Question | Answer |
the cinema | sinema |
to hope | kutarajia |
the movie | filamu |
This is my first cinema experience, and I hope to enjoy a good movie. | Hii ni sinema yangu ya kwanza, na ninatarajia kufurahia filamu nzuri. |
that | hiyo |
the technology | teknolojia |
modern | kisasa |
My car is modern. | Gari yangu ni kisasa. |
That cinema has modern technology, which improves sound and picture. | Sinema hiyo ina teknolojia ya kisasa, ambayo inaboresha sauti na picha. |
the driver | dereva |
the traffic | trafiki |
Our driver is trying to avoid traffic in the morning, so that we arrive at work early. | Dereva wetu anajaribu kuepuka trafiki asubuhi, ili tufike kazini mapema. |
long | ndefu |
The bridge is long. | Daraja ni ndefu. |
This is my second trip today, because the traffic was very long. | Hii ni safari yangu ya pili leo, kwa sababu trafiki ilikuwa ndefu sana. |
rich | tajiri |
Father is rich. | Baba ni tajiri. |
the machine | mashine |
to print | kuchapisha |
I want to print a newspaper tomorrow. | Mimi ninataka kuchapisha gazeti kesho. |
That rich person has bought a large machine for printing books. | Tajiri yule amenunua mashine kubwa ya kuchapisha vitabu. |
to allow | kuruhusu |
Mother allows children to play outside. | Mama anaruhusu watoto kucheza nje. |
fast | haraka |
That machine allows this rich person to work faster than before. | Mashine hiyo inamruhusu tajiri huyu kufanya kazi haraka kuliko awali. |
the poor | maskini |
The poor like to travel by bus. | Maskini wanapenda kusafiri kwa basi. |
the topic | mada |
to gain | kujipatia |
the skill | ujuzi |
I learn new skills every day. | Mimi ninajifunza ujuzi mpya kila siku. |
Poor people can learn important topics so that they gain new skills. | Masikini wanaweza kujifunza mada muhimu, ili wajipatie ujuzi mpya. |
the group | kikundi |
We have discussed the topic of helping the poor in our group today. | Tumejadili mada ya kusaidia masikini katika kikundi chetu leo. |
the internet | mtandao |
I receive news from the internet. | Mimi ninapokea habari kutoka mtandao. |
We are using the internet to get more knowledge about this subject. | Tunatumia mtandao kupata fahamu zaidi kuhusu somo hili. |
the citizen | mwananchi |
The citizen walks to the market every morning. | Mwananchi anatembea sokoni kila asubuhi. |
to increase | kuongezeka |
Costs increase every day. | Gharama huongezeka kila siku. |
the internet connection | mtandao |
People’s knowledge grows quickly when they get a better internet connection. | Fahamu za wananchi huongezeka haraka wanapopata mtandao bora. |
the computer | kompyuta |
I use a computer every morning. | Mimi ninatumia kompyuta kila asubuhi. |
the screen | skrini |
to make easier | kurahisisha |
the text | maandishi |
This computer has a large screen, which makes reading text easier. | Kompyuta hii ina skrini kubwa, ambayo inarahisisha kusoma maandishi. |
to send | kutuma |
I send a letter to a friend. | Mimi natuma barua kwa rafiki. |
the email | barua pepe |
I will send an email from my laptop this evening. | Nitatuma barua pepe kutoka kwa laptopu yangu jioni hii. |
the laptop | laptopu |
I use a laptop to read news. | Mimi natumia laptopu kusoma habari. |
This laptop opens quickly, so I can read my emails early. | Laptopu hii inafunguka haraka, kwa hiyo ninaweza kusoma barua pepe zangu mapema. |
primary | msingi |
the report | ripoti |
I am reading a report today. | Mimi ninasoma ripoti leo. |
The primary school teacher needs a parent’s signature on the students’ reports. | Mwalimu wa shule ya msingi anahitaji sahihi ya mzazi kwenye ripoti za wanafunzi. |
the form | fomu |
The teacher wants a form. | Mwalimu anataka fomu. |
registration | usajili |
I will attend primary school first, then I will put my signature on the registration form. | Nitasoma shule ya msingi kwanza, kisha nitaweka sahihi yangu kwenye fomu ya usajili. |
