11.5 Review Questions

What makes Native Americans unique as a subordinate group in the United States?
They are the only group that is indigenous to the United States.
They are the only group that experienced expulsion.
They are the only group that was segregated.
They are the only group that was enslaved.
Which subordinate group is often referred to as the “model minority?”
Asian Americans
African Americans
White ethnic Americans
Native Americans
Which federal act or program was designed to allow more Hispanic American immigration, not block it?
The Bracero Program
Immigration Reform and Control Act
Operation Wetback
SB 1070
Many Arab Americans face _______________, especially after 9/11.
Why did most White ethnic Americans come to the United States?
For a better life and to escape oppression
For a better life
To escape oppression
Because they were forced out of their own countries

The content of this course has been taken from the free Sociology textbook by Openstax
