World History 1

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We recommend you to start with lesson 1, as lessons build on one another.
1 Understanding the Past
1.1 Developing a Global Perspective
1.1.1 World History as Preparation for Life after College
1.1.2 World History and Global Citizenship
1.1.3 Features of This Textbook
1.2 Primary Sources
1.2.1 Learning to Evaluate Documents and Images
1.2.2 Documentary Sources: Competing Narratives
1.2.3 Textual Sources: The Importance of Language
1.2.4 Hidden in History
1.3 Causation and Interpretation in History
1.3.1 Levels of Causation
1.3.2 Interpretation in History
1.4 Review Questions
2 Early Humans
2.1 Early Human Evolution and Migration
2.1.1 Human Evolution
2.1.2 Why Did Humans Move and Where Did They Go?
2.1.3 Early Human Technologies
2.2 People in the Paleolithic Age
2.2.1 Ice, Ice, and More Ice
2.2.2 Life in the Paleolithic Age
2.2.3 Diverse Paleolithic Peoples
2.3 The Neolithic Revolution
2.3.1 The Development of Agriculture
2.3.2 How Farming Changed the Human Experience
2.3.3 Neolithic Peoples
2.4 Review Questions
3 Early Civilizations and Urban Societies
3.1 Early Civilizations
3.1.1 Attributes of Early Civilizations
3.1.2 The First Urban Societies
3.2 Ancient Mesopotamia
3.2.1 The Rise and Eclipse of Sumer
3.2.2 The Rise of the World’s First Empire
3.2.3 Later Empires in Mesopotamia
3.2.4 Society and Religion in Ancient Mesopotamia
3.3 Ancient Egypt
3.3.1 The Origins of Ancient Egypt
3.3.2 The Age of Pyramid Building
3.3.3 A Second Age of Egyptian Greatness
3.4 The Indus Valley Civilization
3.4.1 The Origins of the Indus Valley Civilization
3.4.2 Trade, Writing, and Religion
3.4.3 The Era of Decline
3.5 Review Questions
4 The Near East
4.1 From Old Babylon to the Medes
4.1.1 Power Politics in the Near East
4.1.2 Foreign Affairs and Trade
4.1.3 Daily Life and the Family in the Near East
4.2 Egypt’s New Kingdom
4.2.1 The Hyksos in Egypt
4.2.2 The Pharaohs of the New Kingdom
4.2.3 Egypt’s Foreign Policy
4.3 The Persian Empire
4.3.1 The Rise of Persia
4.3.2 Darius I and the Reorganization of the Empire
4.3.3 Persian Culture and Daily Life
4.4 The Hebrews
4.4.1 The History of the Hebrews
4.4.2 The Culture of the Hebrews
4.5 Review Questions
5 Asia in Ancient Times
5.1 Ancient China
5.1.1 Prehistoric China
5.1.2 Early Dynastic China
5.1.3 The Zhou Dynasty
5.1.4 The Warring States Era and Qin Unification
5.2 The Steppes
5.2.1 The Nomadic Culture of the Steppes
5.2.2 Tribes, Confederations, and Settled Neighbors
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia
5.3.1 Ancient Korea
5.3.2 Ancient Japan
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire
5.4.1 Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro
5.4.2 The Aryans and Brahmanism
5.4.3 Buddhism
5.4.4 The Mauryan Empire
5.4.5 The Gupta Dynasty
5.5 Review Questions
6 Mediterranean Peoples
6.1 Early Mediterranean Peoples
6.1.1 The Late Bronze Age World
6.1.2 Phoenicians, Greeks, and Etruscans
6.2 Ancient Greece
6.2.1 Archaic Greece
6.2.2 Sparta and Athens
6.2.3 Classical Greece
6.3 The Hellenistic Era
6.3.1 The Kingdom of Macedon
6.3.2 Hellenistic Culture
6.4 The Roman Republic
6.4.1 The Foundation and Function of the Roman Republic
6.4.2 The Expansion of the Roman Republic
6.5 The Age of Augustus
6.5.1 The First Triumvirate
6.5.2 From Republic to Principate
6.6 Review Questions
7 Experiencing the Roman Empire