to discuss | kuzungumzia |
The teacher discusses math. | Mwalimu anazungumzia hesabu. |
the development | maendeleo |
There is an important seminar tomorrow, which will discuss the development of the primary school. | Kuna semina muhimu kesho, itakayozungumzia maendeleo ya shule ya msingi. |
the conference | kongamano |
the future | mustakabali |
I see a good future. | Mimi ninaona mustakabali mzuri. |
After the seminar, we will have a conference of teachers and parents to discuss the future of education. | Baada ya semina, tutakuwa na kongamano la walimu na wazazi kujadili mustakabali wa elimu. |
to participate | kushiriki |
I participate in a celebration at home. | Mimi ninashiriki sherehe nyumbani. |
to give | kutoa |
I give a gift to friends. | Mimi ninatoa zawadi kwa marafiki. |
the opinion | maoni |
I have new opinions. | Mimi nina maoni mapya. |
Our group will participate in that conference to give our opinions. | Kikundi chetu kitashiriki kongamano hilo ili kutoa maoni yetu. |
the change | badiliko |
Change is important. | Badiliko ni muhimu. |
the teaching | ufundishaji |
Teaching is important. | Ufundishaji ni muhimu. |
Technology has brought big changes in primary school, especially in teaching. | Teknolojia imeleta mabadiliko makubwa katika shule ya msingi, hasa kwenye ufundishaji. |
to transport | kusafirisha |
I like to transport my bicycle. | Mimi ninapenda kusafirisha baiskeli yangu. |
The bus driver will transport us to the cinema tonight, after we finish our work. | Dereva wa basi atatusafirisha hadi sinema leo usiku, tukimaliza kazi zetu. |
strong | nguvu |
Today is my fourth day of exercise, but I still feel strong. | Leo ni siku yangu ya nne ya mazoezi, lakini bado najisikia mwenye nguvu. |
fifth | tano |
to meet | kukutana |
I want to meet friends tomorrow morning. | Mimi nataka kukutana na marafiki kesho asubuhi. |
Tomorrow will be our fifth time meeting in this group. | Kesho itakuwa mara yetu ya tano kukutana katika kikundi hiki. |
sixth | sita |
to strive | kujitahidi |
I strive to work every day. | Mimi ninajitahidi kufanya kazi kila siku. |
This is our sixth soccer match, and we are striving to win. | Hii ni mechi yetu ya sita ya mpira wa miguu, na tunajitahidi kushinda. |
to believe | kuamini |
I believe you. | Mimi ninaamini wewe. |
to open | kufungulia |
Mother opens the cupboard to get sugar. | Mama anafungulia kabati ili kupata sukari. |
many | nyingi |
the life | maisha |
Mother believes that good education opens many opportunities in our lives. | Mama anaamini kuwa elimu bora inatufungulia fursa nyingi maishani. |
to hinder | kuzuia |
Father said that lacking knowledge of technology hinders development. | Baba alisema kwamba kukosa fahamu ya teknolojia huzuia maendeleo. |
the accident | ajali |
Patience is important when traffic is heavy, in order to avoid accidents. | Subira ni muhimu wakati trafiki inapokuwa kubwa, ili kuepuka ajali. |
that | yule |
That doctor is helping the children. | Yule daktari anasaidia watoto. |
That driver had a small accident yesterday, but now he is safe. | Dereva yule alipata ajali ndogo jana, lakini sasa yuko salama. |
our | chetu |
Our book is good. | Kitabu chetu ni kizuri. |
After the seminar, we will use a large screen to show the new machine to our group. | Baada ya semina, tutatumia skrini kubwa kuonyesha mashine mpya kwa kikundi chetu. |
the sea | bahari |
I like to swim in the sea every morning. | Mimi ninapenda kuogelea bahari kila asubuhi. |
There are many fish in the sea. | Kuna samaki nyingi baharini. |
the journey | safari |
Today, Juma and I are going on a journey. | Leo, mimi na Juma tunaenda safari. |
Life is a journey. | Maisha ni safari. |
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