World History 2

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We recommend you to start with lesson 1, as lessons build on one another.
1 Understanding the Past
1.1 Developing a Global Perspective
1.1.1 World History as Preparation for Life After College
1.1.2 World History and Global Citizenship
1.1.3 Features of This Textbook
1.2 Primary Sources
1.2.1 Learning to Evaluate Documents and Images
1.2.2 Documentary Sources: Competing Narratives
1.2.3 Textual Sources: The Importance of Language
1.2.4 Hidden in History
1.3 Causation and Interpretation in History
1.3.1 Levels of Causation
1.3.2 Interpretation in History
1.4 Review Questions
2 Exchange in East Asia and the Indian Ocean
2.1 India and International Connections
2.1.1 The Mughal Empire
2.1.2 The Sultanate of Gujarat
2.1.3 The Rise of the Maratha Empire
2.1.4 European Colonialism
2.2 The Malacca Sultanate
2.2.1 The Rise of the Malacca Sultanate
2.2.2 European Malacca
2.3 Exchange in East Asia
2.3.1 Japan
2.3.2 China’s Dynastic Exchanges
2.3.3 Korea and Its Neighbors
2.4 Review Questions
3 Early Modern Africa and the Wider World
3.1 The Roots of African Trade
3.1.1 Saharan Trade Routes
3.1.2 The Spread of Islam
3.1.3 The Mali Empire
3.2 The Songhai Empire
3.2.1 The Rise of Imperial Songhai
3.2.2 The Reign of Askia the Great
3.2.3 The Decline of Songhai
3.3 The Swahili Coast
3.3.1 The Rise of the Swahili City-States
3.3.2 Slavery on the Swahili Coast
3.3.3 The Contest for the Swahili Coast
3.4 The Trans-Saharan Slave Trade
3.4.1 The Role of Kanem-Bornu
3.4.2 The Arrival of Europeans
3.4.3 The Later Trans-Saharan Slave Trade
3.5 Review Questions
4 The Islamic World
4.1 A Connected Islamic World
4.1.1 Politics and Religion in the Ummah
4.1.2 Islamic Trade Networks
4.1.3 Technology in the Islamic World
4.2 The Ottoman Empire
4.2.1 Culture and Society
4.2.2 Expansion, Revolutions, and Reform
4.2.3 Science and Technology
4.3 The Safavid Empire
4.3.1 The Rise of the Safavid Empire
4.3.2 Establishing Shi‘ism as the State Religion
4.3.3 Safavid Government and Culture
4.4 Review Questions
5 Foundations of the Atlantic World
5.1 The Protestant Reformation
5.1.1 The Origins of the Protestant Reformation
5.1.2 Calvinists, Anabaptists, and Anglicans
5.1.3 The Catholic Reformation and the Wars of Religion
5.2 Crossing the Atlantic
5.2.1 The Rise of Maritime Nations
5.2.2 The Columbian Exchange
5.3 The Mercantilist Economy
5.3.1 The Rise of Mercantilism
5.3.2 Mercantilism and the Expansion of Empire
5.3.3 Mercantilism and Its Critics
5.4 The Atlantic Slave Trade
5.4.1 Slavery and the Triangular Trade
5.4.2 African and North American Slavery
5.4.3 The Economics of Slavery
5.5 Review Questions
6 Colonization and Economic Expansion
6.1 European Colonization in the Americas
6.1.1 Spain’s Encomienda System
6.1.2 English Settlements in North America
6.1.3 French and Dutch Settlements
6.2 The Rise of a Global Economy
6.2.1 The Seven Years’ War
6.2.2 British Influence in India
6.2.3 China’s Dominance in Trade
6.2.4 Colonial Resistance and Revolution
6.3 Capitalism and the First Industrial Revolution
6.3.1 From Mercantilism to Capitalism
6.3.2 Mechanization
6.3.3 Marxism
6.4 Review Questions
7 Revolutions in Europe and North America
7.1 The Enlightenment
7.1.1 The Authority of Reason
7.1.2 Natural Rights
7.1.3 Social Contract Theory
7.2 The Exchange of Ideas in the Public Sphere
7.2.1 Public Debate and Dissent
7.2.2 The Republic of Letters
7.2.3 Academies, Universities, and Intellectuals
7.3 Revolutions: America, France, and Haiti
7.3.1 The American Revolution
7.3.2 The French Revolution
7.3.3 The Haitian Revolution
7.4 Nationalism, Liberalism, Conservatism, and the Political Order
7.4.1 Nationalism
7.4.2 Liberalism
7.4.3 Conservatism
7.5 Review Questions
8 Revolutions in Latin America
8.1 Revolution for Whom?
8.1.1 Social Hierarchy and Bourbon Reforms in Spanish America
8.1.2 The Napoleonic Era
8.1.3 The Peninsular War and the American Question
8.2 Spanish North America
8.2.1 The Mexican War of Independence
8.2.2 Iturbide and the Plan de Iguala
8.3 Spanish South America
8.3.1 The Northern Liberation Movement
8.3.2 The Southern Liberation Movement
8.3.3 The Guayaquil Conference
8.4 Portuguese South America
8.4.1 The Establishment of the Kingdom of Brazil
8.4.2 Pedro I and Brazilian Independence
8.4.3 Nineteenth-Century Eyes on Latin America
8.5 Review Questions
9 Expansion in the Industrial Age
9.1 The Second Industrial Revolution
9.1.1 The Expansion and Transformation of Technology
9.1.2 Industrial Frontiers
9.1.3 Obstacles to Industrialization
9.2 Motives and Means of Imperialism
9.2.1 Raw Materials and Markets
9.2.2 The Civilizing Mission
