7.2 Review Questions

A student wakes up late and realizes their sociology exam starts in five minutes. They jump into their car and speed down the road, where they are pulled over by a police officer. The student explains that they are running late, and the officer lets them off with a warning. The student’s actions are an example of _________.
primary deviance
positive deviance
secondary deviance
master deviance
According to C. Wright Mills, which of the following people is most likely to be a member of the power elite?
A senator
A war veteran
A professor
A mechanic
According to social disorganization theory, crime is most likely to occur where?
A community where neighbors don’t know each other very well
A neighborhood with mostly elderly citizens
A city with a large minority population
A college campus with students who are very competitive
According to the concept of the power elite, why would a celebrity commit a crime?
Because his fame protects him from retribution
Because his parents committed similar crimes
Because his fame disconnects him from society
Because he is challenging socially accepted norms
A convicted sexual offender is released on parole and arrested two weeks later for repeated sexual crimes. How would labeling theory explain this?
The offender has been labeled deviant by society and has accepted a new master status.
The offender has returned to their old neighborhood and so reestablished their former habits.
The offender has lost the social bonds they made in prison and feels disconnected from society.
The offender is poor and responding to the different cultural values that exist in their community.
______ deviance is a violation of norms that ______result in a person being labeled a deviant.
Primary; does not
Secondary; does not
Negative; does
Primary; may or may not

The content of this course has been taken from the free Sociology textbook by Openstax