7.1 The Daily Life of a Roman Family
7.1.1 The Structure of Roman Families
7.1.2 A Day in the Life of a Roman Family
7.1.3 What Family Meant in Rome
7.2 Slavery in the Roman Empire
7.2.1 The Structures of Roman Slavery
7.2.2 Life under Slavery
7.2.3 Gladiators
7.3 The Roman Economy: Trade, Taxes, and Conquest
7.3.1 Trade
7.3.2 Taxes
7.3.3 Conquest
7.4 Religion in the Roman Empire
7.4.1 The Emperor and the Virgins
7.4.2 Religions of the Empire
7.4.3 Christianity
7.5 The Regions of Rome
7.5.1 The Culture of the Roman Empire
7.5.2 The People of the Empire
7.6 Review Questions
8 The Americas in Ancient Times
8.1 Populating and Settling the Americas
8.1.1 Populating the Americas
8.1.2 The Neolithic Revolution in the Americas
8.2 Early Cultures and Civilizations in the Americas
8.2.1 Complex Civilizations in Mesoamerica
8.2.2 Early Cultures and Civilizations in South America
8.2.3 North America in the Formative Period
8.3 The Age of Empires in the Americas
8.3.1 The Aztec Empire
8.3.2 The Inca Empire
8.3.3 Complex Societies in North America
8.4 Review Questions
9 Africa in Ancient Times
9.1 Africa’s Geography and Climate
9.1.1 Geographic Diversity on the African Continent
9.1.2 Types of Ancient African Societies
9.2 The Emergence of Farming and the Bantu Migrations
9.2.1 The Emergence of Farming
9.2.2 The Bantu Migrations
9.3 The Kingdom of Kush
9.3.1 The Origin and Rise of the Kingdom of Kush
9.3.2 The Meroitic Period in Nubia
9.4 North Africa’s Mediterranean and Trans-Saharan Connections
9.4.1 North Africa and Egypt
9.4.2 North African and Trans-Saharan Trade
9.5 Review Questions
10 Empires of Faith
10.1 The Eastward Shift
10.1.1 Constantinople and the Roman East
10.1.2 The Rule of Roman Christianity
10.1.3 The Fall of the Roman West
10.2 The Byzantine Empire and Persia
10.2.1 Late Antique Rome
10.2.2 From Parthian to Sasanian Persia
10.2.3 The Last Great Empires of Antiquity
10.3 The Kingdoms of Aksum and Himyar
10.3.1 The Kingdom of Aksum
10.3.2 The Kingdom of Himyar
10.3.3 Religious Influence at the End of Antiquity
10.4 The Margins of Empire
10.4.1 The Kushan Empire
10.4.2 Palmyra as Rival to the Roman Empire
10.4.3 The Arab Tribes
10.5 Review Questions
11 The Rise of Islam and the Caliphates
11.1 The Rise and Message of Islam
11.1.1 Arabia on the Eve of Islam
11.1.2 The Religious Tradition of Islam
11.1.3 The Islamic Prophet Muhammad
11.1.4 Muhammad’s Community
11.2 The Arab-Islamic Conquests and the First Islamic States
11.2.1 The Arab-Islamic Conquest Movement
11.2.2 Conquering Persia and the Byzantine Empire
11.2.3 The Conquerors and the Conquered
11.2.4 Islam’s First Dynasty
11.3 Islamization and Religious Rule under Islam
11.3.1 The Abbasid Caliphate
11.3.2 The Abbasid Translation Movement
11.3.3 Sect Formation in the Middle East
11.3.4 Islamization before the Crusades
11.4 Review Questions
12 India, the Indian Ocean Basin, and East Asia
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages
12.1.1 South Asia in the Early Middle Ages
12.1.2 A Multicultural South Asia
12.1.3 Sui and Tang China
12.2 East-West Interactions in the Early Middle Ages
12.2.1 Travel and Exchange along the Silk Roads
12.2.2 Religion and Trade in South and Southeast Asia
12.2.3 East Africa and the Indian Ocean Trade
12.3 Border States: Sogdiana, Korea, and Japan
12.3.1 Sogdiana and Silk Road Trade
12.3.2 Early Korea
12.3.3 Early Japan
