |
The teacher helps the students do an important investigation in class. | Mwalimu anasaidia wanafunzi kufanya uchunguzi muhimu darasani. |
brief | mfupi |
to find out | kujua |
why | kwa nini |
Why do you eat fish? | Wewe unakula samaki kwa nini? |
to discover | kugundua |
I like to discover something new. | Mimi ninapenda kugundua kitu kipya. |
We did a brief investigation to find out why the floor was slippery, and discovered that water had spilled. | Tulifanya uchunguzi mfupi kujua kwa nini sakafu inateleza, tukagundua maji yalikuwa yamemwagika. |
the generosity | ukarimu |
Generosity brings happiness. | Ukarimu huleta furaha. |
to volunteer | kujitolea |
Mother likes to show generosity by volunteering to cook food for friends during celebrations. | Mama anapenda kuonyesha ukarimu kwa kujitolea kupika chakula kwa marafiki wakati wa sherehe. |
to control | kudhibiti |
to attend | kuhudhuria |
We like to attend the meeting. | Sisi tunapenda kuhudhuria mkutano. |
all | vyote |
All the books are on the table. | Vitabu vyote viko kwenye meza. |
My hope is that I will be able to control my time, so that I can attend all classes. | Matumaini yangu ni kwamba mimi nitaweza kudhibiti muda wangu, ili nihudhurie vipindi vyote. |
which | zilizo |
The houses that are near the school are cheap. | Nyumba zilizo karibu na shule ni za bei nafuu. |
well | vyema |
Juma plays ball well. | Juma anacheza mpira vyema. |
Those children volunteered to wash all the packets full of utensils, and they used their effort well. | Watoto wale walijitolea kuosha pakiti zote zilizojaa vyombo, wakatumia juhudi zao vyema. |
the light | nuru |
the understanding | ufahamu |
I have great understanding. | Mimi nina ufahamu mkubwa. |
As a beginner in philosophy, my brother enjoys discussing new ideas and seeing the light of understanding. | Akiwa chipukizi katika somo la falsafa, kaka anafurahia kujadili mawazo mapya na kutazama nuru ya ufahamu. |
the order | utaratibu |
Order is important. | Utaratibu ni muhimu. |
I thank the teachers who help me learn difficult vocabulary systematically. | Mimi ninawashukuru walimu wanaonisaidia kujifunza msamiati mgumu kwa utaratibu. |
to reach | kufika |
to look at | kuangalia |
I like to look at the world. | Mimi ninapenda kuangalia dunia. |
to manage | kusimamia |
Mother manages the farm. | Mama anasimamia shamba. |
the arrangement | mpangilio |
The classroom arrangement is good. | Mpangilio wa darasa ni mzuri. |
When we reached the upper floor, we looked at how the school administration manages the arrangement of rooms. | Tulipofika ghorofani, tuliangalia namna utawala wa shule unavyosimamia mpangilio wa vyumba. |
to investigate | kufanyia uchunguzi |
to fix | kurekebisha |
Father is fixing the door. | Baba anarekebisha mlango. |
We need to investigate our mistakes so that we can fix them before taking a new test. | Tunapaswa kuyafanyia uchunguzi makosa yetu, ili tuweze kuyarekebisha kabla ya kufanya jaribio jipya. |
to register | kujiandikisha |
I want to register at school. | Mimi ninataka kujiandikisha shuleni. |
the university | chuo kikuu |
The teacher says it is better to register for fees early, so that we do not lose the chance to study at the university later. | Mwalimu anasema ni bora tujiandikishe kwa ada mapema, ili baadaye tusikose nafasi ya kusoma chuo kikuu. |
to contribute | kuchangia |
We contribute money to the school. | Sisi tunachangia pesa kwa shule. |
the payment | malipo |
I receive payment after work. | Mimi ninapokea malipo baada ya kazi. |
They promise to control the costs of the new floor, but we need to contribute a little money for the workers’ payment. | Wao wanaahidi kudhibiti gharama za sakafu mpya, ila inabidi tuchangie hela kidogo za malipo ya mafundi. |
to remind | kukumbusha |
The teacher wants to remind the students. | Mwalimu anataka kukumbusha wanafunzi. |
When I lose hope, I remind myself that volunteering and effort will help me move forward. | Ninapokosa matumaini, ninajikumbusha kwamba kujitolea na juhudi vitanisaidia kuendelea mbele. |
to confront | kukabiliana |
We are learning to confront challenges every day. | Sisi tunajifunza kukabiliana na changamoto kila siku. |
the unity | umoja |
Unity brings happiness. | Umoja unaleta furaha. |
rather than | badala ya |
It is good to confront oppressive administration with unity, rather than allowing it to control us. | Ni vizuri kukabiliana na utawala kandamizi kwa umoja, badala ya kumruhusu atudhibiti. |
the feeling | hisia |
I have a good feeling. | Mimi nina hisia nzuri. |
When the sunlight shines on the floor, we get a peaceful feeling in the morning. | Nuru ya jua ikiwaka sakafuni, tunapata hisia nzuri za amani asubuhi. |
to push away | kusukuma |
decent | nadhifu |
the communication | mawasiliano |
Communication is important. | Mawasiliano ni muhimu. |
Pushing away people who come to help is not good behavior; please be decent in your communication. | Kusukuma watu wanaokuja kuwasaidia si tabia njema; tafadhali uwe nadhifu katika mawasiliano yako. |
to give | kumpa |
I give the teacher a book. | Mimi ninampa mwalimu kitabu. |
to pay | kulipa |
Mother pays the school fee. | Mama analipa ada ya shule. |
the loan | mkopo |
I need a loan. | Mimi ninahitaji mkopo. |
I am giving my sister a little money so that she can pay her fee without a large loan. | Ninampa dada hela kidogo, ili aweze kulipa ada yake bila mkopo mkubwa. |
at | kwa |
Mother bought a book at a low price. | Mama alinunua kitabu kwa bei nafuu. |
to increase | kuwongezea |
When you smile at a beginner who wants to learn, you increase his/her effort in studies. | Unapotabasamu kwa chipukizi anayetaka kujifunza, unamwongezea juhudi katika masomo. |
to build | kuunda |
I like to build a table. | Mimi ninapenda kuunda meza. |
If we cannot build our vocabulary well, we can ask the teacher to help us. | Kama hatuwezi kuunda msamiati vizuri, tunaweza kuuliza mwalimu atusaidie. |
the result | matokeo |
The results are good. | Matokeo ni mazuri. |
Philosophy requires a broad mind, but a little effort each day will bring us good results. | Falsafa inahitaji akili pana, lakini juhudi kidogo kila siku zitatuletea matokeo mazuri. |
to stop | kuacha |
I will stop playing ball. | Mimi nitaacha kucheza mpira. |
investigative | vya uchunguzi |
inside | huko ndani |
My bicycle is inside. | Baiskeli yangu iko huko ndani. |
Please do not stop using this packet of books, because there are important investigative books inside. | Tafadhali usiache kuitumia pakiti hii ya vitabu, kwa maana kuna vitabu muhimu vya uchunguzi huko ndani. |
Often, attending university increases the mind’s capacity and the ability to control life’s challenges. | Mara nyingi, kusoma chuo kikuu huongeza akili na uwezo wa kudhibiti changamoto za kimaisha. |
good | mema |
Good uses bring success. | Matumizi mema huleta mafanikio. |
the shade | kivuli |
Good trees bring shade. | Miti mema huleta kivuli. |
under | chini ya |
My dog is sleeping under the tree. | Mbwa wangu analala chini ya mti. |
I am under the shade. | Mimi nipo chini ya kivuli. |
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