13.5 Review Questions

What was the event that caused the Nationalist Chinese (GMD) and the Chinese communists (CCP) to unite to resist Japan?
Xian Incident
Tanggu Truce
Japanese assault on Shanghai
Japanese invasion of Mongolia
What was the territory Hitler wanted from Czechoslovakia?
Austrian province
Polish Corridor
From which port were British and French forces evacuated from France to England?
What was the German invasion of the Soviet Union called?
Operation Barbarossa
Operation Eastern Blitz
Operation Lebensraum
Operation Siegfried
Where did the first summit meeting between Roosevelt and Churchill take place?
Washington, DC
The U.S. military plan for war, called Plan D, laid out what strategy?
Europe First
hold the line
take Tokyo
save Russia
The first U.S. action against Axis forces in the European theater _____.
took place in North Africa
was the invasion of Sardinia
liberated Norway
was the invasion of Spain
What was Japan’s name for its empire?
The Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere
Liberated Asia
The New Asia
The Unification of the Eight Corners
What was the German military unit that followed advancing armies into eastern Europe and began eliminating enemies and Jewish people?
What was the turning point of the war in the Pacific?
the Battle of Midway
the attack on Pearl Harbor
the Battle of Guadalcanal
the fighting in the Philippines
What was significant about the Battle of Stalingrad?
It stopped the German advance into the Soviet Union and was the turning point of the war in Europe.
It constituted a major victory for the United States and encouraged the public to support the war.
It resulted in the loss of most of Britain’s Mediterranean fleet.
It convinced Britain and the United States to invade Europe and relieve pressure on the Soviet Union.
British and American women were enlisted for agricultural work during the war as part of each nation’s _____.
Women’s Land Army
Women’s Vegetable Corps
Feminine Farmers
Ladies Land Workers
Hitler issued orders to deal severely with partisan resistance in his _____.
Night and Fog Decree
Strike Hard Directive
Merciless Message
Kill All Command
Who was the scientist mainly responsible for building the Enigma decoding machine?
Alan Turing
Charles Drew
Albert Einstein
Robert J. Oppenheimer
Who was the Japanese American internee who fought the constitutionality of internment during the war and had his conviction overturned thirty years later?
Fred Korematsu
Ishita Edwards
Ishii Shiro
Hayashi Tadao
What was the Manhattan Project focused on?
the building of an atomic weapon
anti-submarine weapons
the occupation of postwar Germany
the inclusion of radar in all airplanes
The Germans made one final attempt to defeat the Western Allies in Europe in what battle?
Battle of the Bulge
The December Duel
The Forest Fight
Battle of Verdun
What did the Yalta Agreement reaffirm Stalin’s commitment to do?
enter the war against Japan three months after the defeat of Germany
peacefully disarm the Red Army after the war
cooperate in the joint occupation of eastern European countries
return to Finland the land it had seized
What did the Japanese strategy of shukketsu seek to do?
bleed the U.S. forces to dishearten them through casualties
outmaneuver Allied forces in quick movements
punch holes in U.S. defenses and surround U.S. units
let U.S. forces pass through Japanese lines and then attack them from the rear
What was the forced repatriation of Soviet citizens liberated from German captivity by Allied forces called?
Operation Keelhaul
Operation Giveback
Operation Boomerang
Operation Homeward Bound
What were the three goals of the U.S. occupation of Japan?
demilitarization, democratization, recognition of human rights
pacification, liberalization, modernization
decentralization, deindustrialization, depopulation
republicanism, restitution, retribution

The content of this course has been taken from the free World History, Volume 2: from 1400 textbook by Openstax
