Spanish 51 - The head and the face

the headla cabeza
the facela cara
the hairel pelo
the hairel cabello
Cabello only refers to hair on your head, whereas pelo can refer to any kind of hair.
the (outer) earla oreja
the (inner) ear; the hearingel oído
the eyeel ojo
the (human) nosela nariz
the mouthla boca
the jawla mandíbula
the cheekla mejilla
the lipel labio
the tongue; the languagela lengua
the toothel diente
the irisel iris
the pupil (of the eye)la pupila
the retinala retina
the eyebrowla ceja
the eyelashla pestaña
the beardla barba
the mustacheel bigote
the throatla garganta
the neckel cuello
the napethe back of the neckla nuca