9.2.3 The Means of Imperialism
9.3 Colonial Empires
9.3.1 Africa
9.3.2 European Powers in Conflict
9.3.3 Asia
9.3.4 The Pacific
9.4 Exploitation and Resistance
9.4.1 Brutality and Exploitation
9.4.2 Resistance and Revolution
9.5 Review Questions
10 Life and Labor in the Industrial World
10.1 Inventions, Innovations, and Mechanization
10.1.1 The Industrial Workplace
10.1.2 The Industrial Home
10.1.3 The Family in the Industrial Age
10.2 Life in the Industrial City
10.2.1 The Benefits of Life in the Industrial City
10.2.2 The Challenges of Life in the Industrial City
10.2.3 Cultural Movements of the Second Industrial Revolution
10.3 Coerced and Semicoerced Labor
10.3.1 Slavery and Serfdom
10.3.2 Contract Labor and Debt Bondage
10.3.3 Penal Labor
10.4 Communities in Diaspora
10.4.1 European Immigration
10.4.2 Asian Exodus
10.5 Regulation, Reform, and Revolutionary Ideologies
10.5.1 Regulation and Reform
10.5.2 Revolutionary Ideologies
10.6 Review Questions
11 The War to End All Wars
11.1 Alliances, Expansion, and Conflict
11.1.1 The Long Peace
11.1.2 Treaties and Alliances
11.1.3 Colonies and Conflict
11.1.4 The Growth of Militaries
11.2 The Collapse of the Ottomans and the Coming of War
11.2.1 The “Sick Man of Europe”
11.2.2 The Spark That Lit the Powder Keg
11.2.3 The World at War
11.3 Total War
11.3.1 The Unending Horror of War
11.3.2 The United States Enters the War
11.3.3 Life in the Trenches, the Mountains, and the Desert
11.3.4 Colonies, Race, and the War
11.4 War on the Homefront
11.4.1 Nations Remade for War
11.4.2 Women’s Work
11.4.3 The Civilian Response
11.4.4 The Easter Rising
11.5 The War Ends
11.5.1 The 1905 Revolution
11.5.2 Peace, Land, and Bread
11.5.3 The Final Year
11.6 Review Questions
12 The Interwar Period
12.1 Recovering from World War I
12.1.1 The Aftermath
12.1.2 The Treaty of Versailles
12.1.3 Postwar Recession and Prosperity
12.1.4 Germany and Reparations
12.1.5 Disarmament and the Commitment to Peace
12.2 The Formation of the Soviet Union
12.2.1 The Birth of the Soviet Union and the Rise of Stalin
12.2.2 The First Five-Year Plan
12.2.3 Engineers of Human Souls
12.3 The Great Depression
12.3.1 Economic Collapse
12.3.2 Worldwide Woe
12.3.3 Communism and Authoritarianism
12.4 Old Empires and New Colonies
12.4.1 To the Victors Go the Spoils
12.4.2 The Fight for Self-Determination in Africa
12.4.3 An Independent India
12.5 Resistance, Civil Rights, and Democracy
12.5.1 The Expansion of Democracy
12.5.2 Democratic Yearnings
12.5.3 A New Culture for the Masses
12.6 Review Questions
13 The Causes and Consequences of World War II
13.1 An Unstable Peace
13.1.1 Asia for Asians
13.1.2 Peace in Our Time
13.1.3 Sleeping Giants
13.1.4 The Attack on Pearl Harbor
13.2 Theaters of War
13.2.1 Europe and Africa
13.2.2 East Asia and the Pacific
13.2.3 South and Southeast Asia
13.2.4 The Holocaust
13.3 Keeping the Home Fires Burning
13.3.1 Life on the Home Fronts
13.3.2 Women Mobilized for War
13.3.3 Scientists at War
13.4 Out of the Ashes
13.4.1 Victory in Europe and Plans for Peace
13.4.2 Hiroshima and Nagasaki
13.4.3 The Human Toll
13.5 Review Questions
14 Cold War Conflicts
14.1 The Cold War Begins
14.1.1 The Superpowers Divided
14.1.2 Western and Eastern Blocs
14.1.3 Cold War Strategies
14.2 The Spread of Communism
14.2.1 Chinese Revolution
14.2.2 The Two Koreas
14.2.3 Southeast Asia
14.2.4 The Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution
14.3 The Non-Aligned Movement
14.3.1 Yugoslavia
14.3.2 The Bandung Conference and Indonesia
14.3.3 India
14.3.4 Egypt and the Middle East
14.4 Global Tensions and Decolonization
14.4.1 Tensions in Europe
14.4.2 Tensions in Latin America
14.4.3 Tensions in Asia
14.4.4 Decolonization in Africa in the Shadow of the Cold War
14.5 A New World Order
14.5.1 The Collapse of Communism: The Eastern Bloc
14.5.2 The Retreat of Communism: China
14.6 Review Questions
15 The Contemporary World and Ongoing Challenges
15.1 A Global Economy
15.1.1 Global Trade
15.1.2 Multinationals and the Push to Privatize
15.1.3 Exporting Culture
15.1.4 Winners and Losers in a Globalizing World
15.2 Debates about the Environment
15.2.1 The Rise of Environmentalism
15.2.2 Environmentalism Today
15.2.3 The Global Response to Climate Change
15.3 Science and Technology for Today’s World
15.3.1 The Digital Computer Revolution
15.3.2 The Internet and Social Media
15.3.3 Medical Miracles and Ongoing Health Challenges
15.4 Ongoing Problems and Solutions
15.4.1 Instability in the Post–Cold War World
15.4.2 Radicalism, Refugees, and Resistance
15.4.3 State Instability and Human Rights Abuses
15.4.4 Global North and Global South
15.5 Review Questions