
Click on a lesson below to start learning

We recommend you to start with lesson 1, as lessons build on one another.
1 An Introduction to Sociology
1.1 What Is Sociology?
1.1.1 What Are Society and Culture?
1.1.2 Studying Patterns: How Sociologists View Society
1.1.3 Studying Part and Whole: How Sociologists View Social Structures
1.1 Review Questions
1.2 The History of Sociology
1.2.1 Creating a Discipline: European Theorists
1.2.2 Applying the Discipline: American Theorists and Practitioners
1.2 Review Questions
1.3 Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology
1.3.1 Functionalism
1.3.2 Conflict Theory
1.3.3 Symbolic Interactionist Theory
1.3.4 Sociological Theory Today
1.3 Review Questions
1.4 Why Study Sociology?
1.4.1 Sociology and a Better Society
1.4.2 Sociology in the Workplace
1.4 Review Questions
2 Sociological Research
2.1 Approaches to Sociological Research
2.1.1 The Scientific Method
2.1.2 Interpretive Framework
2.1.3 Critical Sociology
2.1 Review Questions
2.2 Research Methods
2.2.1 Surveys
2.2.2 Field Research
2.2.3 Experiments
2.2.4 Secondary Data Analysis
2.2 Review Questions
2.3 Ethical Concerns
2.3 Review Questions
3 Culture
3.1 What Is Culture?
3.1.1 Cultural Universals
3.1.2 Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism
3.1 Review Questions
3.2 Elements of Culture
3.2.1 Values and Beliefs
3.2.2 Norms
3.2.3 Symbols and Culture
3.2.4 Language and Symbols
3.2.5 Language and Culture
3.2 Review Questions
3.3 High, Low, Pop, Sub, Counter-culture and Cultural Change
3.3.1 High, Low, and Popular Culture
3.3.2 Subculture and Counterculture
3.3.3 Cultural Change
3.3 Review Questions
3.4 Theoretical Perspectives on Culture
3.4 Review Questions
4 Society and Social Interaction
4.1 Types of Societies
4.1.1 Preindustrial Societies
4.1.2 Industrial Society
4.1.3 Postindustrial Society
4.1 Review Questions
4.2 Theoretical Perspectives on Society
4.2.1 Émile Durkheim and Functionalism
4.2.2 Karl Marx and Conflict Theory
4.2.3 Max Weber and Symbolic Interactionism
4.2 Review Questions
4.3 Social Constructions of Reality
4.3.1 Roles and Status
4.3.2 Presentation of Self
4.3 Review Questions
5 Socialization
5.1 Theories of Self-Development
5.1.1 Psychological Perspectives on Self-Development
5.1.2 Sociological Theories of Self-Development
5.1 Review Questions
5.2 Why Socialization Matters
5.2.1 Nature versus Nurture
5.2 Review Questions
5.3 Agents of Socialization
5.3.1 Social Group Agents
5.3.2 Institutional Agents
5.3 Review Questions
5.4 Socialization Across the Life Course
5.4.1 Resocialization
5.4 Review Questions
6 Groups and Organization
6.1 Types of Groups
6.1.1 Defining a Group
6.1.2 Types of Groups
6.1.3 In-Groups and Out-Groups
6.1.4 Reference Groups
6.1 Review Questions
6.2 Group Size and Structure
6.2.1 Dyads, Triads, and Large Groups
6.2.2 Group Leadership
6.2.3 Conformity
6.2.4 The Bystander Effect and Diffusion of Responsibility
6.2 Review Questions
6.3 Formal Organizations
6.3.1 Types of Formal Organizations
6.3.2 The McDonaldization of Society
6.3 Review Questions
7 Deviance, Crime, and Social Control
7.1 Deviance and Control
7.1.1 Deviance, Crime, and Society
7.1.2 Social Control
7.1 Review Questions
7.2 Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance and Crime
7.2.1 Functionalism
7.2.2 Conflict Theory
7.2.3 Symbolic Interactionism
7.2 Review Questions
7.3 Crime and the Law
7.3.1 Types of Crimes
7.3.2 Crime Statistics
7.3.3 Public Perception of Crime
7.3.4 The U.S. Criminal Justice System
7.3 Review Questions
8 Media and Technology
8.1 Technology Today
8.1.1 What Is Technology?
8.1 Review Questions
8.2 Media and Technology in Society
8.2.1 Categorizing Technology
8.2.2 Types of Media and Technology
8.2.3 Product Advertising and the Attention Economy
8.2.4 Homogenization and Fragmentation
8.2 Review Questions
8.3 Global Implications of Media and Technology
8.3.1 Media Globalization
