Usages of magister
Discipulus et magister in via sunt.
The student and the teacher are on the road.
Discipulus intrat et vinum magistro donat.
The student enters and gives wine to the teacher.
Magister patri vinum non donat, sed matri panem donat.
The teacher does not give wine to father, but gives bread to mother.
Soror magistro florem donat.
The sister gives a flower to the teacher.
Magister malum in mensa videt.
The teacher sees an apple on the table.
Magistra discipulis narrat de mari.
(The teacher tells the students about the sea.)
Nos cum magistra in oppidum ambulamus et forum intramus.
(We walk into the town with the teacher and enter the forum.)
Magister in taberna panem et vinum videt.
The teacher sees bread and wine in the shop.
Magister discipulam tristem videt.
The teacher sees the sad student.
Magister discipulis narrat: “Mens bona te fortem facit.”
(The teacher tells the students: “A good mind makes you strong.”)
Discipulus clamat: “Magister, possum studere, sed dormire non possum!”
(The student shouts: “Teacher, I can study, but I cannot sleep!”)
Magister dicit: “Discipuli multum student, et eorum mentes manent fortes.”
(The teacher says: “The students study a lot, and their minds remain strong.”)
Magister ante templum stat et orat.
The teacher stands before the temple and prays.
Magister in horto laetior est quam in villa.
The teacher is happier in the garden than in the house.
Discipulus magistro verbum mittit.
The student sends a word to the teacher.
Magister mihi liber Latinus dat.
The teacher gives me a Latin book.
Magister me laudat.
The teacher praises me.
Laetus sum, quia magister meus me laudat.
I am happy because my teacher praises me.
Magister discipulum tuum vocat.
The teacher calls your student.
Nunc magister pacem amat et discipuli eum laudent.
Now the teacher loves peace and the students praise him. is an online learning platform
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