9.5 Review Questions

What is the Serengeti?
a grassy plain in Africa that witnesses some of the world’s largest annual animal migrations
a desert in southern Africa
a climate pattern in the Horn of Africa
a semiarid transition zone between the Sahel and the Mediterranean coast
What is a key characteristic of Africa’s Mediterranean climate?
It is sunny and well suited for farming.
It is very similar to the climate of the Sahel.
It is arid and known for its sandy soils.
It is tropical.
What characteristic best describes the traditional religious beliefs of the Baka people?
For the San people of southern Africa, religion _____.
included elements of animism
was polytheistic and intimately bound up in the hunt for prey
was based on early Christian models
centered on ritualized foraging for plant buds and seasonal nuts
What African region independently developed agriculture based on yams?
West Africa
the eastern Sahara
North Africa
South Africa
In what part of Africa did sophisticated ironworking technology develop independently?
Central Africa
South Africa
the eastern Sahara
North Africa
How was ironworking technology likely disseminated throughout sub-Saharan Africa?
It was introduced by migrating Bantus.
It was introduced by Egyptian traders.
It was introduced by Nilo-Saharan farmers.
It was introduced by Near Eastern conquerors.
What was the likely original location of the proto-Bantu speakers?
the area between Nigeria and Cameroon
the area west of Egypt
the Ethiopian highlands
the central Sahara region
What areas remained largely untouched by Bantu migrants until recent times?
the western Kalahari Desert
the Lake Victoria region
Western Tanzania
Eastern Botswana
What city was the site of the earliest iteration of the Kingdom of Kush?
During what period did the Kingdom of Kush cooperate with the Hyksos rulers of the Nile delta to keep the Egyptian rulers at Thebes weak?
the Second Intermediate Period
the Old Kingdom
the First Intermediate Period
the New Kingdom
What two items of trade helped the Kingdom of Kush become wealthy and powerful in its early centuries?
iron and gold
diamonds and copper
fish and dates
wheat and rice
What is the Kushite king Piye most famous for?
conquering Egypt
defeating the Romans
giving tribute to Persia
trading with Greece
The Kingdom of Kush was most heavily influenced by its long connection with which culture?
During the Meroitic period, what high-quality item did the Kingdom of Kush gain a reputation for producing?
Where was the Phoenician city of Carthage located?
the coast of present-day Tunisia
the Sahel
the plains of the Atlas Mountains
How did the Ptolemaic rulers of Egypt seek to legitimate their rule?
by adopting Egyptian religious practice and styling themselves as pharaohs
by enslaving all Egyptians
by employing Egyptians in high-level administrative positions
by learning to speak Egyptian
What animal transformed trade across the Sahara?
Why did early trans-Saharan traders move salt across the desert into sub-Saharan Africa?
Salt was necessary and scarce in the region.
Salt was used to mine gold.
Salt was heavily taxed by the Romans.
Salt was prized for its religious properties.

The content of this course has been taken from the free World History, Volume 1: to 1500 textbook by Openstax
