
to like
Part of speech

Usages of suka

Saya suka air.
I like water.
Dia suka makan.
He/She likes to eat.
Mereka suka makan roti.
They like to eat bread.
Kita juga suka nasi.
We also like rice.
Dia suka dengar muzik cepat sebelum kerja.
He/She likes to listen to fast music before work.
Kucing ini suka tidur bawah meja kosong.
This cat likes to sleep under an empty table.
Awak suka makan nasi setiap hari.
You like to eat rice every day.
Dia suka kerja sampai malam.
He/She likes to work until night.
Dia suka mendengar muzik perlahan.
He/She likes to listen to slow music.
Kucing saya suka duduk bawah kereta.
My cat likes to sit under the car.
Saya suka nasi dan awak suka roti.
I like rice and you like bread.
Saya suka pejabat yang tenang untuk bekerja.
I like an office that is calm for working.
Saya suka baca surat khabar sebelum bangun sepenuhnya dari katil.
I like to read the newspaper before fully getting up from bed.
Anjing saya yang comel suka tidur di jendela apabila cuaca tenang.
My cute dog likes to sleep at the window when the weather is calm.
Saya tidak suka pejabat bising sekarang.
I do not like noisy offices now.
Bos suka makan nasi.
Boss likes to eat rice.
Di hotel itu, biliknya agak panas, namun saya masih suka tinggal di situ.
At that hotel, the room is quite hot, however I still like staying there.
Saya suka teman serumah itu kerana dia sering tolong saya bersihkan dapur.
I like that roommate because he/she often helps me clean the kitchen.
Saya suka bermalam di sana kerana suasananya sejuk dan saya tidak perlukan kipas.
I like to stay overnight there because the atmosphere is cold and I do not need a fan.
Saya suka rumah mewah.
I like luxurious houses.
Saya suka suasana tenang di taman.
I like the calm atmosphere in the park.
Orang suka makan nasi.
People like to eat rice.
Saya suka makan sayur hijau setiap makan tengahari.
I like to eat green vegetables at every lunch.
Di tepi sungai, saya suka duduk di bangku sambil menikmati udara pagi yang nyaman.
By the river, I like sitting on the bench while enjoying the comfortable morning air.
Saya suka makanan sihat.
I like healthy food.
Saya suka nasi tetapi saya tidak suka roti.
I like rice but I do not like bread.
Saya suka kedai yang kemas.
I like a neat shop.
Abang saya suka memakai seluar kemas dan baju segar ketika pergi ke mesyuarat.
My older brother likes to wear neat pants and a fresh shirt when going to a meeting.
Ibu dan ayah suka naik basikal bersama pada hujung minggu sambil memakai topi dan baju sukan.
Mother and Father like to ride bicycles together on weekends while wearing hats and sports shirts.
Abang saya tidak suka makanan yang terlalu masin kerana ia boleh menjejaskan kesihatannya.
My older brother does not like food that is too salty because it can affect his health.
Saya berjalan kaki ke pasar kerana saya suka udara segar.
I walk to the market because I like fresh air.
Saya suka buku lama.
I like old books.
Saya suka buah asam.
I like sour fruit.
Saya suka perjalanan ke bandar dengan bas.
I like the journey to the city by bus.
Kerusi di dapur pangsapuri saya agak kukuh, jadi saya suka duduk di situ.
The chair in my apartment’s kitchen is quite sturdy, so I like sitting there.
Ibu saya suka berjalan di taman bunga pada waktu senja kerana udaranya nyaman.
My mother likes walking in the flower garden at dusk because the air is pleasant. is an online learning platform
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