Question | Answer |
a lot | multum |
about | de |
all | omnes |
also | etiam |
and | et |
beautiful | pulcher |
because | quia |
before | ante |
better | melior |
brave | fortis |
but | sed |
for | nam |
good | bonus |
great | magnus |
happy | laetus |
hello | salve |
hello | salvete |
her | ea |
him | eum |
however | tamen |
I | ego |
if | si |
in | in |
into | in |
large | magnus |
Latin | Latinus |
lofty | altus |
long | longus |
many | multus |
Marcus | Marcus |
me | me |
much | multus |
much | multum |
my | meus |
near | prope |
new | novus |
not | non |
now | nunc |
often | saepe |
on | in |
sad | tristis |
small | parvus |
sometimes | interdum |
soon | mox |
strong | fortis |
tall | altus |
than | quam |
the apple | malum |
the book | liber |
the boy | puer |
the bread | panis |
the brother | frater |
the city | urbs |
the danger | periculum |
the daughter | filia |
the dog | canis |
the emperor | imperator |
the family | familia |
the farmer | agricola |
the father | pater |
the female student | discipula |
the female teacher | magistra |
the field | ager |
the fire | ignis |
the flower | flos |
the food | cibus |
the forest | silva |
the forum | forum |
the friend | amicus |
the garden | hortus |
the girl | puella |
the goddess | dea |
the horse | equus |
the house | domus |
the house | villa |
the island | insula |
the journey | iter |
the merchant | mercator |
the messenger | nuntius |
the mind | mens |
the mother | mater |
the name | nomen |
the old man | senex |
the peace | pax |
the province | provincia |
the road | via |
the sailor | nauta |
the sea | mare |
the shop | taberna |
the sister | soror |
the sky | caelum |
the soldier | miles |
the son | filius |
the storm | tempestas |
the story | fabula |
the student | discipulus |
the student | discipula |
the table | mensa |
the teacher | magister |
the teacher | magistra |
the teacher | magistera |
the temple | templum |
the time | tempus |
the timid boy | timidus puer |
the town | oppidum |
the villa | villa |
the war | bellum |
the water | aqua |
the wine | vinum |
the woman | femina |
the word | verbum |
their | eorum |
there | ibi |
through | per |
timid | timidus |
to | ad |
to ask for | petere |
to be | esse |
to be able | posse |
to call | vocare |
to drink | bibere |
to enter | intrare |
to fear | timere |
to flee | fugere |
to give | donare |
to give | dare |
to greet | salutare |
to hope for | sperare |
to hurry | festinare |
to keep watch | vigilare |
to know | scire |
to live | habitare |
to look at | spectare |
to love | amare |
to make | facere |
to play | ludere |
to praise | laudare |
to pray | orare |
to read | legere |
to remain | manere |
to sail | navigare |
to say | dicere |
to see | videre |
to seek | petere |
to send | mittere |
to shout | clamare |
to sit | sedere |
to sleep | dormire |
to stand | stare |
to stay | manere |
to study | studere |
to take | sumere |
to tell | narrare |
to tell | dicere |
to the mother | mater |
to walk | ambulare |
to watch | spectare |
to work | laborare |
to write | scribere |
useful | utilis |
we | nos |
with | cum |
you | tu |
you | vos |
your | tuus |