10.3 Review Questions

One flaw in dependency theory is the unwillingness to recognize _______.
that previously low-income nations such as China have successfully developed their economies and can no longer be classified as dependent on core nations
that previously high-income nations such as China have been economically overpowered by low-income nations entering the global marketplace
that countries such as China are growing more dependent on core nations
that countries such as China do not necessarily want to be more like core nations
One flaw in modernization theory is the unwillingness to recognize _________.
its inherent ethnocentric bias
that semi-peripheral nations are incapable of industrializing
that peripheral nations prevent semi-peripheral nations from entering the global market
the importance of semi-peripheral nations industrializing
If a sociologist says that nations evolve toward more advanced technology and more complex industry as their citizens learn cultural values that celebrate hard work and success, she is using _______ theory to study the global economy.
modernization theory
dependency theory
modern dependency theory
evolutionary dependency theory
If a sociologist points out that core nations dominate the global economy, in part by creating global interest rates and international tariffs that will inevitably favor high-income nations over low-income nations, he is a:
dependency theorist
modernization theorist
symbolic interactionist
Dependency theorists explain global inequality and global stratification by focusing on the way that:
core nations exploit peripheral nations
core nations and peripheral nations exploit semi-peripheral nations
semi-peripheral nations exploit core nations
peripheral nations exploit core nations

The content of this course has been taken from the free Sociology textbook by Openstax
