Usages of han
Han er en mann.
He is a man.
Han spiser brød.
He eats bread.
Han drikker kaffe.
He drinks coffee.
Han bor her.
He lives here.
Han har en katt.
He has a cat.
Han har en bok.
He has a book.
Han har en stor familie.
He has a big family.
Han liker å snakke med barn.
He likes to talk with children.
Han kommer fra Oslo.
He comes from Oslo.
Han kan spille gitar.
He can play guitar.
Gitaren er kul, og han liker musikk.
The guitar is cool, and he likes music.
Han hører musikk.
He listens to music.
Han håper at nyhetene er gode i dag.
He hopes that the news is good today.
Han har enda ikke ringt på telefonen, men jeg håper at han gjør det.
He has not yet called on the phone, but I hope that he does so.
Han ser oss.
He sees us.
Han planlegger å spille gitar.
He plans to play guitar.
Han kommer sent.
He comes late.
Han kommer sen.
He comes late.
Han kommer for sent til jobbmøtet.
He comes too late for the work meeting.
Han sjekker været.
He checks the weather.
Han spiser brød eller suppe.
He eats bread or soup.
Han lærer å spille gitar.
He learns to play guitar.
Du sier at han drikker vann.
You say that he drinks water.
Han er en venn av Tom.
He is a friend of Tom. is an online learning platform
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