Usages of in
Ego habito in domo.
I live in a house.
Tu habitas in domo.
You live in a house.
Magna familia in domo habitat.
The large family lives in a house.
Puer laborat in domo.
The boy works in a house.
Puella legit in domo.
The girl reads in the house.
Mercator intrat in villam.
The merchant enters the villa.
Pater in horto laborat.
The father works in the garden.
Mercator panem et vinum in villa cenat.
The merchant dines on bread and wine in the villa.
Soror et frater in horto flores vident.
The sister and brother see flowers in the garden.
Mater non cenat in villa, sed in horto cum familia cenat.
Mother does not dine in the villa, but dines in the garden with her family.
Pater et mater cum familia in villa laeti sunt.
Father and mother are happy with the family in the villa.
Filius et filia in oppido habitant.
(The son and daughter live in the town.)
Filia aquam in horto petit.
(The daughter seeks water in the garden.)
Multi mercatores in foro ambulant et tabernas intrant.
(Many merchants walk in the forum and enter the shops.)
Equus etiam agricolae utilis est in agris.
(A horse is also useful to the farmer in the fields.)
Agricola in agris multum laborat, sed filius in horto ludit.
(The farmer works a lot in the fields, but the son plays in the garden.)
Senex saepe in silva ambulat et caelum spectat.
(An old man often walks in the forest and looks at the sky.)
Tempus in urbe fugit, sed in silva manet.
(Time flees in the city, but remains in the forest.)
Discipula magistrae flores donat, et cum ea in horto sedet.
(The female student gives flowers to the female teacher, and sits with her in the garden.)
Si tempestas in mari est, nautae magnum periculum timent.
(If there is a storm at sea, the sailors fear great danger.)
Vos in urbe manetis et senes spectatis.
(You [plural] remain in the city and watch the old men.)
Magister in taberna panem et vinum videt.
The teacher sees bread and wine in the shop.
Filius in horto saepe ludit.
The son often plays in the garden.
Agricola panem in horto sumit.
The farmer takes bread in the garden.
Discipula cum ea in villa manet.
The female student stays with her in the villa.
Discipulus in horto sedet.
The student sits in the garden.
Tempestas in silva manet.
The storm remains in the forest.
Si pater in horto laborat, frater cenat in villa.
If the father works in the garden, the brother dines in the villa.
Periculum in urbe manet, sed nos in oppidum festinamus.
Danger remains in the city, but we hurry to the town.
Puer in horto timet.
The boy is afraid in the garden.
Puer in via clamat.
The boy shouts in the road.
Magistra discipulis fabulam in horto narrat.
The teacher tells the students a story in the garden.
Mater in villa manet.
The mother stays in the villa.
Magistra multum laborat in urbe.
The teacher works a lot in the city.
Imperator in urbe ambulat.
(The emperor walks in the city.)
Bellum in provincia timetur, sed pax mox speratur.
(War is feared in the province, but peace is soon hoped for.)
Miles fortis in via stat et ignem spectat.
(The brave soldier stands in the road and watches the fire.)
Multi milites in oppido manent et imperatorem salutant.
(Many soldiers remain in the town and greet the emperor.)
Dea imperatori verbum pacis mittit, et imperator orat in templo.
(The goddess sends a word of peace to the emperor, and the emperor prays in the temple.)
Si timidus es, studere potes in urbe, sed si fortis es, potes dormire in horto.
(If you are timid, you can study in the city, but if you are brave, you can sleep in the garden.)
Nos non possumus orare in urbe, sed possumus orare in villa.
(We cannot pray in the city, but we can pray in the villa.)
Miles vigilat in oppido, nam timet bellum.
(The soldier keeps watch in the town, for he fears war.)
Timidus puer in horto sedet, quia ignem non amat.
(The timid boy sits in the garden, because he does not love fire.)
Senex in provincia ambulat et caelum spectat.
The old man walks in the province and looks at the sky.
Senex saepe in horto orat et pacem sperat.
The old man often prays in the garden and hopes for peace.
Nunc orare in templo melius est.
Now it is better to pray in the temple.
Magister in horto laetior est quam in villa.
The teacher is happier in the garden than in the house.
Equus altus in horto stat.
The tall horse stands in the garden.
Miles saepe in urbe vigilat.
The soldier often keeps watch in the city.
Eorum discipuli librum in domo legunt.
Their students read a book in the house.
Omnes discipuli in horto sedent et libros legunt.
All the students sit in the garden and read books.
Soror interdum in oppido habitat.
The sister sometimes lives in the town.
Equus pulcher in horto stat.
The beautiful horse stands in the garden. is an online learning platform
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