12.4 Review Questions
13 The Post-Roman West and the Crusading Movement
13.1 The Post-Roman West in the Early Middle Ages
13.1.1 Europe after the Roman Empire
13.1.2 Religion and Society in Medieval Europe
13.1.3 The Iberian Peninsula and the World of Al-Andalus
13.2 The Seljuk Migration and the Call from the East
13.2.1 The Breakdown of Abbasid Authority and the Turkic Migration
13.2.2 The Fatimid Caliphate and the Seljuk Sultanate
13.2.3 The Battle of Manzikert and the Call from the East
13.3 Patriarch and Papacy: The Church and the Call to Crusade
13.3.1 The East-West Schism
13.3.2 Pope Urban II and the Council of Claremont
13.3.3 The Rhetoric of Holy War
13.4 The Crusading Movement
13.4.1 Jerusalem and the Holy Land
13.4.2 The First, Second, and Third Crusades
13.4.3 Experiencing the Crusades
13.4.4 Later Crusading
13.5 Review Questions
14 Pax Mongolica: The Steppe Empire of the Mongols
14.1 Song China and the Steppe Peoples
14.1.1 Song China to the Thirteenth Century
14.1.2 The Inner Asian Steppe and Chinese Dynastic Struggles
14.1.3 The Rise of Chinggis Khan and Mongol Unification
14.2 Chinggis Khan and the Early Mongol Empire
14.2.1 The Yassa and Mongol Life
14.2.2 The Conquest Movement of Chinggis Khan
14.2.3 Ogedei Khan’s Great Mongol Nation
14.2.4 The Last Gasp of Mongol Expansion
14.3 The Mongol Empire Fragments
14.3.1 Islam and the Mongols
14.3.2 Yuan China
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia
14.4.1 The Christian Pope and the Papal States
14.4.2 The Later Crusades and the Limits of Mongol Rule
14.5 Review Questions
15 States and Societies in Sub-Saharan Africa
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa
15.1.1 African Geography, Migrations, and Settlement
15.1.2 The Expansion of Christianity in Africa
15.1.3 The Expansion of Islam in Africa
15.2 Medieval Sub-Saharan Africa
15.2.1 The Ghana Empire
15.2.2 The Mali Empire
15.2.3 The Zimbabwean Plateau
15.3 The People of the Sahel
15.3.1 The Gao Dynasty and Early Songhai
15.3.2 Cross-Cultural Interaction in the Sahel
15.4 Review Questions
16 Climate Change and Plague in the Fourteenth Century
16.1 Asia, North Africa, and Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century
16.1.1 China in the Early Fourteenth Century
16.1.2 The Middle East and North Africa in the Early Fourteenth Century
16.1.3 Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century
16.2 Famine, Climate Change, and Migration
16.2.1 The Effects of Climate Change in the Fourteenth Century
16.2.2 Mobility and Human Society
16.3 The Black Death from East to West
16.3.1 The Origins and Spread of the Bubonic Plague
16.3.2 The Black Death in Asia and North Africa
16.3.3 The Black Death in Europe
16.4 The Long-Term Effects of Global Transformation
16.4.1 Economic and Social Changes in Europe
16.4.2 Religious Changes
16.5 Review Questions
17 The Ottomans, the Mamluks, and the Ming
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols
17.1.1 Ottoman Growth
17.1.2 The Timurids and the Aftermath of the Battle of Ankara
17.1.3 The Ottoman Conquest of the Byzantine Empire
17.1.4 The Renaissance
17.2 From the Mamluks to Ming China
17.2.1 The Slave Soldier System
17.2.2 The Mamluk Sultanate
17.2.3 Ming China and Its Neighbors
17.3 Gunpowder and Nomads in a Transitional Age
17.3.1 Social Change and the Adoption of Gunpowder
17.3.2 The Age of the Nomad
17.4 Review Questions