Question | Answer |
to cook | memasak |
the curry | kari |
I will cook curry for dinner. | Saya akan memasak kari untuk makan malam. |
however | namun |
still | masih |
the fruit | buah |
the dish | hidangan |
However, I still need fresh fruit for that dish. | Namun, saya masih perlukan buah segar untuk hidangan itu. |
the hotel | hotel |
luxurious | mewah |
I like luxurious houses. | Saya suka rumah mewah. |
the place | tempat |
busy | sibuk |
tomorrow | esok |
He/She will go to a luxurious hotel in a busy place tomorrow. | Dia akan pergi ke hotel mewah di tempat yang sibuk esok. |
already | sudah |
This morning, I have already bought fruit at the busy market. | Pagi ini, saya sudah membeli buah di pasar yang sibuk. |
the room | bilik |
I study in the room. | Saya belajar di bilik. |
quite | agak |
hot | panas |
to stay | tinggal |
there | situ |
He/She sits there now. | Dia duduk di situ sekarang. |
At that hotel, the room is quite hot, however I still like staying there. | Di hotel itu, biliknya agak panas, namun saya masih suka tinggal di situ. |
to exercise | bersenam |
He/She exercises every morning. | Dia bersenam setiap pagi. |
spacious | lapang |
so that | agar |
I buy a book so that I can study history. | Saya beli buku agar saya boleh belajar sejarah. |
to do | buat |
I do an important task at the office. | Saya buat tugasan penting di pejabat. |
the practice | latihan |
I will exercise in a spacious place so I can do some practice. | Saya akan bersenam di tempat lapang agar boleh buat latihan. |
tired | letih |
because | kerana |
This practice is important, however I am tired because the weather is too hot outside. | Latihan ini penting, namun saya letih kerana cuaca terlalu panas di luar. |
but | namun |
at | pukul |
eight | lapan |
later | nanti |
I will cook rice later. | Saya akan memasak nasi nanti. |
to start | mula |
I start exercising now. | Saya mula bersenam sekarang. |
I still need to rest, but at eight o’clock in the morning I will start working. | Saya masih perlu berehat, namun pukul lapan pagi nanti saya akan mula bekerja. |
so | jadi |
to start | memulakan |
I start an important task at the office. | Saya memulakan tugasan penting di pejabat. |
at | pada pukul |
seven | tujuh |
I have seven cats. | Saya ada tujuh kucing. |
He/She was tired yesterday, so he/she did not start practice at seven o’clock. | Dia letih semalam, jadi dia tidak memulakan latihan pada pukul tujuh. |
the roommate | teman serumah |
My roommate will cook rice and curry tomorrow night. | Teman serumah saya akan memasak nasi dan kari malam esok. |
to help | tolong |
I help you. | Saya tolong awak. |
to clean | bersihkan |
You clean the table. | Awak bersihkan meja. |
the kitchen | dapur |
I like that roommate because he/she often helps me clean the kitchen. | Saya suka teman serumah itu kerana dia sering tolong saya bersihkan dapur. |
to be located | terletak |
The new shop is located in the city. | Kedai baru terletak di bandar. |
as far as | sejauh |
two | dua |
the kilometer | kilometer |
The new shop is located as far as two kilometers from the office. | Kedai baru terletak sejauh dua kilometer dari pejabat. |
to live | tinggal |
I live at home. | Saya tinggal di rumah. |
That market is located as far as two kilometers from where we live. | Pasar itu terletak sejauh dua kilometer dari tempat kita tinggal. |
to stay overnight | bermalam |
I will stay overnight at the hotel tomorrow. | Saya akan bermalam di hotel esok. |
the atmosphere | suasana |
I like the calm atmosphere in the park. | Saya suka suasana tenang di taman. |
cold | sejuk |
My room is cold. | Bilik saya sejuk. |
to need | perlukan |
I need an important book. | Saya perlukan buku penting. |
the fan | kipas |
I use a fan in the room. | Saya guna kipas di bilik. |
I like to stay overnight there because the atmosphere is cold and I do not need a fan. | Saya suka bermalam di sana kerana suasananya sejuk dan saya tidak perlukan kipas. |
to complete | menyiapkan |
I will complete the important report tonight. | Saya akan menyiapkan laporan penting malam ini. |
six o'clock | pukul enam |
He/She has already finished all tasks before six o’clock. | Dia sudah menyiapkan semua tugasan sebelum pukul enam. |
to drive | memandu |
the workplace | tempat kerja |
I sit at the workplace while writing a report. | Saya duduk di tempat kerja sambil menulis laporan. |
I will drive a new car to work tomorrow, so I won’t be tired. | Saya akan memandu kereta baru ke tempat kerja esok, supaya saya tidak letih. |
to leave | keluar |
I leave the house now. | Saya keluar rumah sekarang. |
might | mungkin |
I might go to the market. | Saya mungkin pergi ke pasar. |
to arrive | tiba |
He/She arrives at the market now. | Dia tiba di pasar sekarang. |
the person | orang |
People like to eat rice. | Orang suka makan nasi. |
other | lain |
However, if I have already left early, I might arrive at the office before everyone else. | Namun, jika saya sudah keluar awal, saya mungkin tiba di pejabat sebelum orang lain. |
even though | walaupun |
Even though I am tired, I still study. | Walaupun saya letih, saya masih belajar. |
at | pada |
My roommate still wants to cook hot curry even though he/she is busy tonight. | Teman serumah saya masih mahu memasak kari panas walaupun dia sibuk pada malam ini. |
to meet | berjumpa |
I meet with the boss at the office. | Saya berjumpa dengan bos di pejabat. |
no matter how far | sejauh mana pun |
I will go to the office tomorrow, no matter how far. | Saya akan pergi ke pejabat esok, sejauh mana pun. |
We will meet at that spacious place tomorrow, no matter how far we need to travel. | Kita akan berjumpa di tempat lapang itu esok, sejauh mana pun kita perlu pergi. |
to cook | masak |
I cook rice in the kitchen. | Saya masak nasi di dapur. |
I cook a delicious dish at home. | Saya masak hidangan sedap di rumah. |
in the evening | malam |
I return home at eight in the evening. | Saya pulang ke rumah pukul lapan malam. |
to take | naik |
I take the bus to the park. | Saya naik bas ke taman. |
My car is broken, so I take the bus to the office. | Kereta saya rosak, jadi saya naik bas ke pejabat. |
six | enam |
I sit with six friends in the park. | Saya duduk bersama enam teman di taman. |
I sit in class at six o’clock. | Saya duduk di kelas pada pukul enam. |
the road | jalan |
I meet with a friend on the road. | Saya berjumpa dengan teman di jalan. |
I am driving on the road. | Saya sedang memandu di jalan. |
the night | waktu malam |
I sit in the park at night. | Saya duduk di taman pada waktu malam. |
They chat at night. | Mereka berbual pada waktu malam. |
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