
Part of speech

Usages of et

Puer legit et amicus videt.
The boy reads and the friend sees.
Ego video et tu vides.
I see and you see.
Discipulus et magister in via sunt.
The student and the teacher are on the road.
Mercator panem et vinum in villa cenat.
The merchant dines on bread and wine in the villa.
Soror et frater in horto flores vident.
The sister and brother see flowers in the garden.
Discipulus intrat et vinum magistro donat.
The student enters and gives wine to the teacher.
Pater et mater cum familia in villa laeti sunt.
Father and mother are happy with the family in the villa.
Filius et filia in oppido habitant.
(The son and daughter live in the town.)
Multi mercatores in foro ambulant et tabernas intrant.
(Many merchants walk in the forum and enter the shops.)
Iter longum est, et nos in oppidum festinamus.
(The journey is long, and we hurry to the town.)
Nos ad insulam navigamus, nautas salutamus et cibum parvum sumimus.
(We sail to the island, greet the sailors, and take a small amount of food.)
Nauta aquam bibit et cibum amat.
(The sailor drinks water and loves the food.)
In insula magna silva est, et multi senes ibi habitant.
(On the large island there is a forest, and many old men live there.)
Senex saepe in silva ambulat et caelum spectat.
(An old man often walks in the forest and looks at the sky.)
Discipula magistrae flores donat, et cum ea in horto sedet.
(The female student gives flowers to the female teacher, and sits with her in the garden.)
Nos cum magistra in oppidum ambulamus et forum intramus.
(We walk into the town with the teacher and enter the forum.)
Vos in urbe manetis et senes spectatis.
(You [plural] remain in the city and watch the old men.)
Nos laeti sumus, et multum laboramus.
(We are happy, and we work a lot.)
Magister in taberna panem et vinum videt.
The teacher sees bread and wine in the shop.
Vos aquam bibitis et discipulum salutatis.
You drink water and greet the student.
Miles fortis in via stat et ignem spectat.
(The brave soldier stands in the road and watches the fire.)
Marcus tamen fortis est et bellum non amat.
(However, Marcus is brave and does not love war.)
Femina timida ante templum stat et orat.
(The fearful woman stands before the temple and prays.)
Multi milites in oppido manent et imperatorem salutant.
(Many soldiers remain in the town and greet the emperor.)
Nuntius prope ignem sedet et “Possumus multum laborare!” clamat.
(The messenger sits near the fire and shouts: “We can work a lot!”)
Dea imperatori verbum pacis mittit, et imperator orat in templo.
(The goddess sends a word of peace to the emperor, and the emperor prays in the temple.)
Templum altum prope oppidum stat, et nuntius orat ibi.
(The tall temple stands near the town, and the messenger prays there.)
Mox puer fortis erit, et miles erit.
(Soon the boy will be brave, and he will be a soldier.)
Nuntius dicit: “Mox dea ad urbem ambulabit et templum laetum erit.”
(The messenger says: “Soon the goddess will walk to the city and the temple will be happy.”)
Magister dicit: “Discipuli multum student, et eorum mentes manent fortes.”
(The teacher says: “The students study a lot, and their minds remain strong.”)
Dea bellum non amat, imperator pacem amat, et nos omnes possumus dormire.
(The goddess does not love war, the emperor loves peace, and we all can sleep.)
Senex in provincia ambulat et caelum spectat.
The old man walks in the province and looks at the sky.
Senex saepe in horto orat et pacem sperat.
The old man often prays in the garden and hopes for peace.
Magister ante templum stat et orat.
The teacher stands before the temple and prays.
Omnes discipuli in horto sedent et libros legunt.
All the students sit in the garden and read books.
Nunc magister pacem amat et discipuli eum laudent.
Now the teacher loves peace and the students praise him. is an online learning platform
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