
Usages of awak

Awak makan.
You eat.
Awak minum air.
You drink water.
Awak mahu minum air?
Do you want to drink water?
Awak belajar di kelas setiap pagi.
You learn in class every morning.
Awak kerja di sana sampai malam?
Do you work there until night?
Awak suka makan nasi setiap hari.
You like to eat rice every day.
Awak tanya soalan kepada guru tentang buku itu.
You ask the teacher a question about the book.
Saya suka nasi dan awak suka roti.
I like rice and you like bread.
Awak pilih buku yang sedap dibaca.
You choose a book that is enjoyable to read.
Awak lupa bawa buku penting itu.
You forgot to bring that important book.
Bolehkah awak tulis tarikh hari ini di buku itu?
Can you write today's date in that book?
Kalau awak mahu makan, saya beli nasi.
If you want to eat, I buy rice.
Saya tolong awak.
I help you.
Awak bersihkan meja.
You clean the table.
Awak dapat duduk bersama saya di kelas.
You can sit with me in class.
Tolong pastikan kasut awak bersih sebelum masuk ke rumah.
Please make sure your shoes are clean before entering the house.
Pastikan awak bawa buku penting untuk belajar sejarah.
Make sure you bring an important book to study history.
Saya menjemput awak ke rumah.
I invite you home.
Siapakah orang di sebelah awak?
Who is the person next to you?
Bagaimana awak pergi ke pasar jika kunci kereta awak hilang?
How do you go to the market if your car key is lost?
Adakah awak sudah meminjam buku penting kepada guru, atau awak belum sempat?
Have you already borrowed the important book from the teacher, or have you not had the chance yet?
Mengapa awak duduk di sini dan bersiul, sedangkan kita ada tugasan penting untuk disiapkan?
Why are you sitting here whistling, whereas we have an important task to complete?
Tolong tanya dia: “Bilakah awak akan berhenti kerja hari ini?” supaya kita boleh keluar bersama.
Please ask him/her: “When will you stop working today?” so that we can go out together.
Bagaimana awak selesaikan isu kunci hilang itu semalam?
How did you solve the issue of the lost key yesterday?
Mengapa awak berasa letih hari ini? Adakah awak belum tidur cukup?
Why do you feel tired today? Have you not slept enough?
Saya bagi sehelai nota kepada awak.
I give you a note.
Saya berkongsi roti dengan awak.
I share bread with you. is an online learning platform
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