Lesson 16

I want to wash my socks today, because they got dirty at the market.
Leo ninataka kufua soksi zangu, kwa sababu zimechafuka sokoni.
I will wash all the clothes tomorrow morning so that they are clean by midday.
Nitaenda kufua nguo zote kesho asubuhi ili ziwe safi wakati wa mchana.
the goat
The goat runs on the road.
Mbuzi anakimbia barabarani.
Father says we should set up a new pen for our goats, so that they do not stay outside at night.
Baba anasema tutenge zizi jipya kwa mbuzi wetu, ili wasikae nje usiku.
the garlic
kitunguu saumu
the ginger
Mother mixes garlic and ginger so that the food has a nice flavor.
Mama anachanganya kitunguu saumu na tangawizi ili chakula kiwe na ladha nzuri.
the aroma
This garlic gives a pleasant aroma when cooking vegetables.
Kitunguu saumu hiki kinatoa harufu tamu wakati wa kupika mboga.
I like to prepare roasted peanuts, then sprinkle a bit of salt on them.
Ninapenda kuandaa karanga za kuchoma, kisha kuzinyunyiza chumvi kidogo.
Please do not forget to sprinkle water in the garden each morning.
Tafadhali usisahau kunyunyiza maji bustanini kila asubuhi.
such as
the avocado
Will you pick more fruits, such as guavas and avocados, when you return home in the evening?
Je, utachuma matunda zaidi, kama mapera na parachichi, ukirudi nyumbani jioni?
to exist
the suggestion
I think there is a good suggestion to add study time before the exam.
Nafikiri kuna pendekezo zuri la kuongeza muda wa kujifunza kabla ya mtihani.
to support
kuunga mkono
I support your idea.
Mimi naunga mkono wazo lako.
Father supported that suggestion because he sees a big need for practice time.
Baba aliunga mkono pendekezo hilo kwa sababu anaona uhitaji mkubwa wa muda wa mazoezi.
to carry out
In order to carry out this plan, we need a new study schedule.
Ili kutekeleza mpango huu, tunahitaji ratiba mpya ya masomo.
to fulfill
to be sad
I am sad today.
Mimi ninahuzunika leo.
If you fail to fulfill your promise, your friends will be sad.
Ukikosa kutekeleza ahadi yako, marafiki watahuzunika.
to learn
When we are learning, our effort can increase if we find the right teacher.
Wakati tunajifunza, bidii yetu inaweza kuongezeka ikiwa tutapata mwalimu anayefaa.
to work
When young people work together, the chance of success increases greatly.
Vijana wakifanya kazi pamoja, nafasi ya mafanikio inaongezeka mno.
to end
The day is over; now we will go home.
Siku imeisha; sasa tutaenda nyumbani.
I do not want our plan to keep ending without results; we will work until we succeed.
Nataka mpango wetu usiendelee kuisha bila matokeo; tutafanya kazi hadi tufanikiwe.
to run out
My money has run out.
Pesa zangu zimeisha.
to repeat
I repeat the song.
Mimi narudia wimbo.
This tea is starting to run out, shall we cook some more?
Chai hii imeanza kuisha, turudie kupika nyingine?
wenye furaha
Happy friends are playing ball.
Marafiki wenye furaha wanacheza mpira.
the field
The students are playing ball in the field.
Wanafunzi wanacheza mpira uwanjani.
to collaborate
to create
I like to create a picture.
Mimi ninapenda kuunda picha.
Happy children are playing in the field today, collaborating to create new games.
Watoto wenye furaha wanacheza uwanjani leo, wakishirikiana kuunda michezo mipya.
that has
to be attractive
The ocean is very attractive.
Bahari inapendeza sana.
the light
I like light in the morning.
Mimi ninapenda mwanga asubuhi.
A room that has large windows looks more attractive in the morning light.
Chumba chenye madirisha makubwa kinapendeza zaidi kwa mwanga wa asubuhi.
to hurt
I do not like to hurt friends.
