Question | Answer |
not | tidak |
happy | senang |
I am not happy today. | Saya tidak senang hari ini. |
to learn | belajar |
the language | bahasa |
He/She is happy to learn Indonesian. | Dia senang belajar bahasa Indonesia. |
we | kami |
the kitchen | dapur |
We do not eat in the kitchen this morning. | Kami tidak makan di dapur pagi ini. |
the wife | istri |
not | bukan |
the teacher | guru |
the school | sekolah |
His/Her wife is not a teacher at that school. | Istri dia bukan guru di sekolah itu. |
the husband | suami |
to work | bekerja |
the office | kantor |
My husband works at the office now. | Suami saya bekerja di kantor sekarang. |
to write | menulis |
easy | mudah |
the sentence | kalimat |
We learn to write easy sentences every day. | Kami belajar menulis kalimat mudah setiap hari. |
smart | pintar |
Our new teacher is very smart. | Guru baru kami sangat pintar. |
today | hari ini |
because | karena |
the holiday | libur |
He/She is not at the office for long today because it is a holiday. | Dia tidak lama di kantor hari ini karena libur. |
important | penting |
for | bagi |
This is important for my wife. | Ini penting bagi istri saya. |
This holiday is very important for my husband. | Libur ini sangat penting bagi suami saya. |
and | dan |
He/She likes coffee and tea. | Dia suka kopi dan teh. |
easily | mudah |
to understand | mengerti |
the lesson | pelajaran |
He/She is smart and easily understands new lessons. | Dia pintar dan mudah mengerti pelajaran baru. |
but | tapi |
to talk | bicara |
with | dengan |
him/her | nya |
That new friend is very important to him/her. | Teman baru itu sangat penting baginya. |
He/She is not my friend, but I am happy to talk with him/her. | Dia bukan teman saya, tapi saya senang bicara dengannya. |
That school does not have old teachers anymore. | Sekolah itu tidak punya guru lama lagi. |
a little | sedikit |
the time | waktu |
to | untuk |
to study | belajar |
He/She likes to study in the morning. | Dia suka belajar di pagi hari. |
I have a little time to study today. | Saya punya sedikit waktu untuk belajar hari ini. |
the assignment | tugas |
short | pendek |
That is a short sentence. | Itu kalimat pendek. |
the story | cerita |
My assignment today is to write a short story. | Tugas saya hari ini adalah menulis cerita pendek. |
them | mereka |
That story is very important to them. | Cerita itu sangat penting bagi mereka. |
near | dekat |
My house is near the office. | Rumah saya dekat kantor. |
My wife now works at a school near the house. | Istri saya sekarang bekerja di sekolah dekat rumah. |
happy | bahagia |
to relax | bersantai |
I am happy because we have a little time to relax. | Saya bahagia karena kami punya sedikit waktu bersantai. |
while | sambil |
They like to study in the morning while drinking coffee. | Mereka suka belajar di pagi hari sambil minum kopi. |
I am happy relaxing in the afternoon while drinking tea. | Saya senang bersantai di sore hari sambil minum teh. |
quickly | cepat |
He/She is happy because he/she understands new lessons quickly. | Dia bahagia karena dia mengerti pelajaran baru dengan cepat. |
the place | tempat |
This place is very important to us. | Tempat ini sangat penting bagi kami. |
for | untuk |
I have an assignment for today. | Saya punya tugas untuk hari ini. |
for a long time | lama-lama |
We like to talk for a long time in the afternoon. | Kami suka bicara lama-lama di sore hari. |
This kitchen is not a place for talking for a long time. | Dapur ini bukan tempat bicara lama-lama. |
the challenge | tantangan |
That assignment is not easy, but I like new challenges. | Tugas itu tidak mudah, tapi saya suka tantangan baru. |
to finish | menyelesaikan |
He/She is happy to finish that challenge quickly. | Dia bahagia menyelesaikan tantangan itu dengan cepat. |
every day | setiap hari |
He/She likes drinking tea in the morning every day. | Dia suka minum teh di pagi hari setiap hari. |
We learn Indonesian every day. | Kami belajar bahasa Indonesia setiap hari. |
difficult | sulit |
That day is very difficult for us. | Hari itu sangat sulit bagi kami. |
That sentence is not difficult to understand. | Kalimat itu tidak sulit untuk dimengerti. |
with/by | dengan |
He/She finishes the assignment easily. | Dia menyelesaikan tugas itu dengan mudah. |
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