LessonsVocabularyStatisticsClick on a lesson below to start learningWe recommend you to start with lesson 1, as lessons build on one another.1. Personal subject pronouns 12. The present tense in -ar 13. Articles, nouns and gender4. Word order5. The present tense in -er 16. Declinable nouns7. Invariant nouns8. The present tense in -ir 19. Personal subject pronouns 210. The present tense in -ar 211. The present tense in -er 212. Deber + infinitive13. The present tense in -ir 214. The plural forms of nouns and articles15. The times of the day16. Adjectives17. Hay18. Negation19. Questions20. The days of the week21. Time units22. Ser23. Estar24. Diphthongs25. Word stress26. Irregularities in plural nouns27. Greeting28. Question words29. Possessive determiners30. Meeting31. Demonstratives32. Counting from 0 to 1533. Tener34. Venir35. Here and there36. Food37. Conjunctions 1: Que38. Conjunctions 2: And, or39. Conjunctions 340. Tener que + infinitive41. Counting from 16 to 2942. Animals43. Professions44. Clothing45. When the indefinite article is not used46. General pronouns and double negation47. A + direct object48. Family49. Colors50. Contractions51. The head and the face52. The human body53. Direct object pronouns54. Ir55. Verbs where -o becomes -go56. Verbs where e becomes i57. Lo58. Prepositions59. Prepositions 260. Possessive pronouns61. Counting from 30 to 9962. Counting from 100 to 99963. Organs