4.4 Review Questions

How did members of the ulama engage in debates and collaboration across the Muslim world?
trade contracts
poll taxes
Which of the following was true of trade across the Islamic world?
Trade helped expand the reach of Islam.
Dhimmis were prohibited from participating in trade.
Markets lacked a uniform system of weights and measures.
Merchants operated outside the rules of sharia.
What did Muslim traders often rely on to avoid having to carry large amounts of gold over great distances?
letters of credit
market inspectors
Why might governments in states along trading routes have sponsored caravansaries?
They wanted to encourage trade across their lands.
They needed them to issue letters of credit.
They required them to verify business contracts.
They used them to discourage dhimmis from trading.
What technological innovation demonstrates the relationship between Islamic practice and technological innovation?
the use of trigonometry to calculate the qibla
the use of artillery in the siege of Constantinople
the use of Portuguese observations to create a world map
the use of the arquebus for Mughal warfare
What was the system of enslaving young men from villages in the Balkans and putting them into state service known as?
millet system
Sultanate of Women
What was an achievement of Sultan Suleiman’s reign?
the creation of a unified legal code that applied to all parts of the empire
the conquest of Constantinople and the destruction of the Byzantine Empire
the establishment of government-supported schools for children of all religions
the destruction of the Topkapi Palace
What best describes scientific and technological study under the Ottomans?
Ottoman scientists considered scientific study a form of religious devotion and conducted research in a variety of areas, especially medicine and astronomy.
Science was strictly controlled by religious authorities, who could suppress discoveries that contradicted religious doctrine.
Scientific research was restricted to Muslims; bright students who were members of a millet had to convert to Islam to participate.
Ottoman military technology got better over time, but weaponry became heavier and required new methods of transportation.
Which of the following accurately describes the Sultanate of Women?
Women, usually the wives or mothers of the reigning sultan, were now able to exert considerable influence at court.
Sultan Suleiman I decided to appoint a woman as his successor in order to confound and confuse his rivals, the Habsburg and the Safavids.
A matriarchal queendom was established in eastern Anatolia to exert military and social pressure on the Caucasus and Safavid Iran.
Most of the businesses and major institutions in the Grand Bazaar were owned by women, and they achieved political influence as a result.
How did the Safavids emerge?
as a religious movement
as the legitimate political heirs to Tamerlane
by conquering Iran on behalf of the Ottomans
by conquering Iran on behalf of the Uzbeks
What did Shah Ismail claim about himself?
that he was divine
that he was descended from Adam, Muhammad, and Ali
that he was the long-awaited twelfth imam
that he was heir to the Ottoman throne
What tenet would a student in a Shia religious school be least likely to learn?
The “Four Rightly Guided” caliphs should be respected as the first imams.
Jesus will appear to herald the Day of Judgment, accompanied by the twelfth Shia imam.
The leader of the ummah should be a descendant of Muhammad.
The Quran is the most sacred text of Islam.
What best describes the way the Safavid shahs dealt with groups competing for political power and influence at court?
They enslaved men from the Caucasus and employed them as soldiers to temper the power of the Qizilbash.
They awarded positions based on hereditary descent from the previous job holder.
They gave control of the military to the Qizilbash and served only in an advisory capacity.
They heavily preferred ethnic Persians in administrative positions.
Why did Abbas relocate his capital to Isfahan?
It was far from the war front with the Ottomans.
It was close to trade outposts on the Mediterranean coast.
It was near the migratory paths of the game birds Abbas liked to hunt.
It was ideally situated between two major rivers.

The content of this course has been taken from the free World History, Volume 2: from 1400 textbook by Openstax
