16.1 Review Questions

What are the major factors that affect education systems throughout the world?
Resources and money
Student interest
Teacher interest
What do nations that are top-ranked in science and math have in common?
They recruit top teachers.
They are all in Asia.
They spend more money per student.
They use cutting-edge technology in classrooms.
Informal education _________________.
refers to the learning of cultural norms
describes when students teach their peers
only takes place at home
relies on a planned instructional process
Learning from classmates that most students buy lunch on Fridays is an example of ________.
informal education
cultural transmission
educational access
formal education
The 1972 case Mills v. Board of Education of the District of Columbia set a precedent for __________.
access to education
average spending on students
desegregation of schools
teacher salary

The content of this course has been taken from the free Sociology textbook by Openstax