8.3.2 Technological Globalization
8.3 Review Questions
8.4 Theoretical Perspectives on Media and Technology
8.4.1 Functionalism
8.4.2 Conflict Perspective
8.4.3 Symbolic Interactionism
8.4 Review Questions
9 Social Stratification in the United States
9.1 What Is Social Stratification?
9.1.1 Systems of Stratification
9.1.2 Status Consistency
9.1 Review Questions
9.2 Social Stratification and Mobility in the United States
9.2.1 Social Classes in the United States
9.2.2 Social Mobility
9.2.3 Stratification of Socioeconomic Classes
9.2 Review Questions
9.3 Global Stratification and Inequality
9.3.1 Models of Global Stratification
9.3 Review Questions
9.4 Theoretical Perspectives on Social Stratification
9.4.1 Functionalism
9.4.2 Conflict Theory
9.4.3 Symbolic Interactionism
9.4 Review Questions
10 Global Inequality
10.1 Global Stratification and Classification
10.1.1 Global Stratification
10.1.2 Global Classification
10.1 Review Questions
10.2 Global Wealth and Poverty
10.2.1 Types of Poverty
10.2.2 Who Are the Impoverished?
10.2.3 Consequences of Poverty
10.2.4 Slavery
10.2 Review Questions
10.3 Theoretical Perspectives on Global Stratification
10.3.1 Modernization Theory
10.3.2 Dependency Theory
10.3 Review Questions
11 Race and Ethnicity
11.1 Racial, Ethnic, and Minority Groups
11.1.1 What Is Race?
11.1.2 What Is Ethnicity?
11.1.3 What Are Minority Groups?
11.1.4 Multiple Identities
11.1 Review Questions
11.2 Theoretical Perspectives on Race and Ethnicity
11.2.1 Theoretical Perspectives on Race and Ethnicity
11.2.2 Culture of Prejudice
11.2 Review Questions
11.3 Prejudice, Discrimination, and Racism
11.3.1 Prejudice
11.3.2 Discrimination
11.3.3 Racism
11.3.4 How to Be an Antiracist
11.3 Review Questions
11.4 Intergroup Relationships
11.4.1 Pluralism
11.4.2 Assimilation
11.4.3 Amalgamation
11.4.4 Genocide
11.4.5 Expulsion
11.4.6 Segregation
11.4 Review Questions
11.5 Race and Ethnicity in the United States
11.5.1 Native Americans
11.5.2 African Americans
11.5.3 Asian Americans
11.5.4 White Americans
11.5.5 Hispanic Americans
11.5 Review Questions
12 Gender, Sex, and Sexuality
12.1 Sex, Gender, Identity, and Expression
12.1.1 Sexuality and Sexual Orientation
12.1.2 Gender Roles
12.1.3 Gender Identity
12.1 Review Questions
12.2 Gender and Gender Inequality
12.2.1 Gender and Socialization
12.2.2 Theoretical Perspectives on Gender
12.2 Review Questions
12.3 Sexuality
12.3.1 Sexual Attitudes and Practices
12.3.2 Sociological Perspectives on Sex and Sexuality
12.3 Review Questions
13 Aging and the Elderly
13.1 Who Are the Elderly? Aging in Society
13.1.1 Studying Aging Populations
13.1.2 Phases of Aging: The Young-Old, Middle-Old, and Old-Old
13.1.3 The Graying of the United States
13.1.4 Baby Boomers
13.1.5 Aging around the World
13.1 Review Questions
13.2 The Process of Aging
13.2.1 Biological Changes
13.2.2 Social and Psychological Changes
13.2.3 Aging and Sexuality
13.2.4 Death and Dying
13.2 Review Questions
13.3 Challenges Facing the Elderly
13.3.1 Poverty
13.3.2 Ageism
13.3.3 Mistreatment and Abuse
13.3 Review Questions
13.4 Theoretical Perspectives on Aging
13.4.1 Functionalism
13.4.2 Conflict Perspective
13.4.3 Symbolic Interactionism
13.4 Review Questions
14 Relationships, Marriage, and Family
14.1 What Is Marriage? What Is a Family?
14.1.1 Challenges Families Face
14.1.2 Marriage Patterns
14.1.3 Residency and Lines of Descent
14.1.4 Stages of Family Life
14.1 Review Questions
14.2 Variations in Family Life
14.2.1 Single Parents, Blended Families, and Foster Families
14.2.2 Cohabitation
14.2.3 Same-Sex Couples
14.2.4 Staying Single
14.2.5 Theoretical Perspectives on Marriage and Family
14.2 Review Questions
14.3 Challenges Families Face
14.3.1 Divorce and Remarriage
14.3.2 Violence and Abuse
14.3 Review Questions
15 Religion
15.1 The Sociological Approach to Religion
15.1.1 The History of Religion as a Sociological Concept
