Spanish 52 - The human body

the humanel humano
the beingel ser
the human beingel ser humano
the bodyel cuerpo
the human bodyel cuerpo humano
the shoulderel hombro
the (human) backla espalda
the (human) chestel pecho
the breast, the bosomel seno
the belly, the abdomenel vientre
the armel brazo
the elbowel codo
the handla mano
the fistel puño
the finger; the toeel dedo
the thumbel pulgar
the fingernail; the toenailla uña
the waistla cintura
the hipla cadera
the buttockla nalga
the (human) legla pierna
the thighel muslo
the kneela rodilla
the ankleel tobillo
the (human) footel pie
