Question | Answer |
this | ini |
to be | adalah |
a | sebuah |
the book | buku |
This is a book. | Ini buku. |
that | itu |
the house | rumah |
That is a house. | Itu rumah. |
I | saya |
to like | suka |
I like books. | Saya suka buku. |
you | kamu |
You like that house. | Kamu suka rumah itu. |
he/she | dia |
to drink | minum |
the coffee | kopi |
He/She drinks coffee. | Dia minum kopi. |
they | mereka |
the tea | teh |
They drink tea. | Mereka minum teh. |
to eat | makan |
He/She eats in the morning. | Dia makan pagi. |
the morning | pagi |
I eat in the morning. | Saya makan pagi. |
in | di |
the morning | pagi hari |
He/She likes coffee in the morning. | Dia suka kopi di pagi hari. |
the dog | anjing |
That is my dog. | Itu anjing saya. |
the cat | kucing |
beautiful | cantik |
Your cat is beautiful. | Kucing kamu cantik. |
to have | punya |
He/She has a beautiful dog. | Dia punya anjing cantik. |
This is his/her cat. | Ini kucing dia. |
new | baru |
the friend | teman |
I like a new friend. | Saya suka teman baru. |
very | sangat |
kind | baik |
He/She is very kind. | Dia sangat baik. |
That friend of mine is very kind. | Teman saya itu sangat baik. |
the walk | jalan |
They like a morning walk. | Mereka suka jalan pagi. |
to walk | jalan |
They walk in the morning. | Mereka jalan di pagi hari. |
the afternoon | sore hari |
I like walking in the afternoon. | Saya suka jalan di sore hari. |
You walk in the afternoon. | Kamu jalan di sore hari. |
hot | panas |
at | di |
the night | malam hari |
I walk at night. | Saya jalan di malam hari. |
They drink hot tea at night. | Mereka minum teh panas di malam hari. |
That new house is very beautiful. | Rumah baru itu sangat cantik. |
every | setiap |
the afternoon | sore |
I drink hot coffee every afternoon. | Saya minum kopi panas setiap sore. |
now | sekarang |
He/She drinks tea now. | Dia minum teh sekarang. |
You have a new friend now. | Kamu punya teman baru sekarang. |
the day | hari |
That day is very beautiful. | Hari itu sangat cantik. |
They walk every afternoon. | Mereka jalan sore setiap hari. |
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