15.1.2 Theoretical Perspectives on Religion
15.1 Review Questions
15.2 World Religions
15.2.1 Types of Religious Organizations
15.2.2 Types of Religions
15.2.3 The World’s Religions and Philosophies
15.2 Review Questions
15.3 Religion in the United States
15.3.1 Religion and Social Change
15.3.2 Liberation Theology
15.3.3 Megachurches
15.3.4 Secularization
15.3 Review Questions
16 Education
16.1 Education around the World
16.1.1 Formal and Informal Education
16.1.2 Access to Education
16.1 Review Questions
16.2 Theoretical Perspectives on Education
16.2.1 Functionalism
16.2.2 Conflict Theory
16.2.3 Feminist Theory
16.2.4 Symbolic Interactionism
16.2 Review Questions
16.3 Issues in Education
16.3.1 Equal Education
16.3.2 Transfers and Busing
16.3.3 No Child Left Behind and Every Student Succeeds
16.3.4 New Views On Standardized Tests
16.3.5 Students With Disabilities
16.3.6 School Choice
16.3.7 Remote and Hybrid Schooling
16.3 Review Questions
17 Government and Politics
17.1 Power and Authority
17.1.1 What Is Power?
17.1.2 Types of Authority
17.1 Review Questions
17.2 Forms of Government
17.2.1 Monarchy
17.2.2 Oligarchy
17.2.3 Dictatorship
17.2.4 Democracy
17.2 Review Questions
17.3 Politics in the United States
17.3.1 Voter Participation
17.3.2 The Judicial System
17.3 Review Questions
17.4 Theoretical Perspectives on Government and Power
17.4.1 Functionalism
17.4.2 Conflict Theory
17.4.3 Symbolic Interactionism
17.4 Review Questions
18 Work and the Economy
18.1 Economic Systems
18.1.1 Economics of Agricultural, Industrial, and Postindustrial Societies
18.1.2 Capitalism
18.1.3 Socialism
18.1.4 Convergence Theory
18.1.5 Theoretical Perspectives on the Economy
18.1 Review Questions
18.2 Globalization and the Economy
18.2.1 What Is Globalization?
18.2.2 Aspects of Globalization
18.2 Review Questions
18.3 Work in the United States
18.3.1 Polarization in the Workforce
18.3.2 Women in the Workforce
18.3.3 Immigration and the Workforce
18.3.4 Poverty in the United States
18.3 Review Questions
19 Health and Medicine
19.1 The Social Construction of Health
19.1.1 The Cultural Meaning of Illness
19.1.2 The Social Construction of the Illness Experience
19.1.3 The Social Construction of Medical Knowledge
19.1 Review Questions
19.2 Global Health
19.2.1 Health in High-Income Nations
19.2.2 Health in Low-Income Nations
19.2 Review Questions
19.3 Health in the United States
19.3.1 Health by Race and Ethnicity
19.3.2 Health by Socioeconomic Status
19.3.3 Health by Gender
19.3.4 Mental Health and Disability
19.3 Review Questions
19.4 Comparative Health and Medicine
19.4.1 U.S. Healthcare
19.4.2 Healthcare Elsewhere
19.4 Review Questions
19.5 Theoretical Perspectives on Health and Medicine
19.5.1 Functionalism
19.5.2 Conflict Perspective
19.5.3 Symbolic Interactionism
19.5 Review Questions
20 Population, Urbanization, and the Environment
20.1 Demography and Population
20.1.1 Population Growth
20.1.2 Demographic Theories
20.1.3 Changes in U.S. Immigration Patterns and Attitudes
20.1 Review Questions
20.2 Urbanization
20.2.1 The Growth of Cities
20.2.2 Urbanization in the United States
20.2.3 Suburbs and Exurbs
20.2.4 Urbanization around the World
20.2.5 Theoretical Perspectives on Urbanization
20.2 Review Questions
20.3 The Environment and Society
20.3.1 Climate Change
20.3.2 Pollution
20.3.3 Environmental Racism
20.3 Review Questions
21 Social Movements and Social Change
21.1 Collective Behavior
21.1.1 Forms of Collective Behavior
21.1.2 Theoretical Perspectives on Collective Behavior
21.1 Review Questions
21.2 Social Movements
21.2.1 Levels of Social Movements
21.2.2 Types of Social Movements
21.2.3 Stages of Social Movements
21.2.4 Social Media and Social Movements
21.2.5 Theoretical Perspectives on Social Movements
21.2 Review Questions
21.3 Social Change
21.3.1 Causes of Social Change
21.3.2 Modernization
21.3 Review Questions