
Usages of discipulus

Discipulus et magister in via sunt.
The student and the teacher are on the road.
Discipulus malum in mensa videt.
The student sees an apple on the table.
Discipulus intrat et vinum magistro donat.
The student enters and gives wine to the teacher.
Discipulus sorori librum legit.
The student reads a book to the sister.
Amicus cum discipulo in via est.
The friend is on the road with the student.
Pater discipulis panem donat.
The father gives bread to the students.
Magistra discipulis narrat de mari.
(The teacher tells the students about the sea.)
Magistra discipulis etiam fabulas de caelo narrat.
The teacher also tells the students stories about the sky.
Discipulus cum amico ad insulam navigat.
The student sails to the island with a friend.
Magistra discipulum salutat.
The teacher greets the student.
Discipulus caelum spectat.
The student looks at the sky.
Discipulus in horto sedet.
The student sits in the garden.
Magnus discipulus in via scribit.
The great student writes in the road.
Vos aquam bibitis et discipulum salutatis.
You drink water and greet the student.
Magistra discipulis fabulam in horto narrat.
The teacher tells the students a story in the garden.
Magister discipulis narrat: “Mens bona te fortem facit.”
(The teacher tells the students: “A good mind makes you strong.”)
Multi dicunt nomen meum altum esse, sed ego sum discipulus laetus.
(Many say my name is lofty, but I am a happy student.)
Discipulus clamat: “Magister, possum studere, sed dormire non possum!”
(The student shouts: “Teacher, I can study, but I cannot sleep!”)
Magister dicit: “Discipuli multum student, et eorum mentes manent fortes.”
(The teacher says: “The students study a lot, and their minds remain strong.”)
Nuntius discipulis dicit verbum bonum.
The messenger tells the students a good word.
Soror discipuli eum videt.
The student's sister sees him.
Discipulus scit multum de caelo.
The student knows a lot about the sky.
Discipulus magistro verbum mittit.
The student sends a word to the teacher.
Discipulus dicit: "Caelum specto, nam interdum est pulchrum."
The student says: "I look at the sky, for sometimes it is beautiful."
Eorum discipuli librum in domo legunt.
Their students read a book in the house.
Omnes discipuli in horto sedent et libros legunt.
All the students sit in the garden and read books.
Magister discipulum tuum vocat.
The teacher calls your student.
Nunc magister pacem amat et discipuli eum laudent.
Now the teacher loves peace and the students praise him.
Discipulus magistrae verbum pacis dat.
The student gives a word of peace to the teacher.
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