7.6 Review Questions

How did the noblewoman Cornelia represent traditional Roman values of femininity?
She devoted herself to raising her children above all else.
She remarried immediately after becoming a widow.
She was punished under Augustus’s law against adultery.
She entered politics and had much influence on legislation concerning marriage.
What was the toga virilis?
a garment worn by boys to mark the transition into manhood and citizenship
a garment worn by senators who had recently come into office
a veil worn by girls during their wedding ceremony
a shawl worn at funeral processions to honor the dead
What characterized Romans’ relationship to their ancestors?
Ancestors served as examples of correct moral behavior.
Ancestors were viewed with skepticism and apprehension.
Ancestors were quickly forgotten after their funeral parades.
Ancestors of emperors were the only ones viewed favorably.
In what sort of occupations did freed people typically serve?
professions in trade, agriculture, or education
government and magistrate positions
military commanders and officers
trainers at gladiatorial schools
How did rural life under slavery compare to experiences in the city?
Life under slavery in rural areas was harsh and offered fewer advantages.
Enslaved people in rural areas worked only on large villas.
Enslaved people in rural areas were granted full Roman citizenship.
There were no enslaved people in rural settings.
What was the most common source of enslaved people?
people who were enslaved during wartime conquest
abandoned infants
family members who were sold into bondage
members of gladiatorial schools
What is a likely modern analogy for the Roman gladiator?
football players
political leaders
How did Diocletian reform the Roman tax system?
He introduced an agricultural land tax.
He taxed provincials on the amount of olive oil they exported.
He forbade land from being taxed in any way.
He taxed shipowners by the weight of grain their ships carried.
What was the nature of Augustus’s inheritance tax?
It taxed inheritances received from persons outside the immediate family.
It taxed the inheritance of veteran soldiers after a period of service.
It taxed money inherited by publicani in certain provinces.
It taxed patrons who had a certain number of clients.
Why was proximity to a seaport important to Roman trade?
Shipping by sea was less expensive than by land.
No road network existed outside Italy.
Shipowners had a monopoly on the entire trade network.
Romans were interested only in luxury goods from overseas.
What was an important feature of Roman mystery cults?
hierarchical structure of initiation
strict devotion to the leader of the group
adherence to worship of multiple deities
use of curse tablets to appease a deity
How did the imperial cult venerate a living emperor?
by sacrificing on behalf of the emperor’s well-being
by converting to Christianity
by worshipping the emperor only when he was outside the city
by sacrificing to the emperor in secret
What did the Edict of Milan accomplish?
It legalized Christianity.
It established Milan as the capital of Constantine’s empire.
It made Christianity the official state religion.
It outlawed animal sacrifice in Rome.
How could a person obtain Roman citizenship?
It was given to a person whose parents were both citizens.
It was given to provincial governors after a period of service.
It was given to those who returned from exile.
It was given to gladiators who had won a certain number of matches.
How did the Romans fortify the frontier in Britain?
They built forts, camps, and walls.
They built only luxurious villas there.
They refused to buy goods produced by non-Roman locals.
They forced locals to join the Roman army.
What does the Arch of Titus in Rome commemorate?
the Roman victory over the Jewish rebellion in Judaea
the end of the riots in Alexandria
the extension of citizenship to all free residents of the empire
the victory of Titus in a gladiatorial match in the Colosseum

The content of this course has been taken from the free World History, Volume 1: to 1500 textbook by Openstax