Mimi sipendi kuumiza marafiki.
Please do not sit awkwardly; you can lean against the wall so your back does not hurt.
Tafadhali usiketi vibaya; unaweza kuegemea ukuta ili mgongo usiume.
the cooking
When Mother cooks, she likes to lean on a short table so that she can be attentive to the cooking.
Mama anapopika, anapenda kuegemea meza fupi ili awe makini na mapishi.
to think
Do you think eating dirty food can harm your health?
Je, unadhani kula chakula kichafu kunaweza kudhuru afya yako?
the progress
Progress is important.
Maendeleo ni muhimu.
Young people are learning how to avoid things that can harm their progress.
Vijana wanajifunza jinsi ya kuepuka mambo yanayoweza kudhuru maendeleo yao.
I need bus fare to go to town tomorrow morning; can I please have a little money?
Ninahitaji nauli ya kwenda mjini kesho asubuhi, tafadhali naomba pesa kidogo.
the minibus
The minibus is coming to the market.
Daladala inakuja sokoni.
the budget
Father helps plan budget.
Baba anasaidia kupanga bajeti.
The fare for the minibus has gone up, so we need to plan our budget carefully.
Nauli ya daladala imeongezeka, kwa hiyo tunahitaji kupanga bajeti vizuri.
The teacher suggested that we improve our handwriting so that we can write clearly.
Mwalimu alipendekeza tuboreshe mwandiko wetu, ili tuweze kuandika inavyoeleweka.
I will try to change my handwriting by practicing every day.
Nitajaribu kubadilisha mwandiko wangu kwa kufanya mazoezi kila siku.
to give up
kukata tamaa
I do not like to give up.
Mimi sipendi kukata tamaa.
My brother is learning to face challenges without giving up.
Kaka yangu anajifunza kukabili changamoto bila kukata tamaa.
to know
I want to know the truth.
Mimi ninataka kutajua ukweli.
the ability
I have the ability to read and write.
Mimi nina uwezo wa kusoma na kuandika.
We will not know our ability until we try to face problems courageously.
Hatutajua uwezo wetu, mpaka tujaribu kukabili matatizo kwa ujasiri.
Excuse me, I cannot come to class today.
Samahani, siwezi kuja darasani leo.
Sorry, these socks are now clean after washing; you can wear them.
Samahani, soksi hizi ni safi sasa baada ya kufua, unaweza kuzivaa.
the piece
I eat a piece of bread.
Mimi ninakula kipande cha mkate.
Ginger reduces nausea if you chew its small pieces.
Tangawizi hupunguza kichefuchefu unapotafuna vipande vyake vidogo.
My book is unique.
Kitabu changu ni kipekee.
Asha likes to cook rice with peanuts to get a unique taste.
Asha anapenda kupika wali na karanga ili kupata ladha ya kipekee.
I like cooked bananas and also ripe bananas for dessert.
Mimi hupenda ndizi zinazopikwa na pia ndizi mbivu kwa dessert.
the fat
Avocado has healthy fats, so it is good for one’s health.
Parachichi lina mafuta mazuri, hivyo ni zuri kwa afya.
the need
I have a need to rest.
Mimi nina uhitaji wa kupumzika.
the list
I have a list of questions.
Mimi nina orodha ya maswali.
the requirement
I see the need to write a list of requirements before going to the shop.
Mimi ninaona uhitaji wa kuandika orodha ya mahitaji kabla ya kwenda dukani.
the page
I am reading a page in the book.
Mimi ninasoma ukurasa katika kitabu.
Look for a book that has many pages, so that you can read for a long time.
Tafuta kitabu chenye kurasa nyingi, ili uweze kusoma kwa muda mrefu.
to appeal
A garden that has red flowers is very appealing in the evening.
Bustani yenye maua mekundu hupendeza sana wakati wa jioni.