6.2 Review Questions

Two people who have just had a baby have turned from a _______ to a _________.
dyad; triad
primary group; secondary group
couple; family
de facto group; nuclear family
Who is more likely to be an expressive leader?
The director of a summer camp for chronically ill children
The sales manager of a fast-growing cosmetics company
A high school teacher at a reform school
A manager at a fast-food restaurant
Which of the following is not an appropriate group for democratic leadership?
A fire station
A college classroom
A high school prom committee
A homeless shelter
In Asch’s study on conformity, what contributed to the ability of subjects to resist conforming?
All of these
A very small group of witnesses
The presence of an ally
The ability to keep one’s answer private
Which type of group leadership has a communication pattern that flows from the top down?

The content of this course has been taken from the free Sociology textbook by Openstax
