Spanish 23 - Estar

In this lesson you will learn about the irregular Spanish verb estar. Let's see how to conjugate it, and then see it's meaning by looking at some example sentences.

Conjugations of serSingularPlural
First personestoyestamos
Second personestásestáis
Third personestáestán

Estar has a meaning close to ser, but is used in different situations.

When talking about characteristics of persons or things, estar is often used for things that are of a more temporary nature than ser. For example, ser is used to describe someone as a drunkard, a not so temporary characteristic, whereas estar is used to describe someone as being drunk.

For the same reason, ser is used to describe someone's origin, occupation, religious or political affiliation, relations between people, and character.

Estar is normally used to describe the location of people and things, even when they are permanent locations, whereas ser is used to describe the location of events.

Sentences with estarUses
Estoy en el jardín.
I am in the garden.
location of person
Estás nerviosa hoy.
YouFEM are nervous today.
temporary state of person
Buenos Aires está en Argentina.
Buenos Aires is in Argentina.
location of geographic entity
El café está caliente.
The coffee is hot.
temporary state of object
Estamos contentos con el resultado.
We are happy with the result.
temporary state of person
Estáis borrachas.
YouFEM are drunk.
temporary state of person
Las bicicletas están en la casa.
The bicyles are in the house.
location of object
Sentences with serUses
Soy estudiante.
I am a student.
long-lasting property (occupation)
Eres una mona.
YouFEM are a monkey.
long-lasting property
La fiesta es en la casa.
The party is in the house.
location of event
Hoy es jueves.
Today is Thursday.
telling time
Somos amigos.
We are friends.
relation between people
Sois borrachas.
YouFEM are drunkards.
long-lasting property
Son manzanas.
They are apples..
long-lasting property
